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Old 19 December 2016, 12:23 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by Abdullah71601 View Post
Weed users tend to drive slower than the speed limit, so the impacts will be safer.
So since that are slower they will hit the airbag when it's not fully inflated 😂

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Old 19 December 2016, 12:27 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by Abdullah71601 View Post
Answer me why a pilot dove a jet full of passengers into the Alps. You guys aren't the model of perfection. You're human, and I am fairly certain there are commercial pilots in the air at this moment that are impaired. When they start drug screening you guys at the gate we will all be safer, yeah?

As for driving, given the choice of a weed impaired driver or an alcohol impaired driver, I go with weed every single time. The weed impaired driver has been found in studies to be far lower risk. Which was the point of my posts had you cared to read them objectively without trying to stuff your agenda down my throat.
Nobody said pilots are perfect, or are never impaired, so there you go again trying to create a false comparison in order to deflect away from the issue/claim you've made, which was; operating a vehicle while high is no more dangerous than operating a vehicle while the mind isn't impaired.

Typical, however. Using fallacies is common for those trying to "normalize" dangerous behaviour in an attempt for it to be accepted. Your comparison of pot to alcohol is a prime example.

Oh, and pilots, including myself, do get drug-tested, and when I was an airline pilot more than once I was randomly drug and alcohol tested by someone who met the aircraft at the gate. In fact, drug testing is mandated for pre-employment screening, on suspicion, post-accident, and randomly. It's also a crime to falsify your Medical certificate that you need for your pilot's certificate to be valid, and it's on that medical where one's complete medical history plus arrests and convictions for possession and/or use of illegal use of drugs and narcotics, DWIs, and other traffic violations that would indicate bad judgement or reckless behaviour.

So you see, it's not MY agenda that, despite human failings or failures of systems humans design that you could point to all the live long day in a vain attempt to make it seem like no big deal, flying under the influence of drugs, including pot, is illegal and for a good reason.

But I tell you what, when I'm retired if I find out I have some terminal disease I'd rather not suffer through, I'll be happy to get high and take your family up flying. You cool with that? I swear I'll self-compensate.

In the meantime, as long as you want to try and convince everyone driving while high is perfectly all right and as safe as not driving high, I'll be there to try and convince them otherwise.
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Old 19 December 2016, 12:53 AM   #33
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