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Old 19 March 2009, 01:54 AM   #1
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Anyone Else Notice More Pushy ADs?

I guess I shouldn't be suprised, with the economy and all, but I used to spend time walking in to ADs, talking Rolex with the sales people, trying on different models. I never made a pest of myself, and of course respected if the sales people were busy trying to make a living, but if they weren't I USED to be able to walk in there and enjoy 15 or 20 minutes of "Rolexing." (New Term I just made up). I always felt welcome, never pressured, the staff was always pleasant and helpful, and it was just a good experience.

Yesterday, I had to look for some furnishings for my house, and made the rounds at a couple malls. Normally, I would welcome such a day because it gave me the oppurtunity for some Rolexing. Well, the day turned out to be rather stressful. At EVERY AD I walked in to, (total of four), I felt like I was in a used-car lot. The sales people were offering me discounts, asking me right out in a very desperate tone: "What can I do to get you to buy this today?" I just felt very uncomfortable in all of them...

Anyone else notice this?
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Old 19 March 2009, 03:03 AM   #2
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The ADs around me are least at International Plaza in Tampa. Basically the give off the vibe that they don't need you in there. I'm sure they're used to people coming in, on vacation, and just dropping the full retail amount down...

This is the same AD that told me to "pound sand" basically when I asked if they'd order a bezel for me. Keep in mind, I have a relationship with this store too...
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Old 19 March 2009, 03:07 AM   #3
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Well, I did have this one with the fabulous cleavage trying to push me.....but, hey, who the hell was complaining?
Words fail me in expressing my utmost thanks to ALL of you for this wonderful support during my hour of need!!

I firmly believe that my time on planet earth is NOT yet up!! I shall fight this to the very end.......and WIN!!
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Old 19 March 2009, 03:16 AM   #4
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Went by my local AD here yesterday just to look around for a minute. I was curious at what kind of discount I could get on a new sub since everyone on here was talking about their local dealers and what they have been offered. I ask the sales person what they would do and that I had heard about a possible 20% off situation, I got the spill about rolex possibly pulling the line from them if they did that! Needless to say I was kind of surprised with this answer. The sales person also told me that I "had to be serious" if they were gonna go ask for a price for me. Oh well! so much for "rolexing" I guess. Jon
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Old 19 March 2009, 03:26 AM   #5
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I can see how frustrating it would be...standing around all day and waiting for people to buy an expensive watch. Or helping all of those people that come in evereyday only to ask about getting a Daytona and getting on the "waiting list" for one. Then demanding discounts on everything they see. I could never do it.
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Old 19 March 2009, 07:10 AM   #6
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I went "Rolexing" in Boston two weeks ago. I walked into an AD wearing jeans and a t-shirt,and I was not wearing a watch. I was not given the "Pre Qualified Look" by my appearence by the first saleslady I encountered. I was greeted by her cleevage and her 1000 megawatt smile. She asked if I needed any help, I then tried on several different models, and I fell in love with the 116264 which is a Stainless and white gold TurnO Graph with oyster bracelet. It had a white face which I did not like. She offered to order one from New York with the black face,I agreed but it depended on the price. She went and got the manager and I proceeded to haggle with the guy for about 15 minutes and I negotiated 20% off with another 5% off to have it shipped to my homestate. Needless to say I could not help myself,the watch arrived yesterday and it is absolutely stunning. I was treated with the utmost respect,I was never pushed to buy today,and I got a great deal. The entire staff knows me on a first name basis just after only 2 visits. I will definitely go back to this AD 2 hours away from my local AD to buy again.
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Old 19 March 2009, 07:12 AM   #7
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There was one sales guy at an AD here in San Antonio, everything I looked at he kept pushing 6 months no interest. He was really annoying. I finally just left.
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Old 19 March 2009, 07:39 AM   #8
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I was at Monte Cristo- a Vancouver dealer which is not where I make my purchases- looking at their Breguet pieces. I spent about an hour and a half familiarizing myself. I left the store and mulled over the idea of picking up a 5817BA; a 20k piece. I didn't feel pushed until two days later when I showed up again with a fresh head (I'm trying not to be so impulsive!) and to look over the piece once again. I forgot to mention that the first day a nice lady was helping me. This day I was greeted by her, then served by an older gentlemen who coincidentally played the 'bad cop' in an attempt to make me feel obligated to buy the piece because I had spent o' so much time looking. He even made a comment about looking, and what there was to think about.
I considered for a moment to ask what he boar on wrist, and how often 20k jumped out of his pocket book in a two hour visit.
It's the only Breguet dealer in Vancouver that I know of, sadly that day when I left the store my decided not to partake in business with them had been made.
Ha, I guess I have a Napoleon complex in being young and expect respect when I'm dealing with sales people.
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Old 19 March 2009, 08:59 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Ning Dynasty View Post
The ADs around me are least at International Plaza in Tampa. Basically the give off the vibe that they don't need you in there. I'm sure they're used to people coming in, on vacation, and just dropping the full retail amount down...

This is the same AD that told me to "pound sand" basically when I asked if they'd order a bezel for me. Keep in mind, I have a relationship with this store too...
Sounds like the Rolex AD in South Coast Plaza here in SoCal. Every time I go in there they act like business is booming and they really don't NEED anyone to buy.

The last time I was in there (about a month ago) I had it and made a comment to one of the reps, "Well, I assume business has slowed down considerably considering our current economic conditions." Sure enough (and not surprisingly) I was greeted with a very sarcastic, "YOU would be surprised at how good business really is!!!" Give me a break...once again I left thinking, "Please stop with the BS 'cause it's really getting old." Cheers.
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Old 19 March 2009, 09:04 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by jtvision View Post
I was at Monte Cristo- a Vancouver dealer which is not where I make my purchases- looking at their Breguet pieces. I spent about an hour and a half familiarizing myself. I left the store and mulled over the idea of picking up a 5817BA; a 20k piece. I didn't feel pushed until two days later when I showed up again with a fresh head (I'm trying not to be so impulsive!) and to look over the piece once again. I forgot to mention that the first day a nice lady was helping me. This day I was greeted by her, then served by an older gentlemen who coincidentally played the 'bad cop' in an attempt to make me feel obligated to buy the piece because I had spent o' so much time looking. He even made a comment about looking, and what there was to think about.
I considered for a moment to ask what he boar on wrist, and how often 20k jumped out of his pocket book in a two hour visit.
It's the only Breguet dealer in Vancouver that I know of, sadly that day when I left the store my decided not to partake in business with them had been made.
Ha, I guess I have a Napoleon complex in being young and expect respect when I'm dealing with sales people.
Look on the bright side, sometimes it's good to have experiences like this 'cause it saves you money in the long run. I've had a few experiences like the one you described and looking back on them I think, "Thank God they made it so painful to buy that I decided to pass." At the time it definitely annoys you, but later on it's usually for the best. Cheers.
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Old 19 March 2009, 09:14 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by moby33 View Post
Sure enough (and not surprisingly) I was greeted with a very sarcastic, "YOU would be surprised at how good business really is!!!" Give me a break...once again I left thinking, "Please stop with the BS 'cause it's really getting old."
They have to say this. Revealing a slowdown opens the door for you to bargain and drive a discount. It plants the seed in your mind. You might tell all your friends about the slowdown, and they all go in looking for discounts.

Keeping up the BS appearance makes them not look so desperate.

It is rather strange that the emphasis was on "you" and not "surprised". I wonder what that says...'you' as opposed to someone else?
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Old 19 March 2009, 09:25 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by fmalloy View Post
They have to say this. Revealing a slowdown opens the door for you to bargain and drive a discount. It plants the seed in your mind. You might tell all your friends about the slowdown, and they all go in looking for discounts.

Keeping up the BS appearance makes them not look so desperate.

It is rather strange that the emphasis was on "you" and not "surprised". I wonder what that says...'you' as opposed to someone else?
I hear ya, I understand NO salesperson in their right mind (at least anyone w/ half a brain) is going to come out and admit, "Yep, times are bad and we can't move anything." What annoys me (as they always seem to do at that AD) is their extreme level of sarcasm and utter snobbery (which I tried, albeit poorly, to describe with the all caps 'YOU'). It's hard to describe via words...more of a feeling than anything else. There are some stores you go in and ALWAYS feel good in regardless of who you speak with...then there are the exact opposite. This AD IMO is the latter.

There's a right way & and wrong way to say, "Times are good...thanks for inquiring." These guys never seem to nail it IMO. Mind you, this is the same AD that I had spoken with 3 different reps almost a year ago about buying the DSSD when they got one in. All 3 reps said they would give me a call as soon as the watch came in. I could almost hear in their voice over the phone they had no intention of calling (which makes no sense to me seeing as it takes all of 10 seconds out of your day)...sure enough I've NEVER received one call. And yes, they have had a DSSD in stock for well over 6 months now. I purchased the watch a while ago, but I'll give you one guess what AD didn't get my DSSD business. Cheers.
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Old 19 March 2009, 09:25 AM   #13
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At My local AD it is kind of hit or miss. Depends on who is there. I overheard one of the ladies pressuring a guy who wanted to pay cash for a ring for his wife (who was with him) and a Rolex instead of financing it with their no interest for 12 months with 30% down deal. The guy kept saying no I have the cash I just want to buy it and the lady kept up with well you should just finance it and keep your cash for 12 months and make payments this went on for like 1-2 minutes and the guy grabbed his wife by the hand and said sorry to her and walked out. WTF talk about crazy. I am sure they get some kick back from the finance company but to loose a $10,000+ sale in these times talk about a bone head move. Sales 101 the customer is always right unless they want something for free…

As for me I have felt very welcomed on one visit. They were more than willing to let me try things on and even look into getting me a 16710 from another store. As most know I ended up with the 116710 as I already have a 1675 Pepsi. I was not too serious at the time so did not ask about deals. The second trip in a different lady was sitting down greeted me sortta nicely. She kinda looked at me like I was a dirt bag. I explained to her my wife told me to come in and try it on. I told her I thought maybe she was going to get it for me for V-day. Oh ya is all I got as she was looking in a different direction. Nothing more I was kind of expecting a “wow that is awesome be sure to tell her to come in here”. She kind of looked at the 1675 with NATO strap like it was a toy and brushed me off. I did ask about any deals and she said the only deal they had was 12 mo. No Interest financing. I said well what if I do not need to finance it and she said well in that case the price is $7,000.00. My wife did call the store and they told her the same thing. So we ended up going through a friend/Jeweler at our local store. He got it from an AD he knew and saved us 7% which was better than nothing I still ended up with all the docs and a warrenty card from the AD filled out with my wife’s name on it.

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Old 19 March 2009, 09:32 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by fmalloy View Post
They have to say this. Revealing a slowdown opens the door for you to bargain and drive a discount. It plants the seed in your mind. You might tell all your friends about the slowdown, and they all go in looking for discounts.

Keeping up the BS appearance makes them not look so desperate.

It is rather strange that the emphasis was on "you" and not "surprised". I wonder what that says...'you' as opposed to someone else?
Would they rather sell 3 Rolexes at a 10% discount or not sell any? My local AD lost my sale over $500.00, $500.00 they lost $6,500.00 over $500.00. Everyone is happy to get something off even if it is $500.00 It is that mentality that makes it so hard to buy from an AD.

Just like buying a car. You do not pay what is on the sticker.

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Old 19 March 2009, 09:39 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by postiff View Post
Would they rather sell 3 Rolexes at a 10% discount or not sell any? My local AD lost my sale over $500.00, $500.00 they lost $6,500.00 over $500.00. Everyone is happy to get something off even if it is $500.00 It is that mentality that makes it so hard to buy from an AD.

Just like buying a car. You do not pay what is on the sticker.

Exactly. The last thing I think any AD would admit was the fact that it's a "problem" that more & more people are coming into their store.
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Old 19 March 2009, 11:00 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by camster View Post
I went "Rolexing" in Boston two weeks ago. I walked into an AD wearing jeans and a t-shirt,and I was not wearing a watch. I was not given the "Pre Qualified Look" by my appearence by the first saleslady I encountered. I was greeted by her cleevage and her 1000 megawatt smile. She asked if I needed any help, I then tried on several different models, and I fell in love with the 116264 which is a Stainless and white gold TurnO Graph with oyster bracelet. It had a white face which I did not like. She offered to order one from New York with the black face,I agreed but it depended on the price. She went and got the manager and I proceeded to haggle with the guy for about 15 minutes and I negotiated 20% off with another 5% off to have it shipped to my homestate. Needless to say I could not help myself,the watch arrived yesterday and it is absolutely stunning. I was treated with the utmost respect,I was never pushed to buy today,and I got a great deal. The entire staff knows me on a first name basis just after only 2 visits. I will definitely go back to this AD 2 hours away from my local AD to buy again.
I know what you mean
I live in NY and I was so impresed with an Ad in NJ, that im going back there for my next purchase. The AD by me just isnt friendly
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Old 19 March 2009, 11:01 AM   #17
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Old 19 March 2009, 11:04 AM   #18
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Yes I noticed this happening at ADs, I went to the Tourneau in Atlantic City, NJ on Sunday, I asked if they had an SS Daytona, he actually said he would order me one, which caught me off guard, I was looking for the "Oops, we don't sell that model to commoners." After, I stated that I would only like to purchase it if you had one in stock, he stated he had the WG version, I said that was too expensive for my budget, he then tried to get me to purchase one of those Tourneau in house watches. How the fact that one of the watches was ordinarily retailing for $945 was now on sale for $425. At this point, I proceed to thank him for the help and left. The luxury mall across Caesars Palace was depressing as hell, every top designer you can imagine, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Burberry, Armani, etc. Absolutely no one but me and my friends were walking past these stores, looking into them the sales people were just standing around dieing of boredom. Walking through the boardwalk in AC was like the scene in The Wrestler, when Mickey & his daughter were walking on the boardwalk with no one else in sight.
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Old 19 March 2009, 12:37 PM   #19
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I'm sorry to hear the war stories but C'est la vie!!!
My local AD is family owned and have never been pressured to buy anything when I'm in their store. Of course I have spent quite a bit of money with them but they seem to treat everyone who comes in with respect and courtesy. That's why I keep going back to them. Now another AD, Jared, is a different story. They wouldn't give me the time of day probably because of the way I dress. Once they saw that I owned a Rolex, out came the red carpet treatment. In discussing pricing with them they told me flat out, no discount period, on any purchase!!!
Also have noticed that jewelry stores in the malls are all pushy!!!

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Old 19 March 2009, 12:43 PM   #20
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My local AD totally ignored me last week. Not even a hello.

Oh well. No hello, no money in the future...!
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Old 19 March 2009, 02:38 PM   #21
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If im in Canada For a watch I will always go to Brinkhaus on Georgia street. Very professional and friendly. They truly care about and appreciate and value their customers there. Sales people like that will always make me go back to them again.
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Old 19 March 2009, 05:08 PM   #22
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I was in an AD here in Japan last night. Salesman comes over and sees my GMT IIC. He says he can get me one for $4,500. He tells my girl he can sell her a "watch" (did not say Rolex) for 80% off. He tells me he can discount any Rolex I want. I tell him I have 6 and don't need another right now. He follows me out the store trying to hand me his business card and brochure.

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Old 19 March 2009, 08:31 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Ning Dynasty View Post
The ADs around me are least at International Plaza in Tampa.
Nolan - You are visiting the wrong AD in Tampa. Try Avant Gold on Dale Mabry HWY in Tampa. The staff is friendly and very knowledgeable.

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Old 19 March 2009, 08:59 PM   #24
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My Ad is errrmmmm just the guys who sold me a Rolex and some jewellry now and again.

I don't expect them to recognise me when I go in, I kinda expect to be asked "Can I help you?" the same as I would in any other shop I go into.

I don't ever try Rolex watches on if I'm not buying (I don't actually think I have ever tried one on), in fact I doubt I'd even go in the store if I wasn't buying.

It's a jewellers, not a coffee shop.

Sometimes I think people are expecting too much.

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Old 19 March 2009, 09:00 PM   #25
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AD's in my area are still as lazy as ever.
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Old 19 March 2009, 11:47 PM   #26
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I've been to 5 or 6 ADs in the past couple weeks, and they were actually pretty helpful. They thanked me for trying on watches because they were bored.
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Old 20 March 2009, 04:47 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Jimbits76 View Post
My Ad is errrmmmm just the guys who sold me a Rolex and some jewellry now and again.

I don't expect them to recognise me when I go in, I kinda expect to be asked "Can I help you?" the same as I would in any other shop I go into.

I don't ever try Rolex watches on if I'm not buying (I don't actually think I have ever tried one on), in fact I doubt I'd even go in the store if I wasn't buying.

It's a jewellers, not a coffee shop.

Sometimes I think people are expecting too much.

While I agree with you that trying on a watch that you have no intention of buying is pretty bush-league (hence the reason I NEVER ask to try on the WG the looks, but know I'll never buy it), I have to disagree somewhat when it comes to expecting too much.

At a minimum, I expect ANY salesperson to leave the air of superiority at the door...I've seen too many people believe that just because they work at a high end jewelry/watch store they instantly believe they are better than those around them. Makes no sense to me.

If I want to walk around for hours on end just looking in cases then I should have the right to...without feeling pressure or a sense the reps are getting annoyed because I haven't started talking w/ them about 'Doing a Deal'. That's why they are called display cases. If they didn't want people looking at them, they would just leave them locked up and provide a list of watches available.

I never bother sales people with questions I already know the answers to (which unfortunately I read about all too many people feeling the need to go in and grill a rep on "questions" they know just to prove they have more knowledge ) and I leave them to work with buying customers first & foremost.

Yet all too often I feel reps get annoyed with this practice and feel the need to engage in passive-aggressive behavior. That's what I don't understand and believe there is no place for it in a professional business setting. Cheers.
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Old 20 March 2009, 05:39 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by moby33 View Post
While I agree with you that trying on a watch that you have no intention of buying is pretty bush-league (hence the reason I NEVER ask to try on the WG the looks, but know I'll never buy it), I have to disagree somewhat when it comes to expecting too much.

At a minimum, I expect ANY salesperson to leave the air of superiority at the door...I've seen too many people believe that just because they work at a high end jewelry/watch store they instantly believe they are better than those around them. Makes no sense to me.

If I want to walk around for hours on end just looking in cases then I should have the right to...without feeling pressure or a sense the reps are getting annoyed because I haven't started talking w/ them about 'Doing a Deal'. That's why they are called display cases. If they didn't want people looking at them, they would just leave them locked up and provide a list of watches available.

I never bother sales people with questions I already know the answers to (which unfortunately I read about all too many people feeling the need to go in and grill a rep on "questions" they know just to prove they have more knowledge ) and I leave them to work with buying customers first & foremost.

Yet all too often I feel reps get annoyed with this practice and feel the need to engage in passive-aggressive behavior. That's what I don't understand and believe there is no place for it in a professional business setting. Cheers.
Fair play, although when I say folk expect to much, I should clarify where I'm coming from.

I don't expect them to leave their air of superiority at the door because if the place was like that, they wouldn't have my business. My AD is a small, family run traditional jeweller...they are friendly and polite and never look down upon anybody. I would imagine nearly 95% of their customers would make more in a year than the salesmen/women in the place so they have no grounding for snobbery. They are just happy that folk want to use them in a very competitive market.

They are happy for folk like me to visit, mill about in the shop, look at what I want and take as many catalogues or brochures as I need for myself and my friends. Quite often they might tell me about rumours floating around Rolex HQ or inform me about some second hand watches they are getting in or have had in but are now being serviced. Martin (Jdc) will testify to that!

I've never been offered a coffee, never given a discount and never picked up any freebies from them.

I expect them to sell me a Rolex when I want one or something pretty and sparkly for Claire now and again.

In my opinion, if you go into Watch shops or jewellers and ask to handle or try on the goods, expect the staff to think they might be getting a sale.

These guys have to make a living too.

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Old 20 March 2009, 06:07 AM   #29
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I was at one local AD talking about a particular model they had and when I asked for a price, they gave me a very good quote (over 20% off) and then said that I would have to buy it NOW for that price.

I guess that smart on their part -- give it their best shot and allow no shopping. It worked, I took it (well, I had it shipped to an out of state address to save another $300 in sales tax).
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Old 20 March 2009, 06:13 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by train-time View Post
I was at one local AD talking about a particular model they had and when I asked for a price, they gave me a very good quote (over 20% off) and then said that I would have to buy it NOW for that price.

I guess that smart on their part -- give it their best shot and allow no shopping. It worked, I took it (well, I had it shipped to an out of state address to save another $300 in sales tax).
I always get a kick out of that tactic. Somehow, I have a strange feeling if you would have walked out the door yet returned the next day with cash in hand the 20% off would still fly!
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