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Old 26 August 2015, 11:24 AM   #61
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The apple watch will be useless in the case of an emp......not that we will ever have to deal with that but I like things that work without electricity. Thus I own lots of hand tools but use my lathe, mill, press, etc most of the time. I still use the others from time to time just to stay proficient. Amat Victoria curam!
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Old 26 August 2015, 11:34 AM   #62
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Original Poster has been into Rolex since 1977, has only has 96 posts, and comes on this forum basically to bash the DD and pump up the Apple Watch.....
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Old 26 August 2015, 11:39 AM   #63
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I meet with one my Sgts today who just got the Apple watch and I actually see the purpose of it.

A) I will not wear a 4k$ watch on patrol.

B) he can leave his phone in his patrol car on a traffic stop so he has "less items on him." However, if someone calls, texts etc while on an investigation he can just glance at his watch to see what is going on.

C). During K9 deployments we have to know temp, humidity etc (I won't get into the science behind it). However a quick glance at the watch will tell us all of this.

And there are many more.

I do not have one, but I DO see the point of it to an extent. I kinda wanna get the new iPhone 6s+ when it comes out. If I also get an iWatch I won't have to carry the bahemith of a phone on me as my gun belt doesn't have room for such a huge phone lol.

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Old 30 August 2015, 09:48 AM   #64
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Some of my reactions to Apple watch versus Rolex:

1. Jewelry v. a computer.

2. A big screen TV v. a Picasso.

3. Rosie, the Jetson's robot v. Olivia Munn.

(In each case I could appreciate having both!)

Last edited by rudegar; 30 August 2015 at 09:52 AM.. Reason: Correction
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Old 30 August 2015, 12:13 PM   #65
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I feel sorry for people who feel the need for a phone accessory like the Apple watch. I'm sick of my smart phone, and the last thing I want is a device I'm wearing on my person to constantly try to give me information I don't need, and when I do want something from the web deliver it on a screen the size of a postage stamp. I have 90% of notifications on my phone turned off, and check my email when it is convenient to do so. Obviously, I'm just not important enough to have a little wrist computer constantly alerting me. When you throw in the fact that you have to charge the thing every night along with my phone, laptop, etc. I think this is an absolutely useless device, a piece of technology for technology's sake and a sign that the tech world is running out of breakthrough new devices (which is only natural). The iPhone and iPad were groundbreaking in their way, and made mobile computing much more useful and convenient. But you can't come up with significant advancements every year or two or even five, forever. The watch is Apple trying to convince the public this is the Next Big Thing. Funny, I get around quite a bit and have yet to see anyone wearing one. Of course, I don't see these Submariners everywhere that people on watch forums claim are so common, either. I wear a watch to tell me the time, or bottom time when I'm diving. That's all it does, and that's exactly what I need it to do. It's always "on," always legible and asks little except I wear it and clean it occasionally. It needs no other device for it to work, only my arm. Technology!
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Old 31 August 2015, 07:06 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by SpaceWanderer View Post
I feel sorry for people who feel the need for a phone accessory like the Apple watch. I'm sick of my smart phone, and the last thing I want is a device I'm wearing on my person to constantly try to give me information I don't need, and when I do want something from the web deliver it on a screen the size of a postage stamp. I have 90% of notifications on my phone turned off, and check my email when it is convenient to do so. Obviously, I'm just not important enough to have a little wrist computer constantly alerting me. When you throw in the fact that you have to charge the thing every night along with my phone, laptop, etc. I think this is an absolutely useless device, a piece of technology for technology's sake and a sign that the tech world is running out of breakthrough new devices (which is only natural). The iPhone and iPad were groundbreaking in their way, and made mobile computing much more useful and convenient. But you can't come up with significant advancements every year or two or even five, forever. The watch is Apple trying to convince the public this is the Next Big Thing. Funny, I get around quite a bit and have yet to see anyone wearing one. Of course, I don't see these Submariners everywhere that people on watch forums claim are so common, either. I wear a watch to tell me the time, or bottom time when I'm diving. That's all it does, and that's exactly what I need it to do. It's always "on," always legible and asks little except I wear it and clean it occasionally. It needs no other device for it to work, only my arm. Technology!

Originally Posted by SpaceWanderer View Post
Obviously, I'm just not important enough to have a little wrist computer constantly alerting me
No you are not important enough to know that random bums and yuppies on FaceBook are about to go shopping or are having burgers for dinner now go back to your deepsea diving
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Old 31 August 2015, 09:23 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by SpaceWanderer View Post
I feel sorry for people who feel the need for a phone accessory like the Apple watch...

...Obviously, I'm just not important enough to have a little wrist computer constantly alerting me...
Funny, but I look at it almost the opposite way even though our conclusions are similar. Whenever I'd see someone walking around constantly with one of those cell phone ear pieces like they put it on in the morning just like their watch and leave it on all day, while they think it must make them seem like a big shot of some kind to me it makes them look like some entry level grunt employee who must always be at the beck and call of their superiors. To me it look rather pathetic and definitely not cool. I was in banking and a customer told me when three bankers walked into his office he could always tell me who the lowest man on the totem pole was. That was the guy carrying the files and taking the notes in the meeting.

The smart watch is the same deal. It doesn't make one look important to me at all. More like a slave to others.
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Old 31 August 2015, 11:21 PM   #68
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For some people the Apple Watch is a tool just like a MontBlanc. Sure someone could write with a Bic pen, but choose the MontBlanc.

In my use, the AW is a useful device. For example, last weekend we had races at Barber Motorsports Park - it rained like cats and dogs for periods of time Sat & Sun. My AW let me read important texts and reply while the iPhone was dry and secure inside a rain jacket. One weekend a few years back a rainy day at Road America yielded me a water damaged iPhone - had to buy a new one.

So yes, I'm chained when I'm using it at the track but the haptic feedback lets me know I have a message or incoming call.

The rest of the time it's a convenience. Pay for things at any NFC CC terminal and can check mail w/o pulling phone out.

It's not for everyone - just like a Rolex isn't. But it's been helpful. And it has replaced my Pebble Watch that I had earlier.

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Old 14 September 2015, 12:08 AM   #69
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Many here have far too much invested in their watch collections to consider an item that would, in effect, make their collections obsolete for them. They will keep wearing the analogue timepieces that inspire them so. Good for them, I say.

For my part I will cede my wrist's geography to a device that can do much, much more than a mechanical object can. I appreciate the wealth of information, the immediate notifications, and the ease of use and convenience that this device brings me. I am reminded of pocket watches - some expensive and beautifully made, which now languish. They were replaced by something easier to access and more convenient to use. The Apple Watch is, admittedly, a first step. But soon technology will demand the space on our wrist be used for more than timekeeping, and the possibilities are limitless.

There are still pocket watches and men and women who use them. There will always be fine timepieces. But I believe their use, their desirability and their ubiquity will fade.
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Old 14 September 2015, 06:02 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by rpryan55 View Post
...I am reminded of pocket watches - some expensive and beautifully made, which now languish. They were replaced by something easier to access and more convenient to use. The Apple Watch is, admittedly, a first step. But soon technology will demand the space on our wrist be used for more than timekeeping, and the possibilities are limitless...
The pocket watch analogy is an interesting one, except that when the wristwatch was introduced one did not have to continue carrying a pocket watch in order for the wristwatch to function. The problem the smart watch has is circular; it is caught in sort of a catch 22. Currently it needs the cell phone to function so it doesn't really offer anything new other than the convenience of not having to go into your pocket. If it does become a stand alone device then it has to basically replace people's phones because you wouldn't really need both. And I think it would have a hard time doing that due to battery capacity, display size, and performance (however much performance you can cram into the watch, you can put that and then some into the phone).

To me the relevant battle is not Rolex etal versus smart watch, it's smart watch versus cell phone, and I think the cell phone wins that one.
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Old 14 September 2015, 06:17 AM   #71
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I'm not really a Rolex guy, had 4 flipped all, but between the 2 hell yeah for Rolex, on top of what most already said, in case of war which would send back all mobile communication systems to the stone age you'll look smart with your apple watch, not Rolex…

Apple watch is a gadget to improve your iPhone, Rolex even though being a mass produced swiss watch is still a great horological time piece, apple watch is a gadget…

Originally Posted by rpryan55 View Post
Many here have far too much invested in their watch collections to consider an item that would, in effect, make their collections obsolete for them. They will keep wearing the analogue timepieces that inspire them so. Good for them, I say.

For my part I will cede my wrist's geography to a device that can do much, much more than a mechanical object can. I appreciate the wealth of information, the immediate notifications, and the ease of use and convenience that this device brings me. I am reminded of pocket watches - some expensive and beautifully made, which now languish. They were replaced by something easier to access and more convenient to use. The Apple Watch is, admittedly, a first step. But soon technology will demand the space on our wrist be used for more than timekeeping, and the possibilities are limitless.

There are still pocket watches and men and women who use them. There will always be fine timepieces. But I believe their use, their desirability and their ubiquity will fade.
I really don't think so, fine watches are a masterpiece that you have on your wrist that took hours and hours of hand labor, apple watch is an electronic thing, again a gadget, when I look at my 2 watches I have the feeling of wearing an incredible timepiece on my wrist, plus the apple watch is not something of beauty, on the contrary, to me there will be users but the people who love and understand fine horology will never give up their watches for this...
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Old 15 September 2015, 12:52 AM   #72
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Apple Watch vs/ Rolex

Functionality and philosophy of watches aside...In my opinion the apple watch is just way too feminine in aesthetics for me to ever really get into, yet. Who knows maybe they will come out with some cool stuff in the next 5 years... Or maybe not.
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