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Old 10 January 2021, 02:10 PM   #1
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Las Vegas
Watch: 126040-001
Posts: 6
Incoming... 1st Rolex, 1st In-store Visit, 1st Sub, 1st Post,

Hello All,

And Happy new year to you all. A bunch of firsts for me. I have been stalking the threads for some time now and officially joined a couple of weeks ago.

In September I decided to reach out to AD's in the Vegas area to check availability. All emails and phone calls. I would check in bi weekly and always got the same answers. "No sorry nothing yet" or "...they are distributing to top sales clients and working their way down." Just this morning I texted a sales rep and received the same answer. After reading a couple of threads I learned that visiting the store in person increases your chances. (Thank you All)

So today, THE DAY, I decided to put on some clothes and visit the Rolex boutique for the very first time. I typically prefer to shop online for everything for multiple reasons. Anyway, I'm in line waiting for entry and notice multiple people leaving after disappointment so I figured there's no chance they have what I'm looking for. My main goal was to go in and establish a relationship. Let the sales team put a face to a name.

Im finally let in and ask about the new model submariners and of course I was told those were in high demand and out of stock and no one knew when they would receive stock. The salesman I just met proceeds to show me a 41mm DJ (see photo) Such a beautiful piece. I didn't expect to like it that much. Salesman tried to convince me on it but I passed. (Im still thinking about it by the way) He then says let me show you our room and I can get your information. I give him my business card after trying on the blue DJ and passing again. After the 2nd decline he states he's going to give my card to the manager so she can keep in the loop with inventory changes. 15 minutes or so pass by and he walks back in the room with a new 2020 no date 41mm Sub I had initially asked about!!!

My first in store visit results in my first purchase and the new 41mm Sub. What are the chances of that?!
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