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Old 5 November 2012, 12:15 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by artschool View Post
i assume the op is going to eat what he kills.

i hope the rest of you that are criticising him for killing innocent animals are all vegetarians and don't eat meat or else you are nothing but a hypocrite.
you have a good point, but to dangle a Rolex of the body of a dead animal is just poor taste imho.....this thread needs to go to some NRA sponsored Hunting Forum, just not something I personally like on a Sunday morning here at TRF. This topic is just too polarizing, we might as well start discussing political subjects
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Old 5 November 2012, 12:26 AM   #32
Grumpy Badger
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I guess a lot of vegetarians might be offended by pics of a Rolex with a juicy steak etc which are all over the forum the what are you eating thread which is one of the most popular. After all that's a pic of a Rolex with a piece of the body of a dead animal...

I think a lot of people are now very, very far removed from where their food comes from.

I AM an animal lover (i breed horses for a living!) but I shoot a fair bit. The two are NOT mutually exclusive. I always wear my rolex no matter what I'm doing whether I'm breaking a young horse, wearing a suit or gralloching a deer... However I can see that putting a pic of a Rolex dangling from a dead animal was always going to stir some up so...

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Old 5 November 2012, 12:31 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Grumpy Badger View Post
I guess a lot of vegetarians might be offended by pics of a Rolex with a juicy steak etc which are all over the forum the what are you eating thread which is one of the most popular. After all that's a pic of a Rolex with a piece of the body of a dead animal...

I think a lot of people are now very, very far removed from where their food comes from.

I shoot a fair bit and i always wear my rolex no matter what I'm doing whether I'm wearing a suit or gralloching a deer... However I can see that putting a pic of a Rolex dangling from a dead animal was always going to stir some up so...
Take a look at the OPs avatar picture . Is he not carrying a bear on his shoulders? Is he eating that too?
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Old 5 November 2012, 12:33 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by munshpe View Post
Happy to see a TT in a sporting situation!

I thought so too. IBLT#2
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Old 5 November 2012, 12:49 AM   #35
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This topic is far to polarizing for a watch forum, and in the context of what this forum is about, completely crass to say the least!!

If this is the subject you wish to discuss, try a related and relevant web domain elsewhere, not a watch forum.....

Here is a copy and paste from the rules clearly posted for all to see, of which we all agreed to follow when joining. I only wish more would read them!!

6.CONTROVERSIAL TOPICS OR POSTS such as those relating to politics, race, culture, religion, sexual orientation or discrimination, violence (toward persons or animals) will be subject to the final and absolute discretion of the Moderators to be immediately locked and/or removed without notice to any member. No gun, knife, weapon threads or pictures of such since we are a worldwide forum and many members are not comfortable with this type of material. Infraction points and a possible lifelong ban will inevitably accompany such pictures, posts, or threads.
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