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Old 25 January 2010, 09:16 AM   #61
Damage Inc.
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Originally Posted by bigjon View Post
mseries gmtIIcTT with grey
Little more info would be helpful...maybe the first digit of the serial & does it have 'the code'?
"Science tastes like vomit."
Kari "Mythbusters hottie" Byron
Z-serial GMT IIc
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Old 25 January 2010, 02:27 PM   #62
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My GMT added...

Z80XXXX and OP10 with code 15/423, gray print (subgmt)
Z84XXXX and EO4 with code 15/423, gray print (Browining) [this seems like an odd serial/bracelet combo...other EO's are M series]
Z946XXX and OP10 with code 15/423, gray print (Damage Inc.)
ZXXXXXX and ???? with code 15/423, gray print (?) (thecoinopcollector)
M3XXXXX and OP11 with code 15/423, gray print (swatty)
MXXXXXX and EO2 with code 15/423, gray print (owner???)
MXXXXXX and EO3 with code 15/423, gray print (Glendon21)
M16XXXX and EO5 with no code, print color? (lamny)
M56XXXX and EO10 with no code, gray print (Ticowa)
M60XXXX and EO6 with no code, grey print (Naples09)
M74XXXX and PJ2 with no code, black print (ingoodtime)
M88XXXX and PJ10 with no code, black print(Sub'erman)
M8XXXXX and E08 with no code, gray print (Overkill)
M94XXXX and PJ2 with no code, gray print (mkultra)
M95XXXX and PJ2 with no code, gray print (Porsche)
V20XXXX and PJ2 with no code, black print (owner???)
V24XXXX and PJ4 with no code, black print (jms_w)
V24XXXX and PJ6 with no code, black print (hng)
V34XXXX and PJ6 with no code, black print (0800am)
V39XXXX and PJ7 with no code, gray print (bigalsformula02) [gray...really???]
V45XXXX and PJ10 with no code, black print (republik-of-mancunia)
V7XXXXX and ??? with no code, black print (dimster)
VXXXXXX and ??? with no code, black print (Jamesworthy)
M157XXX and E06 with no code, black print (jets)
Be good.
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Old 4 March 2010, 06:53 PM   #63
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Anyone here has a failed / broken clasp?

Originally Posted by jets View Post
Z80XXXX and OP10 with code 15/423, gray print (subgmt)
Z84XXXX and EO4 with code 15/423, gray print (Browining) [this seems like an odd serial/bracelet combo...other EO's are M series]
Z946XXX and OP10 with code 15/423, gray print (Damage Inc.)
ZXXXXXX and ???? with code 15/423, gray print (?) (thecoinopcollector)
M3XXXXX and OP11 with code 15/423, gray print (swatty)
MXXXXXX and EO2 with code 15/423, gray print (owner???)
MXXXXXX and EO3 with code 15/423, gray print (Glendon21)
M16XXXX and EO5 with no code, print color? (lamny)
M56XXXX and EO10 with no code, gray print (Ticowa)
M60XXXX and EO6 with no code, grey print (Naples09)
M74XXXX and PJ2 with no code, black print (ingoodtime)
M88XXXX and PJ10 with no code, black print(Sub'erman)
M8XXXXX and E08 with no code, gray print (Overkill)
M94XXXX and PJ2 with no code, gray print (mkultra)
M95XXXX and PJ2 with no code, gray print (Porsche)
V20XXXX and PJ2 with no code, black print (owner???)
V24XXXX and PJ4 with no code, black print (jms_w)
V24XXXX and PJ6 with no code, black print (hng)
V34XXXX and PJ6 with no code, black print (0800am)
V39XXXX and PJ7 with no code, gray print (bigalsformula02) [gray...really???]
V45XXXX and PJ10 with no code, black print (republik-of-mancunia)
V7XXXXX and ??? with no code, black print (dimster)
VXXXXXX and ??? with no code, black print (Jamesworthy)
M157XXX and E06 with no code, black print (jets)
Anyone here with 15/423 code has a failed clasp?

Please see here.
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Old 4 March 2010, 06:58 PM   #64
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no 15/432
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Old 4 March 2010, 07:47 PM   #65
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Black Print


No 15/423
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Old 4 March 2010, 09:28 PM   #66
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Black Print


No other coding
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Old 4 March 2010, 09:39 PM   #67
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Black Print


No Code
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Old 4 March 2010, 10:38 PM   #68
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Mine is V series and black...
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Old 4 March 2010, 11:30 PM   #69
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Old 5 March 2010, 12:42 AM   #70
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Mine is a V14XXXX with PJ3, no code and black Rolex inscription

Instagram @watchcollectinglifestyle

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Old 5 March 2010, 12:58 AM   #71
Damage Inc.
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Thanks for the updates fellas...keep 'em coming!

Z80XXXX and OP10 with code 15/423, gray print (subgmt)
Z84XXXX and EO4 with code 15/423, gray print (Browining) [this seems like an odd serial/bracelet combo...other EO's are M series]
Z946XXX and OP10 with code 15/423, gray print (Damage Inc.)
ZXXXXXX and ???? with code 15/423, gray print (?) (thecoinopcollector)
M3XXXXX and OP11 with code 15/423, gray print (swatty)
MXXXXXX and EO2 with code 15/423, gray print (owner???)
MXXXXXX and EO3 with code 15/423, gray print (Glendon21)
M157XXX and E06 with no code, black print (jets)
M16XXXX and EO5 with no code, print color? (lamny)
M56XXXX and EO10 with no code, gray print (Ticowa)
M60XXXX and EO6 with no code, grey print (Naples09)
M74XXXX and PJ2 with no code, black print (ingoodtime)
M88XXXX and PJ10 with no code, black print(Sub'erman)
M8XXXXX and E08 with no code, gray print (Overkill)
M94XXXX and PJ2 with no code, gray print (mkultra)
M95XXXX and PJ2 with no code, gray print (Porsche)
V14XXXX and PJ3 with no code, black print (Submarino)
V18XXXX and PJ4 with no code, black print (alphamale2012)
V20XXXX and PJ2 with no code, black print (owner???)
V24XXXX and PJ4 with no code, black print (jms_w)
V24XXXX and PJ6 with no code, black print (hng)
V34XXXX and PJ6 with no code, black print (0800am)
V38XXXX and PJ5 with no code, black print (lolo96706)
V39XXXX and PJ5 with no code, black print (Lynchfan)
V39XXXX and PJ7 with no code, gray print (bigalsformula02) [gray...really???]
V45XXXX and PJ10 with no code, black print (republik-of-mancunia)
V505XXX and PJ10 with no code, black print (caeden)
V7XXXXX and ??? with no code, black print (dimster)
VXXXXXX and ??? with no code, black print (Jamesworthy)
VXXXXXX and ??? with no code, black print (Mwing)
VXXXXXX and ??? with no code, black print (640Samuel)
"Science tastes like vomit."
Kari "Mythbusters hottie" Byron
Z-serial GMT IIc
2.92M serial 1675 Pepsi
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Old 5 March 2010, 01:11 PM   #72
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Here's mine:
Black logo/Black print
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Old 5 March 2010, 01:27 PM   #73
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I have a mid M-Series with the 15/423. My clasp is market EO4 which I was told a while back on TZ that indicated the date of the bracelet manufacture. I don't remember how to decipher to code anymore... We never did figure out the mystery of the 15/423 marking as there seems to be no ryme to reason for its presence or lack of...

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Old 5 March 2010, 01:29 PM   #74
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I should add that I have a grey logo on the clasp and I am an M56 serial
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Old 5 March 2010, 08:45 PM   #75
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Black logo

PJ7 bracelet serial

No 15/423 marking
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Old 6 March 2010, 01:05 AM   #76
Damage Inc.
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Z80XXXX and OP10 with code 15/423, gray print (subgmt)
Z84XXXX and EO4 with code 15/423, gray print (Browining) [this seems like an odd serial/bracelet combo...other EO's are M series]
Z946XXX and OP10 with code 15/423, gray print (Damage Inc.)
ZXXXXXX and ???? with code 15/423, gray print (?) (thecoinopcollector)
M3XXXXX and OP11 with code 15/423, gray print (swatty)
MXXXXXX and EO2 with code 15/423, gray print (owner???)
MXXXXXX and EO3 with code 15/423, gray print (Glendon21)
M56XXXX and EO4 with code 15/423, gray print (Envuks)
M157XXX and E06 with no code, black print (jets)
M16XXXX and EO5 with no code, print color? (lamny)
M56XXXX and EO10 with no code, gray print (Ticowa)
M60XXXX and EO6 with no code, grey print (Naples09)
M74XXXX and PJ2 with no code, black print (ingoodtime)
M88XXXX and PJ10 with no code, black print(Sub'erman)
M8XXXXX and E08 with no code, gray print (Overkill)
M94XXXX and PJ2 with no code, gray print (mkultra)
M95XXXX and PJ2 with no code, gray print (Porsche)
V14XXXX and PJ3 with no code, black print (Submarino)
V18XXXX and PJ4 with no code, black print (alphamale2012)
V20XXXX and PJ2 with no code, black print (owner???)
V24XXXX and PJ4 with no code, black print (jms_w)
V24XXXX and PJ6 with no code, black print (hng)
V32XXXX and PJ6 with no code, black print (NauticaJoe)
V34XXXX and PJ6 with no code, black print (0800am)
V38XXXX and PJ5 with no code, black print (lolo96706)
V39XXXX and PJ5 with no code, black print (Lynchfan)
V39XXXX and PJ7 with no code, gray print (bigalsformula02) [gray...really???]
V444XXX and PJ7 with no code, black print (Daytonaboy1977)
V45XXXX and PJ10 with no code, black print (republik-of-mancunia)
V505XXX and PJ10 with no code, black print (caeden)
V7XXXXX and ??? with no code, black print (dimster)
VXXXXXX and ??? with no code, black print (Jamesworthy)
VXXXXXX and ??? with no code, black print (Mwing)
VXXXXXX and ??? with no code, black print (640Samuel)
"Science tastes like vomit."
Kari "Mythbusters hottie" Byron
Z-serial GMT IIc
2.92M serial 1675 Pepsi
V-serial 16610LV
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Old 6 March 2010, 01:52 AM   #77
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It's so tempting to say I have grey just for fun but I don't!

Black (or maybe it's charcoal or dark grey - LOL)
No code
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Old 6 March 2010, 03:22 AM   #78
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V Series, black, PJ10 Code.
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Old 6 March 2010, 04:04 AM   #79
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Added my GMTIIC to the list.....

Z80XXXX and OP10 with code 15/423, gray print (subgmt)
Z84XXXX and EO4 with code 15/423, gray print (Browining) [this seems like an odd serial/bracelet combo...other EO's are M series]
Z946XXX and OP10 with code 15/423, gray print (Damage Inc.)
ZXXXXXX and ???? with code 15/423, gray print (?) (thecoinopcollector)
M3XXXXX and OP11 with code 15/423, gray print (swatty)
MXXXXXX and EO2 with code 15/423, gray print (owner???)
MXXXXXX and EO3 with code 15/423, gray print (Glendon21)
M16XXXX and EO5 with no code, print color? (lamny)
M56XXXX and EO10 with no code, gray print (Ticowa)
M60XXXX and EO6 with no code, grey print (Naples09)
M74XXXX and PJ2 with no code, black print (ingoodtime)
M88XXXX and PJ10 with no code, black print(Sub'erman)
M8XXXXX and E08 with no code, gray print (Overkill)
M94XXXX and PJ2 with no code, gray print (mkultra)
M95XXXX and PJ2 with no code, gray print (Porsche)
M83XXXX and EO5 with no code, gray print (browngo1)
V20XXXX and PJ2 with no code, black print (owner???)
V24XXXX and PJ4 with no code, black print (jms_w)
V24XXXX and PJ6 with no code, black print (hng)
V34XXXX and PJ6 with no code, black print (0800am)
V39XXXX and PJ7 with no code, gray print (bigalsformula02) [gray...really???]
V45XXXX and PJ10 with no code, black print (republik-of-mancunia)
V7XXXXX and ??? with no code, black print (dimster)
VXXXXXX and ??? with no code, black print (Jamesworthy)
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Old 6 March 2010, 10:12 AM   #80
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V25XXX and PJ5 with no code, black print
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Old 6 March 2010, 09:14 PM   #81
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Mine is Grey

Mine is a V46XXXX - PJ10 - Grey - No15/432
ROLEX SUBMARINER-114060/116610 LN/116613 LB
ROLEX DEEPSEA-116660/116660 DBL/SD43-126600
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Old 7 March 2010, 05:18 AM   #82
Damage Inc.
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Z80XXXX and OP10 with code 15/423, gray print (subgmt)
Z84XXXX and EO4 with code 15/423, gray print (Browining) [this seems like an odd serial/bracelet combo...other EO's are M series]
Z946XXX and OP10 with code 15/423, gray print (Damage Inc.)
ZXXXXXX and ???? with code 15/423, gray print (?) (thecoinopcollector)
M3XXXXX and OP11 with code 15/423, gray print (swatty)
MXXXXXX and EO2 with code 15/423, gray print (owner???)
MXXXXXX and EO3 with code 15/423, gray print (Glendon21)
M16XXXX and EO5 with no code, print color? (lamny)
M56XXXX and EO10 with no code, gray print (Ticowa)
M60XXXX and EO6 with no code, gray print (Naples09)
M74XXXX and PJ2 with no code, black print (ingoodtime)
M83XXXX and EO5 with no code, gray print (browngo1)
M88XXXX and PJ10 with no code, black print(Sub'erman)
M8XXXXX and E08 with no code, gray print (Overkill)
M94XXXX and PJ2 with no code, gray print (mkultra)
M95XXXX and PJ2 with no code, gray print (Porsche)
V20XXXX and PJ2 with no code, black print (owner???)
V23XXXX and PJ6 with no code, black print (ASW1)
V24XXXX and PJ4 with no code, black print (jms_w)
V24XXXX and PJ6 with no code, black print (hng)
V25XXXX and PJ5 with no code, black print (User Name)
V34XXXX and PJ6 with no code, black print (0800am)
V39XXXX and PJ7 with no code, gray print (bigalsformula02) [gray...really???]
V45XXXX and PJ10 with no code, black print (republik-of-mancunia)
V46XXXX and PJ10 with no code, gray print (MagedMS) [gray...really? I suspect this is another case of lighting influencing the color.]
VXXXXXX and PJ10 with no code, black print (MoBowness)
V7XXXXX and ??? with no code, black print (dimster)
VXXXXXX and ??? with no code, black print (Jamesworthy)
"Science tastes like vomit."
Kari "Mythbusters hottie" Byron
Z-serial GMT IIc
2.92M serial 1675 Pepsi
V-serial 16610LV
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Old 8 March 2010, 05:39 AM   #83
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Originally Posted by Damage Inc. View Post
Z80XXXX and OP10 with code 15/423, gray print (subgmt)
Z84XXXX and EO4 with code 15/423, gray print (Browining) [this seems like an odd serial/bracelet combo...other EO's are M series]
Z946XXX and OP10 with code 15/423, gray print (Damage Inc.)
ZXXXXXX and ???? with code 15/423, gray print (?) (thecoinopcollector)
M3XXXXX and OP11 with code 15/423, gray print (swatty)
MXXXXXX and EO2 with code 15/423, gray print (owner???)
MXXXXXX and EO3 with code 15/423, gray print (Glendon21)
M16XXXX and EO5 with no code, print color? (lamny)
M56XXXX and EO10 with no code, gray print (Ticowa)
M60XXXX and EO6 with no code, gray print (Naples09)
M74XXXX and PJ2 with no code, black print (ingoodtime)
M83XXXX and EO5 with no code, gray print (browngo1)
M88XXXX and PJ10 with no code, black print(Sub'erman)
M8XXXXX and E08 with no code, gray print (Overkill)
M94XXXX and PJ2 with no code, gray print (mkultra)
M95XXXX and PJ2 with no code, gray print (Porsche)
V20XXXX and PJ2 with no code, black print (owner???)
V23XXXX and PJ6 with no code, black print (ASW1)
V24XXXX and PJ4 with no code, black print (jms_w)
V24XXXX and PJ6 with no code, black print (hng)
V25XXXX and PJ5 with no code, black print (User Name)
V34XXXX and PJ6 with no code, black print (0800am)
V39XXXX and PJ7 with no code, gray print (bigalsformula02) [gray...really???]
V45XXXX and PJ10 with no code, black print (republik-of-mancunia)
V46XXXX and PJ10 with no code, gray print (MagedMS) [gray...really? I suspect this is another case of lighting influencing the color.]
VXXXXXX and PJ10 with no code, black print (MoBowness)
V7XXXXX and ??? with no code, black print (dimster)
VXXXXXX and ??? with no code, black print (Jamesworthy)
V63XXXX and PJ12 with no code: black colour.
Attached Images
Onwards & Upwards Rodders...... Onwards & Upwards.

Life is not about how fast you can run or how high you can climb...........
It's about how well you can bounce!!

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Old 8 March 2010, 07:10 AM   #84
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Added myself and Spuds to the list.

Z80XXXX and OP10 with code 15/423, gray print (subgmt)
Z84XXXX and EO4 with code 15/423, gray print (Browining) [this seems like an odd serial/bracelet combo...other EO's are M series]
Z946XXX and OP10 with code 15/423, gray print (Damage Inc.)
ZXXXXXX and ???? with code 15/423, gray print (?) (thecoinopcollector)
M3XXXXX and OP11 with code 15/423, gray print (swatty)
MXXXXXX and EO2 with code 15/423, gray print (owner???)
MXXXXXX and EO3 with code 15/423, gray print (Glendon21)
M56XXXX and EO4 with code 15/423, gray print (envuks)
M16XXXX and EO5 with no code, print color? (lamny)
M56XXXX and EO10 with no code, gray print (Ticowa)
M60XXXX and EO6 with no code, gray print (Naples09)
M74XXXX and PJ2 with no code, black print (ingoodtime)
M83XXXX and EO5 with no code, gray print (browngo1)
M88XXXX and PJ10 with no code, black print(Sub'erman)
M8XXXXX and E08 with no code, gray print (Overkill)
M94XXXX and PJ2 with no code, gray print (mkultra)
M95XXXX and PJ2 with no code, gray print (Porsche)
V20XXXX and PJ2 with no code, black print (owner???)
V23XXXX and PJ6 with no code, black print (ASW1)
V24XXXX and PJ4 with no code, black print (jms_w)
V24XXXX and PJ6 with no code, black print (hng)
V25XXXX and PJ5 with no code, black print (User Name)
V34XXXX and PJ6 with no code, black print (0800am)
V39XXXX and PJ7 with no code, gray print (bigalsformula02) [gray...really???]
V45XXXX and PJ10 with no code, black print (republik-of-mancunia)
V46XXXX and PJ10 with no code, gray print (MagedMS) [gray...really? I suspect this is another case of lighting influencing the color.]
VXXXXXX and PJ10 with no code, black print (MoBowness)
V63XXXX and PJ12 with no code: black colour (Spuds)
V7XXXXX and ??? with no code, black print (dimster)
VXXXXXX and ??? with no code, black print (Jamesworthy)
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Old 8 March 2010, 07:25 AM   #85
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OK I'll play this game;

M62XXXX and EO6 with no code, black print
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Old 9 March 2010, 03:43 AM   #86
Damage Inc.
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Updated and re-sorted by bracelet date/code. It really seems that EO4 was the last run with 'the code' and that by EO5 it had been removed. Also, that by the 'later' PJ2's the print had switched to black...would be interesting to see some PJ3's just to confirm.

Z80XXXX and OP10 with code 15/423, gray print (subgmt)
Z946XXX and OP10 with code 15/423, gray print (Damage Inc.)
M3XXXXX and OP11 with code 15/423, gray print (swatty)
MXXXXXX and EO2 with code 15/423, gray print (owner???)
MXXXXXX and EO3 with code 15/423, gray print (Glendon21)
Z84XXXX and EO4 with code 15/423, gray print (Browining) [this seems like an odd serial/bracelet combo...other EO's are M series]
M56XXXX and EO4 with code 15/423, gray print (envuks)
ZXXXXXX and ???? with code 15/423, gray print (?) (thecoinopcollector)

M16XXXX and EO5 with no code, print color? (lamny)
M83XXXX and EO5 with no code, gray print (browngo1)
M60XXXX and EO6 with no code, gray print (Naples09)
M62XXXX and EO6 with no code, black print (mactrack)
M8XXXXX and EO8 with no code, gray print (Overkill)
M56XXXX and EO10 with no code, gray print (Ticowa)
M74XXXX and PJ2 with no code, black print (ingoodtime)
M94XXXX and PJ2 with no code, gray print (mkultra)
M95XXXX and PJ2 with no code, gray print (Porsche)
V20XXXX and PJ2 with no code, black print (owner???)
V24XXXX and PJ4 with no code, black print (jms_w)
V25XXXX and PJ5 with no code, black print (User Name)
V23XXXX and PJ6 with no code, black print (ASW1)
V24XXXX and PJ6 with no code, black print (hng)
V34XXXX and PJ6 with no code, black print (0800am)
V39XXXX and PJ7 with no code, gray print (bigalsformula02) [gray...really???]
M88XXXX and PJ10 with no code, black print(Sub'erman)
V45XXXX and PJ10 with no code, black print (republik-of-mancunia)
V46XXXX and PJ10 with no code, gray print (MagedMS) [gray...really? I suspect this is another case of lighting influencing the color.]
VXXXXXX and PJ10 with no code, black print (MoBowness)
V63XXXX and PJ12 with no code, black print (Spuds)
V7XXXXX and ??? with no code, black print (dimster)
VXXXXXX and ??? with no code, black print (Jamesworthy)
"Science tastes like vomit."
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Old 9 March 2010, 04:22 AM   #87
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Ok, so what does this prove?

Seems weird to have such a variety of printing or these watches...
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Old 9 March 2010, 07:21 AM   #88
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Originally Posted by WatchnRoll View Post
Ok, so what does this prove?...

I have NO idea mate!!
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Old 7 April 2010, 08:55 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by subgmt View Post
Anyone here with 15/423 code has a failed clasp?

Please see here.


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Old 7 April 2010, 09:48 AM   #90
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no code
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