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Old 19 July 2021, 12:37 PM   #1
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Apr 2019
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 22
Service question: 18038

Hi there
Apologies if this is posted in the wrong place but I had a question regarding my 18038

My DD is in fantastic overall condition however does require dial/glass replacement as there a few chips in the glass/dial markers cracking. If I take this into my RSC, will the dial and glass be replaced like for like e.g a new old ‘t Swiss made t’ dial or is it just replaced with stock they have e.g Swiss made. The watch also does have after market spring bars in it which is quite annoying. I’ve heard SS spring bars are bad for the lug holes. I’ve currently just got some cheap eBay ones in there as the after market ones that came with the watch we’re horrendous. Should I get this fixed ASAP? I wear the watch about once or twice a week.

As there are no papers with the piece I’d prefer to take it to RSC to also get a service card with the watch should I decide to sell it down the line.

Also as a side question (wrong thread but while I m at it) where do you see the value of older day dates going? They seem to be starting to command a premium and id love to hear everyone’s thoughts on what is driving this, aside from the SS madness.

Any advice is greatly appreciated. Based in Melbourne Australia.
Cheers, have a great day!
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