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Old 22 January 2018, 11:07 PM   #1
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Daytona Ceramic £

Hi All

Just wanted your thoughts on the Daytona C.

At the current prices they are achieving in the Grey/Private market do you think they will continue to rise or do you think we have seen them peak?

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Old 23 January 2018, 12:01 AM   #2
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Daytona Ceramic £

The 500C is my first ever Rolex (so I’m def an amateur) in 2016 as a xmas gift for myself.

I wasn’t aware I was paying a premium at the time, I just thought I wanted that watch

Not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing, it got me into the Rolex game and I bought 5 more watches within a year and I now have collected 6 Rolex watches - and always want to add another to my collection.

Back to the OPs question: I hope I have not been misinformed but as I started to follow threads here and talk to ADs/grey sellers over the last year or so, I learned that ever since the age of the 5-digit references, Daytona prices have almost always been selling above MSRP and with the hype fuelled by auction houses and hot money these days and with supply still being thin (esp white dial) I personally can’t see how prices for Daytona C would come down ...

Every now and then I checked the current price of the Daytona C and it’s almost always on the rise since.

Sometimes I look at my Daytona C and feel very happy as its sort of like money in the bank with a better return.

I would still go for it at current market price if I didn’t have one.

Life is short. What are you waiting for

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Old 23 January 2018, 12:03 AM   #3
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Prices have generally been unchanged for some time, can't see much changing.
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Old 23 January 2018, 01:01 AM   #4
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The reason why I'd vote peak is that I've seen white dials listed at $19,5; I'd suggest there is a mental barrier to anyone paying over $20k for a SS Rolex, but that's just conjecture.

There are 5711s listed for over $40k, so clearly someone out there has no problem paying $$$ for a SS watch, but that's a PP. Same with the 15202; there's precedent for SS Royal Oaks being, relatively speaking, outrageously expensive for a SS watch. That doesn't exist for new Rolex watches. (Vintage is another matter entirely.)

All this to say that I would think $20k is the "peak" for SS Daytonas. But don't hold me to that... the watch world is crazy right now.
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Old 23 January 2018, 01:51 AM   #5
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Depends on supply now we are in the new year. Assuming Rolex are keeping supply down deliberately then I can't see it getting cheaper

I used above to justify myself paying over list!!
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Old 24 January 2018, 01:36 AM   #6
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Thank you for the Replys
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Old 24 January 2018, 03:22 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Kenrocks View Post
The 500C is my first ever Rolex (so I’m def an amateur) in 2016 as a xmas gift for myself.

I wasn’t aware I was paying a premium at the time, I just thought I wanted that watch

Not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing, it got me into the Rolex game and I bought 5 more watches within a year and I now have collected 6 Rolex watches - and always want to add another to my collection.

Back to the OPs question: I hope I have not been misinformed but as I started to follow threads here and talk to ADs/grey sellers over the last year or so, I learned that ever since the age of the 5-digit references, Daytona prices have almost always been selling above MSRP and with the hype fuelled by auction houses and hot money these days and with supply still being thin (esp white dial) I personally can’t see how prices for Daytona C would come down ...

Every now and then I checked the current price of the Daytona C and it’s almost always on the rise since.

Sometimes I look at my Daytona C and feel very happy as its sort of like money in the bank with a better return.

I would still go for it at current market price if I didn’t have one.

Life is short. What are you waiting for

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New member here long time lurker, in fact going back to the release of the DaytonaC which is when I first got interested in Rolex. I got lucky and picked up a white dial while on business in Asia at an AD, but at a premium, in late 2016 (apparently thats common there).

I remember back in 2016 the common chatter on this forum seemed to be that the price would definitely come down and anyone would be a fool to pay a premium because it was just an old Daytona with a new bezel (not withstanding the fact that to be able to even have a shot at MSRP from an AD you need some kind of "relationship - fine for those people who have such relationship but what about the many people like me who dont?).

I also remember looking back at threads on TRF going back to 2007-2008 and people were complaining about the exact same thing - scarcity, having to pay a premium, needing a relationship, etc., and how this had been going on for years before that - so I really found it strange why some people thought the price would go down materially. Certainly the last 2 years have been consistent with prices not coming down. (BTW look at what has happened to 116520 pricing in the last two years!)

A very long winded way of saying that it seems, based on recent history (at least since the release of the 116520s), steel daytonas have been scarce and at a premium for those who couldnt wait 10 years or didnt have a previous AD relationship or both, and there doesnt seem to be a credible rationale as to why that would change, at least in the near term.
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Old 24 January 2018, 04:03 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by AK797 View Post
Prices have generally been unchanged for some time, can't see much changing.
The white face Daytona has been quietly creeping up.

Trusted seller had one listed for only a week at $19,125 before it was sold at the end of December.

Another seller (the first I've seen hit this board since the trusted seller sold his) just listed one for $19,500.

Rolex is keeping these in limited supply to fuel the fire, IMO.

Black face has leveled off BNIB around $17-$17,500.

Just what I've noticed.
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Old 24 January 2018, 06:36 AM   #9
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Watchfinder U.K. had a white face advertised at £17,900 that has gone from the website. I would be surprised if it sold at that price but they don't seem to have any others
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