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Old 9 April 2011, 03:48 AM   #1
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SubC Casebase Thickness and Nato Question

Hi. I am more of a lurker than poster here, but I have a question that is ripe for this forum.

I have a GMTIIC that I mostly wear on Nato and an M series SubLV that I switch back and forth between bracelet and Nato. I actually prefer the look and feel of the GMTIIC on Nato over the SubLV because it has a bit wider case and thinner case back--so the watch sits better on the wrist on a Nato.

My question for those who have the GMTIIC and SubC is how much of a difference is there in the caseback thickness? I am thinking of selling or trading the SubLV up for a SubC in part because because of the potential fit/look on a Nato, but I am weary that the great Nato fit I have on the GMTIIC will not be replicated with the SubC due to a thicker or more pronounced caseback that will lift the watch off the wrist and fit more like the SubLV than the GMTIIC (in which case selling or trading up is not really worth it to me).

I know this is more subjective than anything else, but I would be interested in hearing differences between the two in terms of how close they wear to the wrist and differences among the GMTIIC, SubLV and SubC on a Nato.


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Old 9 April 2011, 03:55 AM   #2
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The difference is so negligible I would doubt if you would feel any difference no matter what Rolex Oyster you had on a Nato.

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