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Old 10 November 2012, 05:08 AM   #1
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Credit and Debit Fraud

So recently I've been the victim of credit card and debit card fraud. In the past month, someone has used my credit card then just recently debit card to buy crap online. Neither card is used often at all and I keep them locked up most of the time. They get the numbers and go wild. I've read the standard safeguards from my bank and they're all common sense ideas I apply always. Probably 90% of the time I use my amex and not my bank issued debit and credit card.

My question is do any of you guys have some tips on avoiding this hassle before I go cash only? I'm about to lose my mind here. Twice in a month, on two cards I hardly use. I feel like I can't trust face to face merchant and restaurant transactions.

What about scratching off the CVV number and just memorizing it? Would that solve this mess or at least mitigate it?
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Old 10 November 2012, 05:13 AM   #2
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it's frustrating for sure and I've been through it a few times, but it's very hard to live these days on a cash-only subsistence.

Limit your cards and pay attention, that's the best advice i can give. No service or safeguard is fool-proof, they are all faulty and most are little better than scams. Take for instance "lifelock" they charge exorbitant fees for ostensibly putting fraud alerts on your three major bureau reports. You can that for free, and more over, your a better monitor.

Diligence, paying attention and tenacity, we all need it these days in a world full of fraud and lightning quick scams!!

Check out

they have an identity forum with some good information
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Old 10 November 2012, 05:21 AM   #3
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Thanks Marc, nice to know I'm not alone. I'm not paranoid by any means but I just look at every sales clerk and server as a potential thief. I'm pretty sure this is how they're doing it. Okay maybe I am paranoid now. Lol
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Old 10 November 2012, 05:53 AM   #4
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I try to stick to cash only at restaurants, as opposed to letting them walk away with my card. I'm sure most servers are decent but some are of lesser character. Other than that, if I buy something at a store, if I can swipe it I do, if not I am watching very closely. If you do swipe it at a store or ATM, make sure there is nothing on the machine that isn't supposed to be there, ie. skimmer, camera, etc. Unfortunately, the bad guys are always 5 steps ahead of the law and by the time they get caught, it has inconvenienced many people. Check your statements often and hope for the best.
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Old 10 November 2012, 06:09 AM   #5
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I keep very little $$ in the account my debit card is tied to. I only tranfer money into it little bits at a time as needed, it's more or less our "every day" account for stuff like restaurants, buying gas, grocery shopping, ordering a pizza, etc. We rarely use the credit cards. This way, they can't really touch the accounts that handle our mortgage, bills and other important stuff. At the most they'll get is a few hundred bucks.

I've been a victim of fraud once or twice. It's very easy for someone to get your numbers. It can be as easy as a waiter who slides your card through a reader and collects/sells the numbers. I just try to be as careful as I can with mine. It's a pain if it happens but most banks are pretty good about refunding the charges... usually you have to fill out a police report, etc.
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Old 10 November 2012, 06:11 AM   #6
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I guess cash really is the safest way at restaurants. I'm going to start doing that. Do as much as possible in cash I guess.
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Old 10 November 2012, 06:18 AM   #7
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Three times in one year here, and I don't even buy gas.

I feel your frustration. My parents both had returns filed
In their names in other states! They've never lived outside
If Florida in 30 years. You'd think there would be some
Safe guards, but there are none past yourself & your
Banking institution.
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Old 10 November 2012, 06:23 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by joe100 View Post
I guess cash really is the safest way at restaurants. I'm going to start doing that. Do as much as possible in cash I guess.
That will help for future. Much of the petty CC fraud is street level skimming.

After you switch all your card numbers again, make sure to avoid online purchases with the actual number.

Use Shop Safe to generate single use CC numbers with spending ceilings geared to the purchase.

Don't link CC numbers to auto-renewals of any service.

This could help a bit.

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Old 10 November 2012, 06:45 AM   #9
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For online purchases, one can consider using a Discover Card Secure Online Number. I use such exclusively, and each number pulled is specific for the merchant first used for. Not only will not work for any other merchant, but will not work if the original merchant runs it in such a way that it goes through a system different from the first time.
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Old 10 November 2012, 08:40 AM   #10
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I have worked in the Fraud department of a card company for 10 years. All I can say is never ever let the card out of your sight. Bars and restaurants are a huge point of compromise. Don't scratch anything off your card as it will just look suspect causing you problems. Don't have the same password for all your online accounts and pick a card with good fraud protection.

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Old 10 November 2012, 09:43 AM   #11
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Thanks guys! I knew I'd get some good advice here. It's frustrating because we all work hard and pay our bills and then only to be straddled with this kind of annoyance. I wish they could make banking more secure.

So what does a skimmer look like? I used my card at a gas pump and that was the only time it had been used in 2 months. Is it something I might not notice? I knew they existed but never realized they'd fit one to a gas pump. I guess I'm just naive when it comes to robbing people, I'm too busy going to work! Hahaha!

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Old 10 November 2012, 10:06 AM   #12
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A skimmer just looks like any card swipe terminal. If you use a security type card to swipe in to a building they are effecively the same thing. A bank local to me had a swipe entry system to a room containing ATM machines. Fraudsters just swapped the swipe terminals and stole the card number of everyone trying to access the ATM's! Fraudsters are ingenious and constantly change methods the banks are always 1 step behind.
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Old 10 November 2012, 12:08 PM   #13
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If you use a gas pump or ATM, (more often gas pumps because there aren't usually cameras right on you), wiggle the card swipe mechanism if you can. Criminals will affix the skimmer to the card slot and unsuspecting people will swipe and their card numbers are compromised. Nowadays, a lot are wireless so your info is gone right away. My advice is to look carefully and wiggle anything you might put your card in. If it feels loose or just doesn't look right, move on and let someone know.
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Old 10 November 2012, 12:14 PM   #14
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I don't remember it looking it feeling suspicious. Strange how it happened right after I use the card for the first time I'm baby weeks.

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Old 11 November 2012, 06:21 AM   #15
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I opened my credit card statement one day to find a charge for $18,500 for a plane ticket to Nigeria. The details are here. Several errors were made by VISA and British Airways to allow the fraud, so don't ever rely on company policies to protect you. The perp was recently arrested for fraud involving millions of dollars. The investigator who caught the guy told me that they generally don't get involved unless hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars are stolen.
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Old 11 November 2012, 06:30 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by joe100 View Post
Thanks Marc, nice to know I'm not alone. I'm not paranoid by any means but I just look at every sales clerk and server as a potential thief. I'm pretty sure this is how they're doing it. Okay maybe I am paranoid now. Lol
I would rather be paranoid than a victim. I was once at a restaurant and their receipt system showed all of my credit card numbers on the receipt (instead of the last 4 digits). I polietly told them they could not keep it and explained why. They didn't understand but I would rather they think I was a jerk than have my entire credit card number in full view of 50 employees.
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Old 11 November 2012, 07:06 AM   #17
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I personally would never use a debit card and only a credit card but to each his own. I also use Lifelock and find it worthwhile. For me better safe than sorry...

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Old 11 November 2012, 07:26 AM   #18
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One of the classics that I still see day in day out is in restaurants.

The bill comes and the customer just places their credit card on the plate or inside the folder. The waitress or waiter then comes and takes it away only to go and get the wireless machine to bring back to the table to input the price and pin......

Crazy ...... And your card is out of sight for a few minutes and the waitress is then standing over you while you put your pin in......

Always just say "can you bring the machine" and KEEP hold of your card at all times.....

But I see this time and time again.....
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Old 11 November 2012, 09:55 AM   #19
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Yep, I'm realizing what a dummy I've been at restaurants. It's cash only from now on. I'm just sick of people getting free stuff on my dime. Whether I'm made whole or not, stealing is stealing. I take a lot of pride in my career and I work hard and darn it, I want my earnings to stay mine with as little hassle as possible.

It'd be nice if they'd crack down harder on these folks, that's for sure!

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