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Old 8 October 2005, 04:12 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by JJ Irani

I think I need to apologise to all of you for even being stupid enough to start up this thread.

Of course, as you all may have understood by now, I did it only on the request of JBH; but if I'd known how much animosity, ill-feeling and negativity would spring up from my post, I would never have even typed the first letter.

Let's forget the whole thing and just go back to being our old selves please.

Thanks all,


JJ, I'm sure you meant no malice by it, but if a stranger asks you to do a favour for him, he usually has an ulterior motive.

We still love you, ya big dope!

(I hope no one thinks I'm being insulting here, lol)
Old 8 October 2005, 04:14 AM   #32
JJ Irani
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Thanks, Johnny!
Words fail me in expressing my utmost thanks to ALL of you for this wonderful support during my hour of need!!

I firmly believe that my time on planet earth is NOT yet up!! I shall fight this to the very end.......and WIN!!
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Old 8 October 2005, 04:54 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by JJ Irani

I think I need to apologise to all of you for even being stupid enough to start up this thread.

Of course, as you all may have understood by now, I did it only on the request of JBH; but if I'd known how much animosity, ill-feeling and negativity would spring up from my post, I would never have even typed the first letter.

Let's forget the whole thing and just go back to being our old selves please.

Thanks all,

JJ.....none of that was your fault in the least. No apology necessary!
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Old 8 October 2005, 07:15 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by JJ Irani

I think I need to apologise to all of you for even being stupid enough to start up this thread.

Of course, as you all may have understood by now, I did it only on the request of JBH; but if I'd known how much animosity, ill-feeling and negativity would spring up from my post, I would never have even typed the first letter.

Let's forget the whole thing and just go back to being our old selves please.

Thanks all,

The damage has been done, we can't go back.
Forget about it my friend, it's forgotten about already. What competion was it..............
The Exclusive 4000ft Club.
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Old 8 October 2005, 08:24 AM   #35
John Holbrook II
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Originally Posted by Atomic
JJ, I'm sure you meant no malice by it, but if a stranger asks you to do a favour for him, he usually has an ulterior motive.

We still love you, ya big dope!

(I hope no one thinks I'm being insulting here, lol)
Innacurate, if not insulting.

There was no ulterior motive, as you alude to. I assumed that 1)members of a forum called "The Rolex Forums" might like to see some fantastic photos of Rolex watches, and 2)That even though the photos resided on WATCH TALK FORUMS, that those that have a problem with me could enjoy the photos and leave their baggage at the door.

No ulterior motive - I just thought the community here would enjoy the photos.
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Old 8 October 2005, 08:35 AM   #36
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All said and done. Let's move on. Thinking what's best for this forum, I am going to close this thread. It really serves no purpose.

On that note .... I appreciate all my members and will promise to do my best to keep things moving in a positive direction.

Thanks everyone ! Remember, this forum belongs to the members. Without you, it is just a empty house.
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