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Old 29 October 2005, 02:15 AM   #1
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Question about Rolex owners

Hey guys, I've been sturggling with something lately regarding Rolex.

Some would look at TAG or Omega (quartz at least) as the entry level brands into 'fine watches' and their owners had Rolex-envy, believing the Rolex is THE watch brand to own. This was me years ago.

But once you get your Rolex and you get to know people who wear Rolex, it seems to me that apart from the fanatical (like us) most people associate Rolex watches with loud-mouth, show-offs or general idiots in society with more money than brains. You know what I'm talking about... like that scene in Glenngarry-Glennross, where Alec Baldwin holds up a YG DD and says, "you see this watch, it's worth more than your G-D car." That kind of attitude or person.

Does that ever make you want to disassociate yourself from the brand? Like having people prejudge you, or even reconsider their judgement of you after they find out you wear a Rolex? Personally I don't give a rat's ass what others think of me, but at the same time I don't want to be associated with the braggarts and louts who wear Rolex simply because people recognize the brand and know they're expensive.

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Old 29 October 2005, 02:25 AM   #2
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I'm far from rich, but I own a Rolex! I think Rolex owners may be stereotyped by outsiders, but judging by those who post on here, everybody seems pretty down to earth, and there's no 'Mine is better than yours'.

Well, ok.Maybe sometimes there is.
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Old 29 October 2005, 02:58 AM   #3
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Interesting post, Johnny.....but whereas you don't give just a rat's ass, I sure as hell don't give a crocodile's ass!!

I wear Rolex because I just LOVE the brand!! Always did....going right back to the early '70s when I first laid eyes on them.

Watches may come and watches may go....but I know that Rolex will live on forever. I shall always be devoted and faithful to Rolex come what may. I know that I do get critical at times about their attitude, but I love the brand and shall always cherish it.

Am I a die-hard Rolex buff? What do you think? LOL!!
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Old 29 October 2005, 03:31 AM   #4
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I know exactly what you mean John. I've even personally witnessed the stereotypical Rolex wearing ass hole. They're the ones who give the brand a bad name.

I have to admit, and you know this John, that part of why I sold my Rollies was that I didn't want to be associated with that stereotype. I realize now that had it not been for these forums and reading about this stuff all the time, I would've just carried on enjoying my watches.

Now, I miss my Sub, GMT, Exp II..... I think that once the dust settles and I have my hands on my investment money, I'll buy another Sub. In the mean time, the watchmaker just gave me two links for the tt jubile bracelet, and I'm proudly wearing a Rollie DJ as I type

For all the complaints I could make about Rolex, there is nothing quite like the brand.
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Old 29 October 2005, 03:33 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by BruceS
I know exactly what you mean John. I've even personally witnessed the stereotypical Rolex wearing ass hole. They're the ones who give the brand a bad name.

I have to admit, and you know this John, that part of why I sold my Rollies was that I didn't want to be associated with that stereotype. I realize now that had it not been for these forums and reading about this stuff all the time, I would've just carried on enjoying my watches.

Now, I miss my Sub, GMT, Exp II..... I think that once the dust settles and I have my hands on my investment money, I'll buy another Sub. In the mean time, the watchmaker just gave me two links for the tt jubile bracelet, and I'm proudly wearing a Rollie DJ as I type

For all the complaints I could make about Rolex, there is nothing quite like the brand.
Now you've put your finger on the spot, Bruce!! You must feel sorry you sold off that beautiful white Exp-II of yours!! But, never mind.....some day you can re-build your Rolex collection and, like me, become once more a ROLEX MAN!!!
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Old 29 October 2005, 03:36 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by JJ Irani
Now you've put your finger on the spot, Bruce!! You must feel sorry you sold off that beautiful white Exp-II of yours!! But, never mind.....some day you can re-build your Rolex collection and, like me, become once more a ROLEX MAN!!!
I think the chemicals in the green hologram sticker have made their way into JJ's bloodstream... again.

Is there a doctor in the house?
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Old 29 October 2005, 03:38 AM   #7
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LOL, I think you're right John! Somehow I feel a double Tosser coming on
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Old 29 October 2005, 03:40 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Atomic
I think the chemicals in the green hologram sticker have made their way into JJ's bloodstream... again.

Is there a doctor in the house?
What hologram? Which hologram? Anyone see any hologram?

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Old 29 October 2005, 03:48 AM   #9
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Do you ever wear that Planet Ocean anymore?
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Old 29 October 2005, 03:50 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by BruceS
Do you ever wear that Planet Ocean anymore?
Oh boy.... Don't you know that I had sold it off privately before I decided to buy the black Exp-II? How do you think I was able to raise the funds for this baby...

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Old 29 October 2005, 03:52 AM   #11
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LOL, guess I was out of touch for awhile!
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Old 29 October 2005, 03:55 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by JJ Irani
What hologram? Which hologram? Anyone see any hologram?
OMG, the entire sticker has been infused into your arm. That explains everything.
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Old 29 October 2005, 04:03 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Rockrolex
OMG, the entire sticker has been infused into your arm. That explains everything.
Yes, must have absorbed the whole damn thing!!
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Old 29 October 2005, 06:34 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Atomic
Hey guys, I've been sturggling with something lately regarding Rolex.
Another excellent post! May I start my answer with a quote from another post of mine: "Now I've seen guys with gold Presidents on bracelets so wide that the watch hangs almost over the back of the hand. (You know the drill: wise guys)".

In my country a Rolex is more associated with ‘fake watch’. This is because people cannot fathom the fact that one of their colleagues would spend THAT much cash on a watch. Flaunting your riches is a no-no here, it’s considered ostentatious. So either your Rolex must be a fake or you must be completely bonkers. It doesn’t occur to them that you actually choose the watch because of very good reasons. (Reasons only known to the secret brotherhood that each of you are life long honorary members of).

Because my favourite is the Sub date, I kind of escaped this unwanted attention. Actually, when I frequented clubs many, many, many years ago, I wore the Cartier Santos and THAT was when I got my first remark/question. “It is a fake”. I pointed out that you could identify a real Cartier Santos by the fact that in the VI on the Roman numeral dial, the word Cartier could be seen in micro print. (This is a fact). And after that, I told the punk off with a short speech about class and that you betray yourself when buying a fake. He went with his tail between his legs.

Now I’m too old for this. And so are most of you. Let them think want they want, it says much more about them then about us. We are way beyond this kind of non sense.

Take care,

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Old 29 October 2005, 08:46 AM   #15
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You know whats the funniest thing about ppl who say this and that about Rolex owners and Rolex watches is that they are the same ppl that like to compare their timepieces to Rolex all the time.....why is that?

I have had many many many fine watches of makes that are generally regarded as being better than Rolex such as VC and Patek, they did nothing for me and I always compared them to my only Rolex at the time my 16233. I like Rolex best because I just do, dont care about what others ahve to say. But it does bug me on TZ when ppl assume I dont know about or own other makes just because wear/own Rolexes
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Old 29 October 2005, 08:53 AM   #16
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I let them get to me Roger. They hate Rolex so much on the PF that you can't really post one there, yet Sandler wears a Seadweller!
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Old 29 October 2005, 12:05 PM   #17
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In all honesty, I seriously doubt that most of the people who would judge me because I wear a Rolex even recognize my watch as a Rolex in the first place, since I exclusively wear SS models with zero bling.

Outside of that, I also don't give a fart in a wind-storm what anyone other than the following people think of me: My wife, parents, and boss, in that order. My wife thinks I'm crazy, my parents think I'm lucky, and my boss thinks I'm the cat's meyow. Everyone else can pee in a tin cup and drink it, what I wear on my wrist ain't their business.

Because of the image Rolex projects, people have a hard time believing it when I say this: I buy Rolexes because of how it makes ME feel, not because of how it makes OTHER people feel *about* me.
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Old 29 October 2005, 12:16 PM   #18
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Well said, Micah.... You took the pee...oops, words....right out of my mouth!!!
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I firmly believe that my time on planet earth is NOT yet up!! I shall fight this to the very end.......and WIN!!
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Old 29 October 2005, 02:17 PM   #19
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Very good thread here guys!

I am a person that has much love for the Crown. I like Rolex watches and their design, history and movements. I also like that I worked hard and could choose what I wanted to wear on my wrist.

I don't have a "bling" model anymore, but I have in the past, I just have the YM left in the collection. But I can say that the YM will always be the staple of my collection. It makes me feel good to wear my Rolex, I don't wear it to bring attention to myself. In fact, I hate when a person notices unless they are a WIS, but that is as rare as flying pigs.

These days I bet I wear the Panerai's 4 or 5 days to every one that I wear a Rolex, but there is only one watch that I would not sell of unless totally needed and that is my Rolex.

As for what others think, piss on 'em cause they will think what they want to anyway.

And to the stereotype of Rolex wearers, it is in many cases true and it is too bad that it gives other owners a bad name. I still love the Crown.
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Old 29 October 2005, 06:58 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by BruceS
Do you ever wear that Planet Ocean anymore?
That was below the belt Bruce.

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Old 29 October 2005, 07:01 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by molex
In all honesty, I seriously doubt that most of the people who would judge me because I wear a Rolex even recognize my watch as a Rolex in the first place, since I exclusively wear SS models with zero bling.

Outside of that, I also don't give a fart in a wind-storm what anyone other than the following people think of me: My wife, parents, and boss, in that order. My wife thinks I'm crazy, my parents think I'm lucky, and my boss thinks I'm the cat's meyow. Everyone else can pee in a tin cup and drink it, what I wear on my wrist ain't their business.

Because of the image Rolex projects, people have a hard time believing it when I say this: I buy Rolexes because of how it makes ME feel, not because of how it makes OTHER people feel *about* me.
Excellent post and 100% agree with you on all counts

ICom Pro3

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Old 29 October 2005, 11:18 PM   #22
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I must live on a differnt planet. I can't recall anyone ever commenting on any of my Rolexes (or any other watch I may be wearing at the time). Oh, except at our last poker game this week, when somehow someone brought up the topic of watches. One other guy was wearing a Rolex (a SS DJ) and so we examined each other's watch (naturally I had on my GMT). But other than that, no one has ever said anything about a watch I was wearing. Should I feel insulted?
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Old 30 October 2005, 02:23 AM   #23
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I guess I have a love/hate relationship with this brand. I think we are all different (thankfully) and all have our different views on the brand so it's very much a personal thing. I certainly don't think that most on this forum are the over-zealous types, but I can say that like Bruce, I have developed a "bad taste" in my mouth from reading some of the other forums where Rolex is either defended or attacked to the point of being fanatical. I don't believe that having a closed mind one way or another towards Rolex (positive or negative) is healthy or truly reflects where the brand stands in horology.

Most people who get into this hobby notice a change in their tastes over time as they are exposed to new and different watches. I am one of those and can say that at the moment I do not want to be a Rolex owner in many ways, but I'm surely not going to say that I won't own at least one Rolex in the future.
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Old 30 October 2005, 03:42 AM   #24
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Quite the diplomat there, aren't you, Al? But, in all fairness, that was a good reply!!
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Old 30 October 2005, 05:11 AM   #25
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Some on here will tell you, I wanted a Rolex siince the age of 18, and spent litrally hundreds if not a couple of thousand over the years buying branded look alikes. It came down to one thing, nothing would fill the watch gap in my life, it had to be a Rolex S/S sports model, I purchased Rolex coz I love the brand, the ways it's made, the quality, reliability and the fact that apart from a few changes, the models remain the same over the years if you know what I mean. Although to be honest I loved the Eterna brand but sadly that= brand has seriously lost its way and identity in my opinion
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Old 30 October 2005, 05:15 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Baptistman
Some on here will tell you, I wanted a Rolex siince the age of 18, and spent litrally hundreds if not a couple of thousand over the years buying branded look alikes. It came down to one thing, nothing would fill the watch gap in my life, it had to be a Rolex S/S sports model, I purchased Rolex coz I love the brand, the ways it's made, the quality, reliability and the fact that apart from a few changes, the models remain the same over the years if you know what I mean. Although to be honest I loved the Eterna brand but sadly that= brand has seriously lost its way and identity in my opinion
No worries, SD is a winner....all the way!!

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I firmly believe that my time on planet earth is NOT yet up!! I shall fight this to the very end.......and WIN!!
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Old 30 October 2005, 05:19 AM   #27
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Lovely photo, looks a bit like mine
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