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Old 28 April 2008, 01:04 AM   #1
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what exactly would it take to start a new auction site similar to ebay,but with more security?
I know that funds are an obvious issue,but I want to know what some of the other steps would be.this is something I have been pondering for a while now and I believe that I am at least going to research what it will take and see if it is something I and others could bring about.I know the market is there as there are literally thousands who love ebay but have been put off by some of there protocols,I believe buyers would come instantly with the right amount of advertising,is this a pipe dream?or is it something that anyone with the right amount of perseverance could do?
I welcome any opinions and would greatly appreciate any technical info etc.
it has been on my mind and I think its time for ebay to finally have a little competition in the internet auction realm.
thanks in advance,
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Old 28 April 2008, 01:36 AM   #2
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You would need to register whatever domain you would like as the name. You would then need someone who knows how to design web pages that involve some serious content management capabilities. Database etc. I think the web page would be your biggest expense really. I am in the middle of something similar as I am starting a game server hosting company. I have a 20/10 business class fiber line at my house for just this occasion. It's not really so bad if you let someone else do most of the work. Hope this helps Steve as it is just a brief idea.
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Old 28 April 2008, 02:08 AM   #3
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Couple hundred million would be a good start.
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Old 28 April 2008, 03:17 AM   #4
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Your network is the primary thing. If your servers and network connections are not fast and stable with redundancy, it doesn't matter how pretty your website looks if no one can connect to it. A good database and good developers/programmers are more important than web design. A good example is Craigslist. Very simple web design since it's mostly text, but it gets tons of traffic.
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Old 28 April 2008, 03:48 AM   #5
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First think of the name and what exactly you want and how it should work.
Talk to some programmers and decide on your programmer and technology.
For example my developer uses and I use a microsoft server with an sql database. Hosting isn't too important just yet. You can swap to upgrade servers later with little inconvenience.

Ebay isn't the only one with an auction right? Yahoo has a site that competes too. However it doesn't do well in the states compared to in Asian countries. (or so my wife tells me)

I do not think you will easily get more security than ebay. They have a lot of money invested in programming as well as humans trying to fight counterfeit goods.

Some basic security is to invest in a digital SSL certificate, and also to invest in a service similar to hacker guardian or scan alert. They scan your server everyday for new vulnerabilities and missing patches.

I agree with Vu that programming and database structure is more important then web design. Function of the site is always more important than the look of it. You can change the appearance of it everyday if you want, but the programming and structure of it won't be so easy to do.

After you have a perfect site, I think the only way to compete is to throw in a ton of money into advertising to get enough people to use it to support it as a buy/sell community.
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Old 28 April 2008, 08:36 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Paulie View Post
Couple hundred million would be a good start.

You mean all you need is some loose change? I thought it would take some real seed capital.
Meantime, Paulie, I think you are the only person who remembers Dune(besides me)....Do you really control the spice?
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