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Old 8 October 2009, 08:03 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by B Square View Post
Got mine
What did it cost?

Did you feel strange or showed any symptoms when the vaccine was given?

Was their a waiver that you had to sign?
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Old 8 October 2009, 08:17 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by Dr.B View Post
don't be ignorant get your flu shot and h1n1 vaccination if indicated!!!
**0.1 people per 100,000 population died from influenza each year in the US 2001 (Deaths: Final data for 2001, NCHS, CDC)

20,000 deaths occur each year from the flu or its complications. (Complications- very broad)

100 25 year olds die each year from the flu. How many of them were sick already, or were unhealthy and carried other disease?

I have a better chance at winning the lotto then dying from the flu.
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Old 8 October 2009, 08:19 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Omega_Precision View Post
What did it cost?

Did you feel strange or showed any symptoms when the vaccine was given?

Was their a waiver that you had to sign?
That waiver thing alone scares me.
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Old 8 October 2009, 08:22 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by Omega_Precision View Post
What did it cost?

Did you feel strange or showed any symptoms when the vaccine was given?

Was their a waiver that you had to sign?
I only got the regular flu shot but will get the H1N1 when available. Sorry for the confusion. My bad.
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Old 8 October 2009, 08:25 AM   #35
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I have the flu vaccine every year. I have asthma and in the past when I had had flu it has twice ended in pneumonia. The vaccine is the lesser of two evils.
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Old 8 October 2009, 08:37 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by ColinB View Post
I have the flu vaccine every year. I have asthma and in the past when I had had flu it has twice ended in pneumonia. The vaccine is the lesser of two evils.
For you the vaccine might be a good thing because your immune system is already compromised from asthma. For a healthy adult I just dont think its worth the risk.
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Old 8 October 2009, 08:41 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by Brunotheboxer View Post
For you the vaccine might be a good thing because your immune system is already compromised from asthma. For a healthy adult I just dont think its worth the risk.
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Old 8 October 2009, 09:34 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Brunotheboxer View Post
For you the vaccine might be a good thing because your immune system is already compromised from asthma. For a healthy adult I just dont think its worth the risk.
How do you know?
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Old 8 October 2009, 10:02 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by Art 1 View Post
How do you know?
How do I know what?
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Old 8 October 2009, 10:19 AM   #40
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I would have to agree with Bruno, especially since this is a new vaccine that we don't know about.

A perfectly healthy male or female shouldn't have to take this shot unless he/she is proven to have a weak immune system.

If it's not broke then don't fix it.

I am not against preventive measures or modern medicine but this shot isn't as important as we are led to believe.
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Old 8 October 2009, 10:21 AM   #41
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Food for thought...

The medical industry tries to push two new vaccines to market each year. It's a huge moneymaker.

Thimerosol is used as a preservative in the flu vaccines. It is metabolized into ethyl mercury, an organic mercury that is not methyl mercury, but is organic so it is similar to methyl mercury. We know that methyl mercury is a bioaccumulator, and a "bad thing" from toxicological studies. How bad is ethyl mercury? Don't know, its toxicity has never been studied. That's the FDA's answer on its website, by the way.

Now, the same industry that is telling me not to eat too much fish because of mercury concerns wants me to inject myself annually with a mercury-containing vaccine. Not to be too punny, but it sounds fishy to me.

Now, I admit that my knowledge of ethyl mercury is limited to internet searches, so if any of our kind doctors have information on the topic, that would be welcome.
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Old 8 October 2009, 10:25 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Timber Loftis View Post
Food for thought...

The medical industry tries to push two new vaccines to market each year. It's a huge moneymaker.

Thimerosol is used as a preservative in the flu vaccines. It is metabolized into ethyl mercury, an organic mercury that is not methyl mercury, but is organic so it is similar to methyl mercury. We know that methyl mercury is a bioaccumulator, and a "bad thing" from toxicological studies. How bad is ethyl mercury? Don't know, its toxicity has never been studied. That's the FDA's answer on its website, by the way.

Now, the same industry that is telling me not to eat too much fish because of mercury concerns wants me to inject myself annually with a mercury-containing vaccine. Not to be too punny, but it sounds fishy to me.

Now, I admit that my knowledge of ethyl mercury is limited to internet searches, so if any of our kind doctors have information on the topic, that would be welcome.
Good example.

"Don't eat fish but we have this vaccine "

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Old 8 October 2009, 10:40 AM   #43
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Back in 90 I was over in Saudi for Desert Storm I, they forced (yeah, forced, you could have probably opted out but who wants the hassle of having to go before the man) us to take anti-Antrax shots. Dang things burnt like lava going in your arm. I've had kids since then, so at least it didn't make me sterile.

We even had to sign a waiver saying we knew it was for cattle and not approved for humans... hrrm.....

Anyway, my point is that a vaccine can often be worse than the disease or... in our case and in the case of H1N1, the *threat* of a disease.

Cheers- Chris
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Old 8 October 2009, 10:43 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by axxeman01 View Post
Back in 90 I was over in Saudi for Desert Storm I, they forced (yeah, forced, you could have probably opted out but who wants the hassle of having to go before the man) us to take anti-Antrax shots. Dang things burnt like lava going in your arm. I've had kids since then, so at least it didn't make me sterile.

We even had to sign a waiver saying we knew it was for cattle and not approved for humans... hrrm.....

Anyway, my point is that a vaccine can often be worse than the disease or... in our case and in the case of H1N1, the *threat* of a disease.

Cheers- Chris

Jeez, that is scary just hearing about it.
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Old 8 October 2009, 10:50 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by Timber Loftis View Post
Food for thought...

The medical industry tries to push two new vaccines to market each year. It's a huge moneymaker.

Thimerosol is used as a preservative in the flu vaccines. It is metabolized into ethyl mercury, an organic mercury that is not methyl mercury, but is organic so it is similar to methyl mercury. We know that methyl mercury is a bioaccumulator, and a "bad thing" from toxicological studies. How bad is ethyl mercury? Don't know, its toxicity has never been studied. That's the FDA's answer on its website, by the way.

Now, the same industry that is telling me not to eat too much fish because of mercury concerns wants me to inject myself annually with a mercury-containing vaccine. Not to be too punny, but it sounds fishy to me.

Now, I admit that my knowledge of ethyl mercury is limited to internet searches, so if any of our kind doctors have information on the topic, that would be welcome.

This guy is wicked smart.
I don't trust anything that involves large amounts of money. Vaccines involve people making large amounts of money.

Originally Posted by axxeman01 View Post
Back in 90 I was over in Saudi for Desert Storm I, they forced (yeah, forced, you could have probably opted out but who wants the hassle of having to go before the man) us to take anti-Antrax shots. Dang things burnt like lava going in your arm. I've had kids since then, so at least it didn't make me sterile.

We even had to sign a waiver saying we knew it was for cattle and not approved for humans... hrrm.....

Anyway, my point is that a vaccine can often be worse than the disease or... in our case and in the case of H1N1, the *threat* of a disease.

Cheers- Chris
Thats some scary sh** and goes back to my original point. I don't trust the government. Not trying to make this a political thread.
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Old 8 October 2009, 10:56 AM   #46
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I refuse and pass on being a guinea pig.
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Old 8 October 2009, 11:14 AM   #47
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Old 8 October 2009, 11:26 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by Brunotheboxer View Post
How do I know what?
How do you know that it's not worth the risk?
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Old 8 October 2009, 11:34 AM   #49
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I mean it comes down to keeping good hygiene and take your chances on whether you will catch a disease?


Being given a vaccine that, if there are side effects, you would voluntarily given yourself up.
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Old 8 October 2009, 11:39 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Art 1 View Post
How do you know that it's not worth the risk?
I'm making an educated guess for my own body. I'm not letting the government scare me into a bad decision that I may regret later in life.

If Thimerosal was not toxic, why would the FDA conclude that it can indeed be toxic to those that are "hypersensitive", as well as children under 6 months? Trust it all you want, its your body and I am not dictating to you any terms. I am only describing my understanding of the subject, and how I intent to act based on that understanding. In short, I don't trust vaccination, and I will take my chances.

i try to keep the medication to a minimum, only for when its necessary or else ill just tough it out.
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Old 8 October 2009, 11:53 AM   #51
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I started getting the seasonal flu vaccine a few years ago. I was not crazy about it but fugured I work in healthcare so it is probably a good idea. Populations at highest risk should be vaccinated-others maybe not. 30-40 million annually die of seasonal flu annually. H1N1 is different because it attacks the young and healthy more than the old and immunocompromised.
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Old 8 October 2009, 11:57 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by AIKO View Post
I started getting the seasonal flu vaccine a few years ago. I was not crazy about it but fugured I work in healthcare so it is probably a good idea. Populations at highest risk should be vaccinated-others maybe not. 30-40 million annually die of seasonal flu annually. H1N1 is different because it attacks the young and healthy more than the old and immunocompromised.
But out of those 30 million how many were healthy with strong immune systems. For unhealthy people the vaccine is probably worth the risk. For a healthy person I just dont feel it is.
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Old 8 October 2009, 12:27 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Dr.B View Post
don't be ignorant get your flu shot and h1n1 vaccination if indicated!!!
Don't be insulting and criticize people who don't think like you do!
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Old 8 October 2009, 12:28 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Brunotheboxer View Post
For you the vaccine might be a good thing because your immune system is already compromised from asthma. For a healthy adult I just dont think its worth the risk.
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Old 8 October 2009, 12:33 PM   #55
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I will just wing this out , something about that shot reminds of the movie I am legend...
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Old 8 October 2009, 12:54 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by JBat View Post
Don't be insulting and criticize people who don't think like you do!
Be insulting...? We are all ignorant in many aspects.
Being ignorant is not a bad thing per say.
1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man.
2. lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics.
3. uninformed; unaware.
4. due to or showing lack of knowledge or training: an ignorant statement.

Unless you are a physician with the training then you can't compare what I know to what you know with anything to do with medicine. Just like many here are experts in watches, I am quite ignorant in watches....but I do strive to learn.

I do apologize if I offended you....but facts are facts.
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Old 8 October 2009, 01:00 PM   #57
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When I was in the Army I had a flu shot every year. The Army doesn't ask you if you want one by the way. Before the needle was out of my arm I was sick like an idiot every single time. Since I got out of the Army in 1994 I have not had the flu once. It is a low tech approach but I am going to go with what works for me.
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Old 8 October 2009, 02:57 PM   #58
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Vaccines are usually very well studied. The CDC doesn't have any interest in making people sick. They want people to be healthy.

That said, the H1N1 vaccine has actually come way to late for the general population. Many people, like me have already had the flu.

The H1N1 hype is just that, hype. Most of my patients, myself included have felt bad with fever and cough for a few days and then go right back to work.
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Old 8 October 2009, 03:12 PM   #59
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Also, as a health care provider who is well versed in vaccines, let me address some of the other issues....

Thimerisol (mecury containing perservatives) have been removed from most child vaccines. The amount of mercury in the vaccines was minute, but studies showed that people who ate mercury containing cold water fish had significant levels of mercury, that could cause developmental delays in children.

Soooo, you are more likely to get a huge dose of mercury in your Sashimi at your local sushi place, versus none in the vaccines.

The other big fear factor is that we give live vaccines to children. For the majority of vaccines the viruses are killed and can NOT give you an infection. So if you get a flu shot, you are not going to get the flu from it. The nasal flu vaccine is a different issue.

Everyone should make their own decisions, but they should not be decisions driven by fear, please look over the Philidelphia Children's website, it gives great info on vaccines.
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Old 8 October 2009, 03:38 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by keschete View Post
Everyone should make their own decisions, but they should not be decisions driven by fear, please look over the Philidelphia Children's website, it gives great info on vaccines.
I appreciate your input, and the link for further information.

I apologize, but I tend to be skeptical of vaccines. I know that in your view that is probably tragic -- vaccines have been a wonderful thing for the world, generally, wiping out polio and whatnot. They have been a boon to society.

But, I'm still skeptical of many of the modern vaccines being pushed on us. First off, you have to admit (I think) that the general flu vaccine is based off of the "best guess" the industry has as to what will be the most prevalent strain of the flu this year -- it's part historical analysis, part guesswork, as I understand it. Second of all, the vaccines are such a moneymaker... I mean, really, things like the HPV vaccine really make me think twice -- should we really be vaccinating 12-13 yr. old women from an STD?

Of course, I readily recognize that the H1N1 vaccine is specific and targeted, so it doesn't suffer from the randomness factor.

That said, both the regular flu vaccine and the H1N1 vaccine have thimerosol in them, and from what I've read thimerosol is roughly 50% mercury, the kind that metabolizes into ethyl mercury, an organic form of mercury (i.e., a bioaccumulator) whose toxicological effects have not been studied.

I'm not trying to challenge the assertions of doctors on here, nor am I trying to thwart them, I'm trying to understand more.

As a personal note, I'll say that my two kids are aged 2 yrs. and 7 mos. I went with the regular vaccine regiment up to about the 1 yr. stage for both. I recognize that studies have shown that the presence of thimerosol in the MMR vaccine has not indicated a link to autism. However, I also recognize that the MMR vaccination contains upwards of 32 different vaccines in a cocktail. Lacking information on the effects of this, I suspended and intend to suspend vaccinations on my kids between the ages of 1.5 yrs. and 4 yrs. Then I will pick up the regiment again -- we don't know what causes autism, basically, but we do know that it occurs between 2-4 yrs. so I want to just take everything off the table during that timeframe for them.
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