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Old 18 March 2007, 10:54 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by ofelas View Post
Thx, are they in the Bay St. area downtown? Am looking for one in MTL as well, have any personal experience there?
Yes, Royal De Versaille is one block west from the corner of Bloor and Bay St.

The area is known as Yorkville. This is where all the movie stars and established persons hang out when visiting the city during the Toronto Film Festival. All of the big name boutiques are in this area.

In fact, next to Royal De Versaille are stores like Tiffany & Co., LaCoste. Hermes, etc.
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Old 18 March 2007, 10:56 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by colemanitis View Post
Bracelet at 12:00
Attachment 4269

At 6:00
Attachment 4270

That's the SHOT.

Yes, my SD could not do that on the 12 o'clock braclet!

On the 6 o'clock side yes, it could, but not on the other side because the pin was bent and the link was running interferance with the SEL.
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Old 18 March 2007, 12:35 PM   #33
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In fact, next to Royal De Versaille are stores like Tiffany & Co., LaCoste. Hermes, etc.
I know exactly where it is...or, should I say, the missus does...well, at least the Tiffany place...LOL.

Keep us posted...let me know how the RSC (Toronto) treats ya...I can have it serviced at RSC Dallas if RSC (TOR) does not do right by you...
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Old 18 March 2007, 05:16 PM   #34
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I cannot see anyone getting a replacement watch under these circumstances. Maybe a new bracelet though. But it is probably easily fixed with a new pin and/or a new link. There would be no motivation to get anyone a new watch as there is nothing wrong with your watch.
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Old 18 March 2007, 07:31 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Kris View Post
I like your suggestion :) After all, the way RSC blew me off, the least they could do to show some good faith is to just outright replace the watch. After all, to have a defect like this, who know's what else is wrong with the watch.

I'm assuming that RSC will probably check the whole watch over to make sure there are no other problems with it.

Outside of the braclet, everything else with the watch is fine.

I believe the defect was a manufacturing issue and was around the whole time, I just never noticed it before.

As for sending it to RSC, my AD said they are NOT ALLOWED to pull Rolex watches apart. I guess that's a Rolex Canada rule, unlike Rolex USA from the sounds of it. Pretty much, I guess when you take your Rolex in to your Canadian AD, the AD just turns right around and sends the watch back out directly to RSC, or, maybe because RSC is only 15 minutes away from my AD, they just prefer to send their stuff there directly so to don't have to take on any liability for the work done on the watch.

I know it was only the braclet, but I think my AD wanted to send the watch back to RSC as a sort of "In-your-face" gesture out of the way they treated me on my visit up there Thursday.

Maybe the Manager at RSC will say f-ck it! Send the guy a replacement watch.

This would be the most ideal situation, however, I'd think the manager would have to call me first to appologize for my mistreatment for me to get a chance to suggest that option to him. Judging by how I was treated, coaxing a new replacement watch from them would be like pulling teeth as it was only the braclet that was bad, not the "meat" of the watch like the oyster case, or the crystal, or the bezel, or the movement.

I will reiterate it again, I did not abuse this watch. Heck, I didn't even submerse it into a sink full of water. When I would go to wash my hands, I'd take the thing off! There were no scuffs on the watch or the braclet, no dings in the crystal etc. I believe 100%, the watch was sold to me with a defective braclet.
Well thats a very strange rule,just look at the cost involved for a very simple pin.Now while in Singapore I bought a insurance replacement SD,now I have a large wrist.And need a extra link, so without question the guy just gets another SD, removed a link fitted to my watch all free of charge,thats customer service.And many ADs I have been in have replaced pins/adjusted bracelets free of charge.And once on a visit to Rhodes my wifes vintage Tudor broke the pin in clasp.Just popped into the only Rolex Ad in Rhodes he found a pin cleaned watch,and gave me a few Rolex anchors again free of charge.And no I did not buy any watches,but could have then had a Daytona at just below list,but this was around 5 years ago.

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Old 18 March 2007, 08:10 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Arturo View Post
I cannot see anyone getting a replacement watch under these circumstances. Maybe a new bracelet though. But it is probably easily fixed with a new pin and/or a new link. There would be no motivation to get anyone a new watch as there is nothing wrong with your watch.
I agree.No new watch or bracelet.However,the problem with the bracelet should be fixed promptly, by the RSC.
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Old 19 March 2007, 01:20 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by padi56 View Post
Well thats a very strange rule,just look at the cost involved for a very simple pin.Now while in Singapore I bought a insurance replacement SD,now I have a large wrist.And need a extra link, so without question the guy just gets another SD, removed a link fitted to my watch all free of charge,thats customer service.And many ADs I have been in have replaced pins/adjusted bracelets free of charge.And once on a visit to Rhodes my wifes vintage Tudor broke the pin in clasp.Just popped into the only Rolex Ad in Rhodes he found a pin cleaned watch,and gave me a few Rolex anchors again free of charge.And no I did not buy any watches,but could have then had a Daytona at just below list,but this was around 5 years ago.
There is no such rule. Other AD's in Canada will do work on bracelets. RDV is known for not having anyone on staff who will do this sort of work. Surprising for such a large store that carries so many brands. I once asked them to take the back off a vintage AP I was looking at buying (snap on back) and they looked at me like I was from Mars. If I had my case opening knife with me I would have done it myself.
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Old 19 March 2007, 01:36 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Avalon View Post
There is no such rule. Other AD's in Canada will do work on bracelets. RDV is known for not having anyone on staff who will do this sort of work. Surprising for such a large store that carries so many brands. I once asked them to take the back off a vintage AP I was looking at buying (snap on back) and they looked at me like I was from Mars. If I had my case opening knife with me I would have done it myself.
Well would agree Al even the two ADs in Cardiff will fit remove links and adjust bracelets while you wait.And fitting a lug pin is no harder,these are quite small AD shops.

ICom Pro3

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Old 19 March 2007, 02:36 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by Avalon View Post
There is no such rule. Other AD's in Canada will do work on bracelets. RDV is known for not having anyone on staff who will do this sort of work. Surprising for such a large store that carries so many brands. I once asked them to take the back off a vintage AP I was looking at buying (snap on back) and they looked at me like I was from Mars. If I had my case opening knife with me I would have done it myself.
Then I'm left to assume that as RDV doesn't/won't do the work on Rolex watches, they most likely don't have the supplies to replace broken or bent parts.

Funny, I remember when I was buying this watch 2 months ago, I specifically asked the saleslady how durable are the SS braclets. She assured me they were very strong. I asked her if she ever had anyone come back into the store with a braclet issue. She said she did have one occasion when a guy purchased one of the DJ gold Rolex's. He came back a couple weeks later with a snapped braclet. She asked him what happened. He said he was wearing the watch while benching at his local gym and during one of his reps, the pin in one of the links just snapped and the braclet fell off his wrist and onto the floor. She said it wasn't an issue. They just sent it in and had the pin replaced and the watch was fine again.

Now here I am with a similar issue that I inquired about 2 months ago. Talk about a bad omen.

I do have one question for you guys here. The spot on my SD that has the bent pin doesn't have access to removing it. On the links closest to the clasp there are screws that make replacing the link easy, however, on the links closest to the oyster, there's no access to the pin.

How the heck are they going to get it out???????????
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Old 19 March 2007, 04:14 AM   #40
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Any good watchmaker would have the right tools for that, Kris.

Good luck on this nightmare of yours. I know I would have turned nuts, but then I would have pushed and pushed and got the job done.

Best - JJ
Words fail me in expressing my utmost thanks to ALL of you for this wonderful support during my hour of need!!

I firmly believe that my time on planet earth is NOT yet up!! I shall fight this to the very end.......and WIN!!
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Old 19 March 2007, 04:56 AM   #41
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I'm glad that you're getting it replaced, Kris... I think the reason they (meaning the AD) didn't replace it at the AD is because of the additional labor and special tools needed to remove that particular link.

The RSC shouldn't have let you leave... some RSCs actually don't employ counter people. You walk in and a wathcmaker talks to you about your watch.
It's a rarity that something popular is actually right...

Wear 'em with PRIDE, y'all.
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