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Old 6 October 2005, 11:08 PM   #1
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Clash of the titans

Clash of titan reptiles leaves python, alligator dead

Thursday Oct 6 12:00 AEST
The tail of an alligator protruding from the ruptured gut of a python, which had swallowed its foe alive, bore witness to a fierce and unusual battle between two of the deadliest predators in Florida's swamps.

Park rangers, who photographed the remains of the two huge reptiles in the Everglades National Park, say the clash demonstrates the threat to the fragile swamplands posed by a growing population of non-native Burmese pythons.

Pythons, thought to have abandoned by pet owners, have been multiplying in the large swath of swampland, and environmentalists fear the exotic intruders threaten to overrun the national park, preying on native species.

PHOTOS: Dramatic images
VIDEO: When pythons attack
The latest find suggest the huge pythons might even challenge alligators' leading position in the food chain.

Park biologist Skip Snow described the gruesome scene he found on September 27 in a remote corner of the Everglades park, which he said showed an almost four-metre-long Burmese python had "apparently" entirely swallowed an alligator about half his size.

"I say apparently because the tail and hind limbs of the dead alligator were protruding from a hole in the mid-body of the dead python," said Snow.

"Although some bones of the jaw were present, the head of the python was missing," he said in a field report, illustrated with graphic photographs.

The photographs show the hind quarters of the alligator protruding from the snake's mid-section. "The stomach of the python still surrounded the head, shoulders, and forelimbs of the alligator," said Snow.

"When extracted from the snake, the alligator was largely intact except for two open wounds, one to the top of the skull behind the eyes and one on the shoulder," he said adding that it was unclear how the python's gut was ruptured, or how the snake died.

Park officials have removed dozens of Burmese pythons from the Everglades over the past years, and are training a Beagle, nicknamed "Python Pete," to track the exotic invaders.
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Old 7 October 2005, 03:47 AM   #2
JJ Irani
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That python must have had a crushingly good time!! Jeez, I'm beginning to sound like Adrian!!
Words fail me in expressing my utmost thanks to ALL of you for this wonderful support during my hour of need!!

I firmly believe that my time on planet earth is NOT yet up!! I shall fight this to the very end.......and WIN!!
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Old 7 October 2005, 04:01 AM   #3
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I have kept quite a few snakes in my life,but the Burmese Python is not
really suited to home captive live.They can easily grow to up to 20ft and
even a med sized one could easily kill a child.But people should not put these
out grown snakes into the wild.Thats asking for trouble these large snakes
will quite easily kill and eat a adult or child, or anything it can get into its

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Old 7 October 2005, 05:33 AM   #4
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John, I have emailed you my address, when you get the skin please send me one strap in 24x24 and 120x75 mm.
You either get it or you don't, if you have to ask, YOU DON'T!!

I really hope that midget cop doesn't find me in Kokomo.
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Old 7 October 2005, 05:40 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by dman
John, I have emailed you my address, when you get the skin please send me one strap in 24x24 and 120x75 mm.

Hey that's my size too (120X75). Just think in one fell swoop you have a run on alligator and boa straps. Talk about killing two reptiles with one stone.
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Old 7 October 2005, 05:44 AM   #6
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Yeah, and all for the betterment of our strap collection!! Sorry, but I have no other use at all for those creatures.
You either get it or you don't, if you have to ask, YOU DON'T!!

I really hope that midget cop doesn't find me in Kokomo.
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Old 7 October 2005, 07:38 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by dman
Yeah, and all for the betterment of our strap collection!! Sorry, but I have no other use at all for those creatures.
No other use? What about belts, shoes, etc.....c'mon Daren, use your imagination mate!

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