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Old 9 March 2010, 11:20 AM   #1
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Why SS Daytona?

There is so much hype about SS daytonas but I don't understand the main reason behind it. Why is the SS version so much more desired than the ones with gold. Don't get me wrong I do think they are attractive but the hype around it is just almost abnormal like people paying a lot more than retail for it.
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Old 9 March 2010, 11:31 AM   #2
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Less supply--more demand. A lot of AD's hold them back for either special clients or friends--they don't hit the shelf in most cases. Personally--I like the all gold models--not a big fan of TT ones. If it came down to TT vs. SS--would choose SS all day long. As for paying more than retail-have owned 3 SS Daytonas over the years--paid retail for all 3 of them. If one searches hard enough they are out there as several TRF's have found in last week or so. Best!

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Old 9 March 2010, 12:11 PM   #3
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There's a fantastic article in WatchTime ( -> print archive -> search for "rolex daytona" -> first result) that compares the older Daytona to the new Daytona. It happens to reveal some history behind the demand as well as backs up the technical hype behind the watch.

Another suggestion that I've heard from dealers is that this sort of demand was our (us the consumer) doing, because the SS offering looks almost like the WG version, people didn't want to pay WG prices for something they could get in SS. This, enhanced by waiting lists and gray market prices drove up demand to where it is now.
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