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Old 1 March 2017, 04:13 PM   #1
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Orange, CA
Posts: 240
Scouted the SS Daytona C Today--Western USA

I called about a dozen ADs in the Western USA today inquiring about the availability and waitlist, if any, for the SS Daytona C. Either color face is okay but I will only pay MSRP (and tax in California). No problem with sticker removal by the AD since I intend to wear the watch. I will not purchase a watch where engraving is mandatory (ever).

First, I want to commend the Rolex salespeople I spoke with, overall, for their professionalism in fielding my inquiry. Some were sort of bluntabout the matter and others more insightful and helpful. A few ADs said they had no waitlist and simply sold the incoming watches at "manager's discretion." Only patrons who were consistently spendy could expect to have an opportunity to purchase. Others spoke of 30-40 people on their waitlist, projected at 3 to 5 years and the flipping that is going on. One AD said they simply put the SS Daytona C in their display case when one came in, available for anyone. I was invited to call back in a few weeks.

One salesman who seemed knowledgeable on the matter predicted that more of the SS Daytona Cs will be available this year and some of the people who said they wanted one won't follow through when they are called: " they only want the watch because it's difficult to get--if it's more available they won't want it." An AD reasonably close by said they had received 6-8 watches last year and they do use their list (30 people now on it). I was invited on to the list and was told people tend to drop off the list and if there is no live response when the AD calls, they move on the the next person.

Taken together I'm understanding that the chances of finding an available SS Daytona C at an AD are not very good right now!
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