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Old 1 February 2025, 08:28 AM   #391
Dave O
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Originally Posted by Duke Nukem View Post
I mean this respectfully, but you need to stand up for yourself and stop letting others take advantage/lead you on.

Many of us have already stated, that an AD does not lose their license while they're going through a renovation. The simple fact that you were in the dark about them losing their license says it all, not to mention their cold shoulder mannerisms towards you. This will not be the last location that they lose their license at.

If your buddy, "Daytona king" is a client of the same AD then his advice may help and he should put in a good word for you, otherwise I would take with a grain of salt. Every AD operates differently despite "the game", and like I shared with you in a PM a few weeks ago, your AD has openly given away a 126500 panda to walk-in off the street that had a strong referral. You've spent more money than that walk-in who is bound to never return. You are at the bottom of the totem pole.

I'm sorry but you need to take things at face value and move on. Wait until March 2026 before reaching out to the owner directly? Really dude? Come on. They played you like a fiddle and walked right over you. Have some self-respect. I recommend reaching out to the owner(s) now so you get your answer and can quickly move on to another AD, if need be.

This is like watching a guy in high school/college trying to ask out the most popular girl in the student body who isn't reciprocating.
I've been an advocate of the OP since the beginning. However, things are now turning south in my opinion. I agree. It's time to go to the GM and ask him what is going on. From there, take it to the owner. But there is no way I would sit back till 2026. I'd find out where I stand, and if not in good standing, move on.
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Old 1 February 2025, 08:30 AM   #392
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Originally Posted by MRBolton View Post
Update: I went by the AD today to get some jewelry purchased there cleaned. The GM was not there today, but I was mainly on a fact finding mission anyway. There is still Rolex branding outside, and there is a very scant selection of exhibition pieces (literally 5) with most slots empty. I saw someone picking up a Deep Sea purchase while I was in there.
I remarked to my SA that the selection of exhibition pieces were really low, and I could tell he was a bit uncomfortable when he answered, "This is all we'll have until we move into the new store."
He went on to say that they're moving to a nearby temporary location around March, and they're going to be knocking out the wall where the Rolex section is now and building it out to have a full Rolex room and private pickup room, a larger space for the Rolex watchmaker, and on the other side of the store knocking that wall out to expand further into where the parking lot is now to make room to bring in more brands, mainly jewelry.

He said that he was told that this expansion not only means more exhibition pieces, but they are expecting a much larger allocation of watches once the build out is complete. They're expecting to be done and moved back in around Christmas this year.

I asked if they will have Rolex at the temporary location, and the rumor proved true. He said no--they will not have Rolex here until they move back into the remodeled store. It was a bit of an awkward interaction, but it did put my mind at ease that I should expect for them to have Rolex again. It is an odd situation with them being taken off the Rolex website, but I imagine whatever their temporary location is will not be up to snuff for Rolex's expectations since the AD is unlikely to make a lot of investment into a Rolex section at a facility they'll have for 8-9 months.

I talked to the same friend after who's very experienced in getting tough pieces, and his advice was to hold out. He agreed I should check in with a reminder about the Daytona a couple times this year to stay on their mind, and when October/November comes around, start trying to dial up the pressure with the GM and remind him of my situation.
His thoughts were that the approaching the GM or owner right now would almost certainly result in an "I'm sorry, but there's nothing we can do until Rolex comes back, and you're at the top of the list when it does." And that doing so would likely get on their nerves and make it less likely for them to want to call me.
I can kinda get that. They have a ton of customers that are now being delayed. If they pull a string at another store for me, it may set precedent for others. At the same time, I don't imagine many other customers have my story.

Now things are confirmed, would you guys just accept the year's wait, or would you try to make a case to an owner now to go through another store? Would you think it would likely sour the store here on me to do so?

I'm leaning towards my best path would be to reach out to the GM in a couple weeks as this settles down some for him and just say, "I was really hoping to keep to the February timeline. Here's how everything has played out from my perspective. Is there any way you could talk to an owner for me and see if he'd be willing to let me buy one from another store?" I think it wouldn't really hurt me a lot--more upside than downside.
Whole lot of mental gymnastics going on here OP. With this level of intent you could solve both climate change and the water shortage problems. Personally, I’d put this amount of time energy and effort into figuring out how to date Emily Ratajkowski.

Jokes aside, you’ve shared your interest. If it makes you happy, then keep in touch with them. Otherwise, just buy the watch today through readily-accessible channels and move on to more complex problems.
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Old 1 February 2025, 09:01 AM   #393
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Originally Posted by espanol View Post
Whole lot of mental gymnastics going on here OP. With this level of intent you could solve both climate change and the water shortage problems. Personally, I’d put this amount of time energy and effort into figuring out how to date Emily Ratajkowski.

Jokes aside, you’ve shared your interest. If it makes you happy, then keep in touch with them. Otherwise, just buy the watch today through readily-accessible channels and move on to more complex problems.
Really good advice here. I just couldn't handle the when will I get one dance, if I really want a watch and I can afford it, I'd just go grey because my Wife isn't interested in jewelry and I don't want 15 watches.
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Old 1 February 2025, 09:49 AM   #394
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This is starting to feel like a drawn-out drama. The decision not to take the black was a missed opportunity, but it’s time to move forward and resolve this. You have two options:
1. Be patient and continue waiting another year, with no guarantees.
2. Reach out to a trusted seller and secure the Daytona White today. If, and that’s a big IF, you receive a call from the AD later, you can simply sell the one you purchased on the grey market and keep the AD piece.

It’s time to take control as it sounds like you are being played and can’t see it.
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Old 1 February 2025, 01:42 PM   #395
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Originally Posted by rolexnerd View Post
This is starting to feel like a drawn-out drama. The decision not to take the black was a missed opportunity, but it’s time to move forward and resolve this. You have two options:
1.Be patient and continue waiting another year, with no guarantees.
2.Reach out to a trusted seller and secure the Daytona White today. If, and that’s a big IF, you receive a call from the AD later, you can simply sell the one you purchased on the grey market and keep the AD piece.

It’s time to take control as it sounds like you are being played and can’t see it.

This was the exact advice I gave him. Well my first advice was to get the black and add the white later. But this is exactly my current advice now.

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Old Yesterday, 08:08 AM   #396
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OP, didn't you already own a Panda Daytona? What happened to that one?
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Old Yesterday, 08:30 AM   #397
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Originally Posted by maveric View Post
OP, didn't you already own a Panda Daytona? What happened to that one?
Looking at his prior threads, it looks like he traded in his 126710BLRO and 126610LV for a 116500 panda in Feb 2023.

He then sold a few of his other watches to buy back his exact 126710BLRO from the secondary dealer in May 2023 at market pricing.

In August 2023, he traded in the 116500 panda for a 116508. Tried my best to summarize the timeline as the threads are long.

I think OP should seriously evaluate if he really wants the 126500 panda or is this simply another watch he is going part with in a few months. Seems he may just be caught up in the chase/game.
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Old Yesterday, 08:37 AM   #398
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Whatever be the case of what could have, what should have, what shouldn't have been done is a moot point. Bottom line is that we can only deal with what is now, and what is to happen in the future from here.

With that in mind, I kinda agree with Duke Nukem. I wouldn't wait indefinitely for a response from your GM, and especially not until March 2026 to consider reaching out to an owner. You mentioned that it was January 8th when you last communicated with the GM? It has been nearly a month now, so I think reaching out to the GM again and see what he found out isn't really going to bother him. It doesn't take a month to get a response from the owner imo. Also, whether the news is positive, bad or an unsure answer.....wouldn't you like to know what came out of that conversation? I sure would!

Obviously, all of our suggestions and opinions here are exactly that. In the end, you should handle and approach this situation the way you are comfortable with, and how you see fit. We are just providing suggestions that we feel will obtain better and/or quicker results.
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Old Yesterday, 08:43 AM   #399
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Originally Posted by Duke Nukem View Post
Looking at his prior threads, it looks like he traded in his 126710BLRO and 126610LV for a 116500 panda in Feb 2023.

He then sold a few of his other watches to buy back his exact 126710BLRO from the secondary dealer in May 2023 at market pricing.

In August 2023, he traded in the 116500 panda for a 116508. Tried my best to summarize the timeline as the threads are long.

I think OP should seriously evaluate if he really wants the 126500 panda or is this simply another watch he is going part with in a few months. Seems he may just be caught up in the chase/game.
Wow, that's a considerable amount of watch changing in a short amount of time.
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Old Yesterday, 05:11 PM   #400
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Interesting, so OP is a flipper.
Perhaps his AD found out as well.
Day Date 18238, Yachtmaster 16622, Deepsea 116660, Submariner 116619, SkyD 326935, DJ 178271, DJ 69158, Yachtmaster 169622, GMT 116713LN, GMT 126711.
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Old Today, 01:06 AM   #401
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Originally Posted by Duke Nukem View Post
Looking at his prior threads, it looks like he traded in his 126710BLRO and 126610LV for a 116500 panda in Feb 2023.

He then sold a few of his other watches to buy back his exact 126710BLRO from the secondary dealer in May 2023 at market pricing.

In August 2023, he traded in the 116500 panda for a 116508. Tried my best to summarize the timeline as the threads are long.

I think OP should seriously evaluate if he really wants the 126500 panda or is this simply another watch he is going part with in a few months. Seems he may just be caught up in the chase/game.
Looking at how those posts are written, it seems MrBolton consistently overthinks and makes wrong decision after wrong decision.

Must be a nightmare client to deal with from a client service perspective. Constant begging from this guy knowing they will be back in 2 weeks begging for the next hot watch so satiate the dopamine deficiency.
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Old Today, 01:51 AM   #402
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Originally Posted by espanol View Post
Whole lot of mental gymnastics going on here OP. With this level of intent you could solve both climate change and the water shortage problems. Personally, I’d put this amount of time energy and effort into figuring out how to date Emily Ratajkowski.

Jokes aside, you’ve shared your interest. If it makes you happy, then keep in touch with them. Otherwise, just buy the watch today through readily-accessible channels and move on to more complex problems.
I love this post, you said almost exactly what I have been thinking. The OP must be miserable, it appears he is obsessing over this dilemma. Just go gray and move on.

I would never have turned down the black Daytona if I had requested a Daytona. Few people get offered one of those from an AD.
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Old Today, 02:16 AM   #403
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That added history changes the whole story for me. I’ve certainly made some frivolous watch purchases in the past but not at Rolex level prices.
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Old Today, 02:55 AM   #404
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Originally Posted by joli160 View Post
Interesting, so OP is a flipper.
Perhaps his AD found out as well.
Originally Posted by EndlessEight View Post
Looking at how those posts are written, it seems MrBolton consistently overthinks and makes wrong decision after wrong decision.

Must be a nightmare client to deal with from a client service perspective. Constant begging from this guy knowing they will be back in 2 weeks begging for the next hot watch so satiate the dopamine deficiency.
From the history research that Duke Nukem has done, I honestly don't feel that the OP is a flipper out for the primary goal of profit. Otherwise, he would have not turned down the black Daytona from the very beginning. Also, he would not have repurchased the BLRO back at market value in 2023.

I honestly think EndlessEight is correct and the OP is just a bit undecisive and overthinks things. Probably even rethinks and overthinks even after the fact? I honestly have been guilty of the same thing sometimes with other things in life. I would just chalk that up to being overly passionate, and really only guilty of truly being deeply involved in this Rolex hobby? I wouldn't hold this against him. We are the hardcore Rolex family here that eats/sleeps/talks/lives Rolex! So, I am thinking we are the ones that should be the most understanding of the passion?

Now, if we had found out through research that the OP was just consistently buying hot demand pieces and flipping them for years, then I wouldn't be so compassionate.
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Old Today, 02:59 AM   #405
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What's done is done. However, I'd side with the ones who says you should have just taken it and say you're still interested in your original choice. You'd still have a new Daytona to enjoy probably for long enough that when you do decide to sell it, it doesn't make you look like a flipper.
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