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Old 8 October 2016, 09:42 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by brmeyers View Post
Is this a Rolex or MB thread...LOL..
Not that it isn't a great topic, but maybe general discussion
Of course, that's where the thread would statement was just a precursor to the start of one.
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Old 8 October 2016, 09:53 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Fleetlord View Post
This topic comes up about once a month and the advice I always give is:


99% of the people you encounter who are wearing a Rolex know absolutely nothing about it other than these common beliefs.

1) It's a ROLEX...which is the best, which means I'm the best.

2) It's expensive, so common people can't have one.

3) Why are you looking at my watch....I mean I'm glad you know I own a ROLEX, but are you looking because you want to steal it?

4) Again it's EXPENSIVE so you possibly couldn't afford it.

So expecting these people to even know what as DAYTONA -C is, let alone BASEL is going to lead to disappointment every time.

When I was a young WIS I would try to engage in geeky watch conversations with strangers who had Rolex or other luxury brands and it ALWAYS ended the same way....The owner was clueless about their watch and it was an uncomfortable and awkward journey into ego and arrogance.

So...I stopped doing it. PERIOD

If you want to talk watches, do it here. Go to a local GTG. Sometimes...very might run into a fellow WIS at a AD...but again the odds are very slim so let them engage first. If they compliment your watch and seem knowledgeable, then you can cautiously geek out.

I'm much newer to all of this but I wholeheartedly agree with you 1000%.

Take care,

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Old 8 October 2016, 10:59 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by brmeyers View Post
^^^ I get what you are saying but I would think people like to be complimented (Guess not or I would have a different experience, so you are probably right).
It's just hard not saying anything, but I will try to feel it out better. I have NOT totally struck out, there have been a some people that will talk, like a younger guy with a SS Yachtmaster. I don't fear rejection so I probably will continue, just more cautiously
Hey if they don't want to be noticed, they can wear a Fossil or a G-shock...LOL
Good answer and thoughts, brmeyers.
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Old 8 October 2016, 11:05 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Abdullah71601 View Post
The people who buy a Rolex because it's a Rolex are exactly the type of people that want to be recognized for their Rolex. They may not know enough to talk about their watch, but they will be pleased that you recognized their superior status. You'll know in 4 or 5 seconds whether they want to talk about their watch.

A WIS may see the opportunity to step through the door you opened. A polite compliment costs you nothing, and may lead to something enjoyable.

Awkward moments don't cost anything either, FWIW.
have to agree.

Being open has never cost me a thing and mostly I've had positive experiences.
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Old 8 October 2016, 11:12 PM   #35
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Agree Brian, Abdullah... I am very social out in my wild. Saw a brand new YG sub last week at Starbucks and I just said gorgeous sub, while standing in line, then convo went well.. I will never stop complimenting people on their watches, in fear of a rare snark..
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Old 8 October 2016, 11:28 PM   #36
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if they are only wearing the watch because it is expensive, they obviously want people to notice it as such

by saying "nice watch" you are indulging their desire for people to acknowledge their wealth...

seems contradictory for them to not appreciate the comment
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Old 8 October 2016, 11:44 PM   #37
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It's all about perspective. You have the notion that stranger you met had invested heavily into his watches but it could probably be just normal spending to him, much like buying pairs of socks. What is true is that not all fine watch owners appreciate watches in the same way.

In terms of wild encounters, it's about the energy one gives off when approaching, keep it friendly and happy. I tend to acknowledge strangers when they have an interesting watch. Recently at a friend's dinner, I learned about a very lovely Orient Bambino 3 Blue and tried it on.

And more recently at the airport, I remarked to a passenger on how he had bravely sent his IWC Portuguese 7 Day with his wallet, keys and coins in a small plastic tub along very jiggly X-ray machine conveyor rollers.

Most recently, I shared a watch moment with a couple of hipster Danish travellers who were also enjoying the wonderful views of Budapest from Buda Castle. I noticed one of them had on a Sea-Dweller 4000 and later on his friend showed his cool faded bezel Seiko Pepsi Diver. They were fascinated when they learned what I had on (Tudor Submariner Snowflake MN) which I happily showed them. Turned out the SD4K owner was putting together a book on watches and took a picture and my details.

It's always fun to meet new people and their watches regardless of whether they feel the same way. lol

A little OT but while I was in Budapest I can safely say that it was safe for the 41 year old MN to spend half a day at the Szechenyi Thermal Baths. It survived multiple visits in the hot 70 degress celsius steam room, hot saunas, warm medicinal baths, swimming pools and chilly 18 degrees celsius immersion pool.
There's no such thing as a Submariner No Date, it's simply Submariner.
You don't call a Porsche 911 Turbo, a Porsche 911 Turbo No S.
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Old 8 October 2016, 11:51 PM   #38
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For the unwashed masses, watches are like wine, judged according to price.
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Old 8 October 2016, 11:52 PM   #39
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I only comment if it is a "rare" watch, never on any Rolex:

Tudor (if vintage)
Ball (sometimes)
Speedmaster (only omega I have ever encountered that everyone who has it knows what it is)
A few others I cant remember at the moment.

In these cases it has always gone over well but I just compliment them on their choice and let them start a conversation, never force it.
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Old 9 October 2016, 12:12 AM   #40
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Most people don't know ANYTHING about watches. Period. So if they were to know what the average Rolex cost, they would be shocked. And probably start in with the old "why would you spend that much on a watch?" discussion. Which NONE of us appreciates (right? ). So, if you've had that happen a few times, then you may want to keep the fact you are wearing a Rolex private.

A tale of two cities: I have two cousins who each own a Rolex or two. The first, a YG DD...very handsome watch. If you were to approach him about his watch, you would get totally blown off. Really mostly b/c he knows nothing about watches...his mom gave it to him. The other cousin wears an EXP2. If you approached him, you would be in for a very lengthy-and fun-discussion about watches. I mean, this guy is almost as nuts about watches as I am. So, you really never know what you're going to encounter.

My personal philosophy: I enjoy talking to other people-for the most part. And I'm appreciative of the Rolex in the wild. If it's not a terribly awkward situation, I will compliment a person on their watch.
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Old 9 October 2016, 12:25 AM   #41
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its funny just yesterday i was at the convenience store and the guy next to me had the 216570 black dial.

I looked quickly at it. In a very discreet way.

But however discreet i was, he caught me looking.. and took a step away from me at the store with an annoyed face.

It was uncomfortable.

He didnt realize we were wearing the exact same watch.

most bad reactions to being approach by a stranger derive from violence. And thats sad.
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Old 9 October 2016, 12:28 AM   #42
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I think because watches are expensive and easy to steal, I would be very wary of chatting up a watch with a complete stranger. If a friend is wearing an ALS? Sure, I'd definitely compliment him/her on it. But if someone on line at Starbucks asked me about my Platona (hypothetical situation -- I don't have one), I would wonder whether he wants to know it's real before he mugs me in the alley, rather than chatting about a $75,000 watch to a complete stranger.

So if I were at a party, I might compliment someone, especially in the course of conversation. But I wouldn't go up to a complete stranger in the middle of the street and say the equivalent of, "That's a nice (expensive) watch!"

It's a little different than saying that to someone driving a Ferrari. It's a lot easier to steal a watch than a car.
Datejust w/black Tapestry dial (1985) / Daytona (2016)
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