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Old 16 May 2019, 12:11 AM   #1
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Feb 2019
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ADs in Tuscany

I’m currently visiting Florence and the Tuscany countryside and it’s a spectacular part of the world, my third trip to Italy. In no way were AD visits a priority as there is so much more to life. I did have a few minutes to kill here and there so I figured why not waste them at another useless Datejust Boutique I haven’t been to before.

In Florence I visited the only 2 ADs in the city. These are Cassetti Gioielli on the Ponte Vecchio bridge overlooking the river, and Fani Gioielli which is more in the center part of town. “Long lists” was the center part of both conversations, neither of which was very long. Cassetti is in a section of town dominated by jewelry stores and densely packed tourists. It’s a very tiny shop. The conversation I had at Fani was a little more interesting. They get 2 BLROs per month which I thought was a decent number but also far more customers to gobble them up.

In Siena there weren’t nearly as many tourists and most were with tour groups. I really loved Siena, very interesting little town with a fascinating culture and a close knit group of locals. I visited the Fani Gioielli store but didn’t have much of a conversation with the SA, just that he didn’t have any SS GMTs, big surprise there. The funny thing was there was a guy checking out every display case one by one. I thought this was hilarious. It was as if he thought something would show up. So I asked him if he was looking for a Daytona. He smiled and nodded his head. I then pointed to the Rolex book with the the BLRO on the front cover and asked him if he was looking for one of those. He smiled and nodded his head again. I then showed him a pick of mine. His eyes lit up and he asked if I wanted to sell it to him. Yeah, right buddy.

Then it was off to Pisa. Unfortunately I ran out of time and never made it to the Datejust Boutique. But based on the number of tourists I don’t think I missed much.

Now it’s on to Capri, South France, and Barcelona where I doubt it’s any different but if there’s time to kill, what the heck.
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