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Old 5 November 2012, 03:20 AM   #13051
East Bay Rider
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In all seriousness I don't know any men who want to be mothered. It may be some kind of wimpy tv stereotype. It sure isn't the case with any guys I know or would associate with.
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Old 5 November 2012, 03:36 AM   #13052
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Originally Posted by East Bay Rider View Post
Austin is a Canadian and as such he probably chops down trees in his spare time (we think all Canadians are lumberjacks) and hes a hockey player. Believe me, that kid probably wrestles germs into submission. If he's sick it's probably with a germ that could wipe out a small village.
Get well soon Kid.
Thanks for the well wishes Bill! He doesn't chop trees...but he does mow the lawn- does that count?Usually when he is feeling unwell, he manages to plow through school and his sports commitments...this time he was flattened and the germ wiped out his small intestine; No fever today, so he's in recovery mode - he is actually at his hockey game now-pumped full for gravol and imodium, and will need some pampering tonight...but thats what moms are for
So- Mark and I are off to the game now.....lets hope for a win!
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Old 5 November 2012, 03:37 AM   #13053
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Is Austin going to make that game today? I played my best when feeling down. As an adult I don't get sick. It's been maybe 20 years or so.

But I have heard people make mention of the men waning babied when sick. Thank God we don't give birth.
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Old 5 November 2012, 04:13 AM   #13054
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Originally Posted by Lisa View Post
You got to quit wearing blue shirts, Wes - that makes your eyes look blue. How about an emerald green polo?

My husband has green eyes - but no one else in his family does. His dad's and sister's are brilliant blue. His mom's are hazel. Alas, though this is my favorite eye color, none of our kids have green eyes. Sometimes I think a tiny bit of green can be detected in June's eyes... it's likely wishful thinking.

That's Dino, as in our TRF Dino?
.- Yeah, Lisa is right, Leo. Wear green and your green eyes will shine..! - My wife has green eyes..and when she wears green..her eyes sparkle... I have blue, my dad had hazle..I take after my grandfather on my mothers side who had blue eyes. ..everyone else has brown.. Go figure...!!
Her watch is a classic..In sure shèll love it... - I have to maneauver my TT to see it sometimes..coz of its contrast...or lack thereof..!!- Shèll get used to it...! -
Leo.. Really sorry to hear about your hand. That surely has to be hurtng..!
..- ' A Crown for every achievement '
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Old 5 November 2012, 11:16 AM   #13055
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Originally Posted by Kinnakeet View Post
Leo- do you want your ginger ale "flat",(no bubbles) if so, you might have to wait 30 min. If however you don't mind the carbonation- I can get that to you now!
Michelle, you are so kind.....I would love a glass of ginger ale.......and I can also not trouble you and find the kitchen and pour a glass for myself as well.......thank you for your considerations have a good heart...
Take it easy.....Leo

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Old 5 November 2012, 11:24 AM   #13056
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Originally Posted by Lion View Post
Michelle, you are so kind.....I would love a glass of ginger ale anyway.....and I can also not trouble you and find the kitchen and pour a glass for myself as well.......thank you for your considerations though.........
Take it easy.....Leo
Well Leo- I hope my son will be so independent someday! I think there is a balance between looking after him and encouraging his independence. I was on a campaign this summer to get him to do his own laundry....he just did not do it, and a month and a half later I caved....and am back to doing his laundry for him...
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Old 5 November 2012, 11:45 AM   #13057
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Bah! It's just laundry. My son is 16. He doesn't do laundry either (except on the night before a game if his uniform hasn't been washed yet then it's a rush) but let's face it. It's not like you have to walk to the river and beat it against a rock. Throw it in a machine and walk away. When the buzzer rings its ready to go in another machine to dry.
Easy peasy.
The things your boy Does do, like cut the grass and take out the trash if you ask, shovel snow, carry the groceries from the car, empty the dishwasher, feed the pets etc. etc. etc.
He's a man in the making and I'm sure you and his Dad are making sure that he grows to be someone you can be proud of once he's finished.
I bought a cheap watch from the crazy man
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Old 5 November 2012, 12:07 PM   #13058
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Originally Posted by East Bay Rider View Post
Bah! It's just laundry. My son is 16. He doesn't do laundry either (except on the night before a game if his uniform hasn't been washed yet then it's a rush) but let's face it. It's not like you have to walk to the river and beat it against a rock. Throw it in a machine and walk away. When the buzzer rings its ready to go in another machine to dry.
Easy peasy.
The things your boy Does do, like cut the grass and take out the trash if you ask, shovel snow, carry the groceries from the car, empty the dishwasher, feed the pets etc. etc. etc.
He's a man in the making and I'm sure you and his Dad are making sure that he grows to be someone you can be proud of once he's finished.
Bill, how do you know my son so well!!!!!I do hear you about the issue is- my daughter does her own laundry, and she makes her own lunches .....sort of a double standard- and she continually reminds me of it On the other hand she is not nearly as cooperative as he is when I need help with something around the house.....So they both have their "positives" I guess;
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Old 5 November 2012, 12:18 PM   #13059
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Guys being guys.

Surprise your daughter the next time she tells you all that she does and how little her brother does.
Tell her: Nobody likes a rat.


Yep, father of the year right here. I'm just kidding though.
I bought a cheap watch from the crazy man
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Old 5 November 2012, 12:23 PM   #13060
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Originally Posted by East Bay Rider View Post
Guys being guys.

Yep, father of the year right here. I'm just kidding though.
Hey- I'd nominate you!! You have a very grounded understanding of parenting an adolescent- and I'm not kidding!
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Old 5 November 2012, 12:41 PM   #13061
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Originally Posted by East Bay Rider View Post
Guys being guys.

Surprise your daughter the next time she tells you all that she does and how little her brother does.
Tell her: Nobody likes a rat.


Yep, father of the year right here. I'm just kidding though.
Pretty much something my father would tell!

I'll have to agree with Michelle on you being a great parent though!
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Old 5 November 2012, 01:22 PM   #13062
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My son thinks I'm hard. He once compared me to Red Forman.

I'm much nicer than that. I just really don't like soft, flowery men who want to hold the worlds hand and think that everything will be better if we all just think positive thoughts.
Folks like that give me the creeps. I'm more comfortable with real working folk and nobody that works for a living talks like that. My boy knows I love him more than anything and I will move the world for him if he needs it BUT he'd better start moving the world on his own first if he wants my help. Even if he can't he'd better give it an honest try. The fact is, Life is hard. I work at a job I hate and I'm in pain every day but I suck it up and go because it's the right thing to do. I despise lazy in all forms. How that relates is that I compliment him when he gives full effort and when he slacks off I let him know I noticed. He doesn't like that nearly as much but I wouldn't be honest if I didn't. Again, not a placating softie. My job is to raise a man. Not a male adult, a man.
Ah well - probably too much information. No matter. My boy knows I have his back nomatter what. He may not always hear what he wants to hear but he knows through and through and I know deep in my heart that he will be strong and competent as an adult and I am/will be proud. I really love that kid.
I bought a cheap watch from the crazy man
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Now you may be thinking that I was had
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Old 5 November 2012, 01:25 PM   #13063
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Originally Posted by East Bay Rider View Post
My son thinks I'm hard. He once compared me to Red Forman.

I'm much nicer than that. I just really don't like soft, flowery men who want to hold the worlds hand and think that everything will be better if we all just think positive thoughts.
Folks like that give me the creeps. I'm more comfortable with real working folk and nobody that works for a living talks like that. My boy knows I love him more than anything and I will move the world for him if he needs it BUT he'd better start moving the world on his own first if he wants my help. Even if he can't he'd better give it an honest try. The fact is, Life is hard. I work at a job I hate and I'm in pain every day but I suck it up and go because it's the right thing to do. I despise lazy in all forms. How that relates is that I compliment him when he gives full effort and when he slacks off I let him know I noticed. He doesn't like that nearly as much but I wouldn't be honest if I didn't. Again, not a placating softie. My job is to raise a man. Not a male adult, a man.
Ah well - probably too much information. No matter. My boy knows I have his back nomatter what. He may not always hear what he wants to hear but he knows through and through and I know deep in my heart that he will be strong and competent as an adult and I am/will be proud.
That was well written Bill! My parents always let us know they were there to help us and they always made sure we were aware that they loved us but at the same time they always made us work and put some effort in our work. Of course we all have our lazy moments and those times we just want to relax but they made sure we knew when it was or wasn't the time for it!
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Le général de l'armée de terre s'attend au pire,
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Old 5 November 2012, 01:28 PM   #13064
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Originally Posted by FeelingTheBlues View Post
That was well written Bill! My parents always let us know they were there to help us and they always made sure we were aware that they loved us but at the same time they always made us work and put some effort in our work. Of course we all have our lazy moments and those times we just want to relax but they made sure we knew when it was or wasn't the time for it!
I find myself having a lot of lazy moments here on TRF.
I bought a cheap watch from the crazy man
Floating down canal
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Now you may be thinking that I was had
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Old 5 November 2012, 01:29 PM   #13065
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Originally Posted by East Bay Rider View Post
I find myself having a lot of lazy moments here on TRF.
Really? That's funny, it seems like I'm always busy around here...
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J'ai faim, j'ai frette, je suis trop faible pour me lever debout,
On va hisser le drapeau blanc un point c'est tout.

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Old 5 November 2012, 10:23 PM   #13066
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I was fortunate to have Liberal parents(and grew up in the 60's and very early 70's in a town that was a 'Liberal think Tank') who allowed me to make my own choices, as long as they were not harmful to myself or others. And would be there to pick me up when I took a hard fall.....we had chores to do around the house each week and had to work for our meager weekly allowance...which went from a dime to a quarter when I went to High School. We were taught to read, do our own research and homework and come to our own conclusions. I also had a fantastic Art Teacher, Phil, in High School who gave me room to grow, become an individual and stand up for what I believed in(we also partied together when I was in high School and of course afterwards). And the funny thing now is he and I are still close friends(even though we live 600 miles apart)and keep in contact through mom was a stay at home Mom and my Dad worked seven days a week. but our needs(food, clothing and shelter)were met and life was great/fantastic. Of course Rock music and then Jazz along with Art played a big part in my life and College and learning Horticultural principles was fascinating and always kept my interest......but above all else meeting my future partner, best friend and the love of my life, Pam.....allowed me to be a complete person.....and fatherhood was and still is a life changing experience!!!
Take it easy.....Leo

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Old 5 November 2012, 11:34 PM   #13067
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Originally Posted by East Bay Rider View Post
My boy knows I have his back nomatter what. He may not always hear what he wants to hear but he knows through and through and I know deep in my heart that he will be strong and competent as an adult and I am/will be proud. I really love that kid.
You nailed it again Bill! Ethan is a lucky guy for having the parents God gave him!
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Old 6 November 2012, 09:07 AM   #13068
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Hi CARL!! How are things in Trois-Rivieres tonight? Maybe dark and chilly, like it is here? Did you get back to Montreal this past weekend?
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Old 6 November 2012, 09:23 AM   #13069
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Originally Posted by Kinnakeet View Post
Hi CARL!! How are things in Trois-Rivieres tonight? Maybe dark and chilly, like it is here? Did you get back to Montreal this past weekend?

I did get back to Montreal this weekend (it's my routine actually), it's nice to see my family and girlfriend and tell them about my formation!

Things are quite great around here, I finished my filing exam today and did take a few pictures but I want to make sure I passed it before posting them! If you guys remember I had to make a detent spring from a piece of steel. It's supposed to look exactly like that (although I didn't have to drill the middle hole since the movement in which it belongs didn't have anything going through it).

The spring is supposed to work properly! I am quite glad I've been able to make a watch part completely by hand (although I did have the original one glued on the steel part, I just had to cut and file it until it was the same thing but I'm still proud! ) and I truly hope I'll pass it. So far my teacher took a look at it with his loupe and he told me I did a great job with the finishing (sanding and polishing it...I think I polished it almost 7 times to make sure it had a mirror finish! ). I'll let you know how it goes but so far I can say I've finished my class a tad early and I got two more days in bank now (I'll be at 6,5 days early...not bad if you ask me! ).

Tomorrow I am going to start working on a lathe, I can't wait!
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Old 6 November 2012, 09:29 AM   #13070
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Way to go Arl. This is pretty great. I'm impressed every time you show your work.
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Old 6 November 2012, 09:31 AM   #13071
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Originally Posted by East Bay Rider View Post
Way to go Arl. This is pretty great. I'm impressed every time you show your work.
How I wish this one was mine Bill!

It's supposed to be like this one but this isn't my actual picture! I'll show you mine shortly though!
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Old 6 November 2012, 09:31 AM   #13072
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Amazing Carl!!! Such itty bitty parts you are working you use magnifying safety glasses? Your hands have to be so steady as well- Bravo Mon Ami!!
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Old 6 November 2012, 09:38 AM   #13073
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Originally Posted by Kinnakeet View Post
Amazing Carl!!! Such itty bitty parts you are working you use magnifying safety glasses? Your hands have to be so steady as well- Bravo Mon Ami!!
Thank you Michelle and Bill (Bill, please accept my apologies for not thanking you for your kind words in my above post...sometimes I wonder where my manners are! Such an unclassy thing for a dandy like myself...)!

Michelle, I do not use magnifying safety glasses because they aren't necessary while filing. All I used for this one was my watchmaker's loupe.

P.S.: Hands have to be very steady many times have I scratched the face of that spring because the file would slip...
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Old 6 November 2012, 10:13 AM   #13074
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Well, steady hands require a high level of "calm" and lots of patience- you are cut out for this work Carl!
A weather question- did 3-R get hit by high winds etc. last Monday night?
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Old 6 November 2012, 10:15 AM   #13075
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Originally Posted by Kinnakeet View Post
Well, steady hands require a high level of "calm" and lots of patience- you are cut out for this work Carl!
A weather question- did 3-R get hit by high winds etc. last Monday night?
Me? Calm? Not quite but I try...

Not at all! We were spared by Sandy! Whew!

How about you guys?
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Old 6 November 2012, 10:23 AM   #13076
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We had gusts up to 80km an hour! but nothing blew over or away,so we were spared as well...It is sobering to see what the mid east coast is going through...
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Old 6 November 2012, 10:25 AM   #13077
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Originally Posted by Kinnakeet View Post
We had gusts up to 80km an hour! but nothing blew over or away,so we were spared as well...It is sobering to see what the mid east coast is going through...
Yes indeed. Alas, we cannot fight against the power of Mother Nature...
Mon corps c'est un pays en guerre sur l'point d'finir,
Le général de l'armée de terre s'attend au pire,
J'ai faim, j'ai frette, je suis trop faible pour me lever debout,
On va hisser le drapeau blanc un point c'est tout.

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Old 6 November 2012, 10:35 AM   #13078
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Hmmmm, yes indeed! Speaking of "fighting mother nature", I'm watching Avatar tonight- I have a rare opportunity to have the TV all to myself ! I had seen this movie in 3-D and got dizzy, so I'm looking forward to watching it in normal mode
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Old 6 November 2012, 10:41 AM   #13079
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Originally Posted by Kinnakeet View Post
Hmmmm, yes indeed! Speaking of "fighting mother nature", I'm watching Avatar tonight- I have a rare opportunity to have the TV all to myself ! I had seen this movie in 3-D and got dizzy, so I'm looking forward to watching it in normal mode
That's funny, I'm probably one of the very few people on this planet who never saw that movie yet...

Have fun my friend!
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Le général de l'armée de terre s'attend au pire,
J'ai faim, j'ai frette, je suis trop faible pour me lever debout,
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Old 6 November 2012, 11:30 AM   #13080
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Originally Posted by FeelingTheBlues View Post
That's funny, I'm probably one of the very few people on this planet who never saw that movie yet...

Have fun my friend!
You and I both. Never saw it.
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