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Old 6 May 2019, 05:58 AM   #1
"TRF" Member
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Real Name: Mark
Location: Boston, MA
Watch: AP ROO
Posts: 506
I received the call > > >

You know the drill. For the last couple of years, I've visited multiple Rolex Boutiques and ADs across multiple states. After initiating conversations with the sales associates and trying to develop a report, I state, "Now, don't laugh, but what is the possibility of a SS Daytona, Pepsi GMT, ND Sub?" Sure enough, they laugh in my face. Now, I'm just an 'Average Joe' who can't compete with my peers who spend a lot more money that I could on jewelry and timepieces. At the same time, I refuse to acquire a timepiece simply to build that relationship. Granted, if it's a watch I want, then I will. But, I'm not going to acquire a timepiece simply to flip it.

I've acquired two Omega timepieces (Trilogy Speedy and SMP 300) from my local AD. Yet, he won't try to help me acquire any SS Rolex model. He gives me his usual response, "Your competing against people who have spend a lot more money here. I'm not sure I can convince my manager to help you at this time." With these failed attempts, my strategy recently changed to focus on getting a ND Sub 114060. Once again, I've tried my local ADs and several other ADs in other states with no luck. One sales lady gave me the advice to avoid the big city ADs and focus on the smaller, rural town ADs.

I just came off a small 3-week analysis engagement with a client in a small, rural town. On Thursday, we presented our results to the client in the morning. Since it was a small regional airport, there were no possibilities of any earlier flights. So, I decided to see if there was a Rolex AD in town. Fortunately, there was one. So, I decided to take a chance. I engaged with a young gentleman at the counter. I started the conversation, "Listen, you don't know me. But, I'm a watch collector, not a watch flipper. Look at my phone. Do you see any selfies? No, but what you do see is a lot of wrist shots. Some of these are my watches. There are a lot of photos of watches I potentially want. But, I love watches in case you can't tell. Now, don't laugh. But, is there any possibility you can help me with a ND Sub?"

I prepared myself mentally to receive that snickering laugh. But, to my delight, he responded, "I have a wait list for the Sub Date. But, I don't have anyone currently waiting on a ND Sub." I stated, "Well, once again, you don't really know me. You probably have no idea when you will get one. But, if there's anyway you can keep me in mind when you do receive one, I would greatly appreciate it." We exchanged business cards and I provided him with my personal info. I then head to the airport to catch a flight to Dallas for my connection to Boston. Unfortunately, my flight to Boston was cancelled, which left me stuck in Dallas. My thoughts were, "Just my luck as with Rolex!"

I landed late Friday afternoon at Logan. I turned on my phone and saw a voicemail from the small town I left. I thought it was my client. So, I listened, "Hey Mark, I just wanted to let you know that I called the Rolex rep. I said, 'Now, I know I can't take a deposit, but I have a guy who wants a ND Sub.' The rep said he could release my allocated ND Sub to me. Please give me a call when you get a chance." As we're taxiing, I immediately called him and ask what does it mean to have an allocated piece released. He replied, "I can give you a guaranteed date, but you're looking at a few weeks, maybe a month." I was ecstatic! Granted, now I have to wait for that call before I count my chickens before they hatch.

Sorry for the long-winded story. But, hopefully, this shows that persistence does pays off. Don't give up gents. Speaking of persistence, IMHO the ND Sub 114060 is a persistent, timeless classic. I can't wait to see it grace the presence of my wrist!
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