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Old 7 December 2020, 01:05 AM   #61
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Being the Alpha I initiate the conversation “yes, it’s real”, “I saw you looking” & “tell your son this is what a winner looks like” are good openers I’ve found.
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Old 7 December 2020, 01:06 AM   #62
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I would never wear a yellow gold watch or any expensive jewelry to a shopping mall or similar type places. Its the world we live in. If you do wear it, insure it or be able to replace it on your own without a thought.
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Old 7 December 2020, 01:16 AM   #63
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Yellow gold calls more attention than white or platinum. With white gold or platinum most might think it's just SS.
Air King 116900
Omega AT41 Gray Dial/Leather
Oris Pointer Date Roberto Clemente LE
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Old 7 December 2020, 01:20 AM   #64
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Honestly im never worried but I do use common sense.
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Old 7 December 2020, 01:22 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by Bob 70 View Post
Im 6"3 ..330 lbs and sometime when im in a mixed crowd i feel like im being at the mall, bar...etc....A Gold Rolex stands out like a beacon ...heck you can spot it 2 blocks away . ..Are you all totally relaxed when wearing your goldie ?......P.s ..Some people say , no one notices your watch , ..not true , i notice people looking at it all the time , they might not say anything , but they do check it out.
Isn’t that why/the reason you bought it? For attention?
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Old 7 December 2020, 01:24 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by peterpl View Post
I'm just wondering are the guys that are replying actually OWN a YG piece and are talking from real world experiences or talking air out of their ass all based on assumptions? LOL many talking out their ass, whether they own one or not! What a room full of tough guys! Very rarely do you find a true member of the 1% that needs to brag about it !

"Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn't even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back."
- Heraclitus
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Old 7 December 2020, 01:26 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by VonSomething View Post
As much as we like to think people notice and gawk at our expensive watches, they really don't.

Every glare a stranger makes towards our wrist we think "omg he was definitely checking out the watch" - no he wasn't.

The only people that look are other fanatics watch fanatics. I almost always try to identify what kind of watch people are wearing, just for the fun of it.

I love watches and I always enjoy seeing what type of people wear what type of watches, how they are dressed etc. What watch is my lawyer wearing? My doctor? etc.. I find it very fascinating.

My lawyer by the way wears a 1940's 34mm Swiss made watch (can't remember the model, but it's no longer in production). It was given to him by his Grandfather, my doctor wears a TT DJ36 (I mean, what else.. lol). Last week a young kid wore a GMT Master 2 while being behind the register. One of the reasons why I fell in love with the Milgauss was because I saw it on an older gentleman in a clothing store and it looked so classy.

Criminals that are out to get your watch will identify a SS model just as fast as they would see a YG Submariner. "Normal" people don't care. Every girl/guy is running around in $200 Quartz Fashion watches, very often in full YG/RG plating. They couldn't identify a $40k Rolex from a $200 Michael Kors. Most people don't even know the cost of a YG Rolex (oh wow, must be expensive, $800?)
very true
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Old 7 December 2020, 01:28 AM   #68
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I am normally protected by carrying one of those things we arent allowed to discuss on here
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Old 7 December 2020, 01:33 AM   #69
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Originally Posted by Bob 70 View Post
Im not saying im big or tough ...I was saying i feel eyeballed in mixed company
Are you an old rich white guy speaking code?
Sub No Date (14060); Tudor Ranger; Explorer (124270); Day Date (18238) stolen by wife; CasiOak.
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Old 7 December 2020, 01:39 AM   #70
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Of course people notice watches. Do they know anything about them ? usually not, which is why I often see people wearing full bling/gold pieces of junk.

I am in a relatively safe area but I still pay attention as to what I wear. No one is above being vulnerable. There are literally millions of places you will lose your watch within a day if you're not careful. Even with a weapon.
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Old 7 December 2020, 01:44 AM   #71
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In about ten years of SS, TT, PM wearing every single day, I've had perhaps four people remark on my watch and perhaps another eight seem to notice. And I'm watching everyone.

What helps me is knowing that in my area these days, watches/jewelry are not a hot target.

We get two types of property crime:

1 - Four 15-16-17 year olds from the major city come into a suburban neighborhood at 2am in a stolen car. They jump out and each pull on 100 door handles in 90 minutes. Half will be unlocked.

That gets them a bunch of phones, credit cards, purses, personal protection devices, and each stops when he finds car keys. They then meet and stash several of the cars for the next day, and will generally cap the night robbing one or two deserted gas stations. When caught, they are given a court date and sent home to their "parent". If they show for court, they are told to attend "Why you should not do that" training. Repeat until age 18 when their record is sealed.

2 - The "graduates" of above join one of the roving multi-state professional gangs. They grab purses from cars left running at gas pumps from the passenger side without the driver noticing, or smash windows at gyms after they see the owner go inside leaving purse ON THE FRONT SEAT. They go to Walmart or similar and buy as many gift cards as possible on the cards until the card stops working.

They would have to be IDIOTS to take a chance on a hand-to-hand robbery of someone who MIGHT be able to stop/wound/identify them. And for what, a watch that they may not bring xBox money in an alley at 5am? Idiotic.

Your locale may vary. And I'm excluding the folks wobbling home on three legs down second avenue Nashville at 3am, they do make frequent donations but I assume they consider it part of the vibe or they wouldn't have been wobbling down the street at 3am.
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Old 7 December 2020, 02:15 AM   #72
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I only wear SS watches, but after the reported rise in watch related crime, I still tend to be very careful now. I’m always on guard, aware of my surroundings, and invariably wear long sleeves.

Before the last couple of years, I wore a Rolex constantly, all travel, all countries. I didn’t even think about it. Now, I often travel with a citizen and I expect that will continue.
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Old 7 December 2020, 03:05 AM   #73
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Do you ever feel like a target wearing an all GOLD Rolex

I’m more concerned about looking ostentatious than about being targeted. When I decide not to wear gold it’s usually to avoid situations at work where others may feel “less than” or think I am being “showy” by flashing a YG Rolex. (WG fits in well at work.)

Size aside, I’m not a soft target. I’m totally relaxed. Just need to stay aware of the surroundings.

Enjoy your watch!

If I felt like I could not enjoy YG and PM pieces on weekends and when traveling, I’d sell them.
Just another WIS who loves to trade...
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Old 7 December 2020, 03:13 AM   #74
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For you guys that live in fear or paranoia just over a "gold" watch, why even wear them much less own them? How about the really wealthy members here who live in multi-million dollar houses and drive vehicles that cost in the six figures? Do they live in fear also? Or is this just about a damn watch on your wrist? I have great news....solid gold Rolex models are selling for more $$ now than ever before. It is a seller's market. Get rid of yours and go buy a Casio finished in black plastic polymer or whatever they are made of. Every month or so a thread just like this one is started by another member here. It is so predictable I can set my watch by it!
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Old 7 December 2020, 03:46 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by kirksingleton View Post
Isn’t that why/the reason you bought it? For attention?

Do you assume that everybody that buys something nice does so for attention ?

I’m assuming most gold watch wearers on this forum but their watches for themselves not for attention.

If you want attention, instead of spending $30k on a Rolex, you can buy idk, maybe a grill like a rapper?

Come on man

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