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Old 17 February 2018, 06:45 PM   #1
Swiss Mad!
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The Billionaires Dilema

A wily old billionaire was contemplating marrying one of his 3 mistresses but couldn't decide which one, as they all had plus & minus points in equal measure.

To assist him in his decision making he entrusted the advice of his long time butler and confidant 'Jeeves'

"May I make a suggestion Sir" said Jeeves.

"Of course my good man, fire away"

"Very good Sir, may then I suggest you gift the young ladies a modest sum of say $50,000 each?

Then, in 6 months time, tactfully ask, purely out of curiosity of course, what each of young ladies has done with the money? That way, you may get a better understanding of each ones long term suitability"

"BRILLIANT!!" exclaimed the Billionaire "I shall do exactly that" and so he did.

6 months later the butler reminded the billionaire to make tactful enquiries into the fate of each of the young ladies $50,000.

Billionaires question to the first - "Darling, do you remember that little gift of $50,000 I gave you a few months ago? Do you mind me asking, purely out of curiosity, what became of it?

"Sure" came the reply. "I've had a great time thanks.. I spent it all on designer clothes & jewellery. I've taken my friends to Vegas and generally had a ball, I haven't saved a cent..."

Same question to the second - "Well, I spent some and I saved some, I have about $25,000 left..."

Same question to the third - "I haven't touched any of it, its in a high interest savings account just waiting for a rainy day..."

On overhearing all this, Jeeves couldn't contain his curiosity any longer and later that evening asked the billionaire if he'd reached a decision.

"Sure have" came the reply.

"Do you mind me asking which one is to be the lucky lady? asked Jeeves

"Jane" came the reply.

Jeeves was shocked. "But sir, Jane is the one who squandered all your money on parties in Vegas and designer clothes...???"

"I know" winked the wily old billionaire.... "but have you seen the f*kin arse on it....."

instagram: max.parkin
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