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Old 23 June 2011, 02:21 AM   #1
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Icon5 How do I post up to 3 pics in my signature as a Pledge Member 500+?

I have a procedural question. As I am now a Pledge Member 500+, my understanding is that the 2011 Pledge Member 500+ gives you a personal message capacity of 500, the ability to send a PM to someone who has a 'full' PM box and the ability to post up to 3 photographs in your signature.

I apologize in advance for not understanding how to do this, and would appreciate detailed instructions. When I try to add a second picture, it replaces the first. I even tried to click on the cursor right after the original pic, so that the new one would be next to it, to no avail.

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Old 23 June 2011, 01:35 PM   #2
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You need to go to your user cp and then 'edit signature'.
Now you can have up to 3 images using [img] code or attach the images. A smilie counts as 1 image. Just as you would in a post attach the link code [img] to the image in the text box where you want the image to appear or upload the image as an attachment using the paperclip button, but make sure the image is not bigger than the permitted size.
Then after uploading place your cursor in the text box where you want the image to appear and click the side of the paperclip toolbar button to get a little window under the paperclip button to drop down and open up with a list of the image/s you have uploaded. Select the image you want (where the cursur is located) and it will be inserted.

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Old 23 June 2011, 01:57 PM   #3
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