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Old 22 March 2007, 05:48 AM   #1
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UK buying question - sub date or GMT

Dear all

New person here - I am vaguely considering a new GMT II (16710 not the one recently out) or a sub date (16610) both in steel and I have a number of questions, if anyone would care to answer them...

What is the UK MSRP of both of these at the moment? Are the prices inclusive of the 17.5% VAT?

Are there any authorised dealers in airports (particularly heathrow)? Will I be able to get the MSRP less the VAT (i.e. 17.5% off the MSRP) there? I fly a lot to the EU but have never taken any notice of jewellers airside before.

Is there any possibility of discounts on either of the two watches? From what I have read the sub date in steel has more demand than supply and there is even a waiting list, while the GMT is less in demand.

I have done a bit of searching, but many apologies if these questions have come up before. Thanks very much in advance for any replies.

Steve Taylor
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Old 22 March 2007, 06:00 AM   #2
JJ Irani
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Hi Steve,

Welcome to TRF. I'm from New Zealand so won't be able to answer your questions, but I'm sure someone should be along shortly to help you out.

Excellent choice of watches - GMT-II and Sub-date both superb can't go wrong with either one of them.

Good luck in your final choice.

Cheers - JJ
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Old 22 March 2007, 10:20 AM   #3
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Hi Steve welcome to TRF

I'm from OZ but was in the UK about a year ago and just happened to be looking for a Sub. First up they were like hens teeth and didn't actually see one in the flesh. I got a great quote in Harrods of all places for 2100 pounds tax free but they didn't have one to sell me. There is a dealer at Heathrow in Terminal 4 (can't remember the name) has Rolex but no sub also 2100 quid. They occasionally get them in but they are gone the same day.

I'll be going through Heathrow over Easter, I'll check them out again.

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Old 22 March 2007, 10:44 AM   #4
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sub dates are hard to get in ADs- you can pick one up pre owned easy enough, but new from an AD is HARD!

GMTs are easier to get and you should get a little discount as well- personally i'd do a lot of looking on the web for both- get an idea onthe best prices and it gives you a better position to bargain with- and to know if you're getting a good deal or not
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Old 23 March 2007, 07:12 AM   #5
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Hi Steve - welcome to TRF.

I am not one of the experts on this site but thought i would try and help you out. In answer to your questions;

MSRP (inc VAT) for a SS Sub date is £2840 whilst a GMTII will set you back £2790. If you want a Sub then you will probably have to join a waiting list (6-9 months) unless you get lucky and find an AD who has one in stock - it does happen but not often. GMTIIs are everywhere so no problems there.

There are a couple of ADs at Heathrow - Mapin & Webb have a shop in T3 and they usual have a good selection of sports models (although I think it unlikely that they will be able to get you a SS Sub date). I was thinking about buying a GMTII from them myself a couple of weeks ago at which time their price was £2375. This price is tax free so beware. If you are a UK/EU resident then you are liable to pay VAT on any items purchased within UK/EU. If you purchase a watch without paying tax then strictly speaking you should declare the purchase to HMRC on your return to UK. If you don't and they stop you then at best you will be charged 17.5% at worst they may hit you with a penalty or seize the watch. If you travel regularly then you will be running this risk everytime you leave UK (could be an issue when purchasing a "travel watch").

My advice would be to go to your local AD and purchase from them. Good chance you will get some form of discount on a GMTII - I know that at least one member of the forum has quoted the M&W T3 price and had the deal matched. I for one decided to buy a used GMTII (2003 K series) from my local AD - the wach had everything it was born with and although it had marks on the case and bracelet the price included a full RSC service. So I saved £850 on the new price, will have a 1 year warranty, no service costs for the next 5 years and a watch that wil look like new. Added to that no problems with HMRC when travelling overseas.

Anyway good luck with your search and let us know how you get on.

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Old 23 March 2007, 07:29 AM   #6
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Ring round your local ADs!! go for less 10% on the Sub MORE!!! on the GMT heathrow just another big chain IMO not really looking for repeat buisiness or long term customers! discounted a bit!! duty free BUT not TAX free will do you no favours

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