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Old 16 July 2012, 12:23 AM   #1
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Icon5 Vinyl records and players fans

To my surprise recently when i was on a trip to Turkey i found a shop called R&D which is similar to Virgin stores who sells Vinyl records and players. I thought those things extincted
Whats more amazing is that i found some old back to black editions music and some new albus that have been converted to vinyl format such as The beatles, Rolling stones, ACDC, Scorpions, Dio,,,etc
So i bought a couple of them only which i regret now (wish i've bought more) but didn't buy the player so now i am searching on amazon for one because i dont think that they sell the players in my region anymore. Found few sony, pioneer and some other brands. Can anyone chime in and tell me whats the best for an amature who just want to enjoy the sound and look of that vinyl formats?do they come in speeds and do i need to know some stuff before purchasing one?
Please share with us any info about the vinyl and that music genre if you are intersted
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Old 16 July 2012, 12:57 AM   #2
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I am a huge fan of analog sound!
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Old 16 July 2012, 01:01 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by bewithabob View Post
I am a huge fan of analog sound!
Great, what do you listen to? and what players do you recommend?
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Old 16 July 2012, 04:44 AM   #4
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It depends on what you plan on plugging the Player into. If you want to feed a computer then there are modern USB Players that plug directly into the computer.

If you have a Reciever or Amplifier you may have to purchase an additional item called a Phono Pre-amp. Most model amplifier made after 1985 don't have Phono Inputs anymore. So you need to installe the pre-amp between the Player and one of the Aux inputs. If you have a Pre-1985 Reciever just plug the player into the Phono inputs.

Nothing beats full uncompressed analog sound.
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Old 16 July 2012, 06:03 AM   #5
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Had a record store a few years back, relocated due to rising rents & scaled back in store vinyl but still buy / sell. Use a Michell Gyro SE II at home, much better than surgical cd's
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Old 16 July 2012, 06:11 AM   #6
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From what i read and heard, vinyl are back but limited to some artists and quantities, and it will be collectible and more valueable in the coming few that true?
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Old 16 July 2012, 07:08 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Feras View Post
From what i read and heard, vinyl are back but limited to some artists and quantities, and it will be collectible and more valueable in the coming few that true?
Probably not. I like record players for the atmosphere/mood but I don't have space for the set-up in my apartment. But later on I will start buying albums again.
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Old 16 July 2012, 07:44 AM   #8
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Take a step back and hook it up to an old vacuum tube amplifier. Who knows the sound will floor you.
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Old 16 July 2012, 07:49 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Feras View Post
Great, what do you listen to? and what players do you recommend?
Turntable- Rega RP6
Cartridge - Ortofon MC20

For Vinyl, I recently picked up a McIntosh MC2102 100 watt/channel stereo tube amp
driving Atlantic Technology speakers
and a pair of Velodyne HGS-15 integrated subs

Otherwise, Denon multichannel 5803 as pre-amp for all other source material, translate everything up to 9.1 I like the DAC in the Denon, but I prefer the McIntosh to pure stereo for analog listening

I don't have a dedicated stereo listening room, but my theater is set up so that the sweet spot is my primary listening position.

My grail audio system will be a KRELL KAV 1500 into a pair of Wilson Audio Specialties MAXX Series 2

I have a pretty eclectic collection of vinyl, about 700 discs that have been well cared for; I use a Nitty Gritty 1.5 to keep discs clean and dust free.
All discs get cleaned before playing and cleaned again return to storage.

I posted pics of my home theater set up here-
meteor flying to Earth onto my wrist...

116509 Daytona Meteorite, 116520 Daytona Black, 116710 GMTIIC, 16013 DATEJUST,
CARTIER SANTOS 100 W20090X8, IWC Big Pilot, IWC Top Gun

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Old 16 July 2012, 05:01 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by bewithabob View Post
Turntable- Rega RP6
Cartridge - Ortofon MC20

For Vinyl, I recently picked up a McIntosh MC2102 100 watt/channel stereo tube amp
driving Atlantic Technology speakers
and a pair of Velodyne HGS-15 integrated subs

Otherwise, Denon multichannel 5803 as pre-amp for all other source material, translate everything up to 9.1 I like the DAC in the Denon, but I prefer the McIntosh to pure stereo for analog listening

I don't have a dedicated stereo listening room, but my theater is set up so that the sweet spot is my primary listening position.

My grail audio system will be a KRELL KAV 1500 into a pair of Wilson Audio Specialties MAXX Series 2

I have a pretty eclectic collection of vinyl, about 700 discs that have been well cared for; I use a Nitty Gritty 1.5 to keep discs clean and dust free.
All discs get cleaned before playing and cleaned again return to storage.

I posted pics of my home theater set up here-
WOW, love that home theatre, and the Rega looks perfect for my place (modern and light) but very expensive for an amature like me
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Old 16 July 2012, 08:16 PM   #11
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IMHO nothing beats a true good analog sound my own system quite old and most of the best HI-FI units used to be British, or British designed.I have two very old now Mission Cyrus 11 amps,plus two seperate PSX power supplies makeing them into mono amps one for left channel same for right Arcam CD but now very old but still a hard to beat sound even for today's modern upstarts.Now they make now around 200 watts and quite high current both into my 8 ohm British TTL studio 10 speakers,they are only rated at 70w but quite hard to drive. But I never have to put the volume above 3-4,and thats quite loud enough for me.Now if I turned the volume right up ,into distortion then I would expect the high current clip to the speaker to blow or harm the drivers units but a great sound but today get very little use unless in a sentimental mood.I used to have a Pink Triangle Tarantella record deck with a decca LG cartridge that was superb sound.And IMO the LP still has the edge on all digital music its a more warm feeeling sound.My cd player is a Arcam Alpha 8SE,later had new module put in, to upgrade it to Alpha 9 its well past its sell by date, but still a fine sounding player.But not as good as the Pink Triangle record deck,the most important thing with the mission amps, now they have been mono-ed is the high current output, thats what drives the speakers not so much watts.One of the best sounds I have ever heard was 15 watt valve amp, cannot remember the name,linked up to the Pink Triangle and my speakers.But the sound was unbelievable,totally the best sound I have ever heard.Now the sound difference between the transistor,and valve amp well hard to explain, so I will say difference between chalk and a good cheese.

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Old 16 July 2012, 08:23 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by imono View Post
Take a step back and hook it up to an old vacuum tube amplifier. Who knows the sound will floor you.
Yup, that one can still stand toe to toe with anything in the world
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Old 16 July 2012, 08:28 PM   #13
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Peter (padi56), your range of interests and knowledge never cease to amaze and surprise.
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Old 16 July 2012, 08:29 PM   #14
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As you're probably aware, there have been numerous medical studies showing the brain's emotional response to listening to analog music compared to digital is quite different...... and analog (real music) gives a far greater emotional response than digital.

Presumably, another reason why club DJ's still use vinyl.

I've got a couple of record decks from the 80's around the house somewhere but for ease tend to use digital even though it's not the same.

I'm actually also looking for a new deck..... probably something fairly high end which has a bit of a statement from a visual perspective...... so modern design and a cool look to any ideas gratefully received...........
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Old 16 July 2012, 09:57 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by crew View Post
Peter (padi56), your range of interests and knowledge never cease to amaze and surprise.
Thanx Peter

Originally Posted by DiamondJack View Post
As you're probably aware, there have been numerous medical studies showing the brain's emotional response to listening to analog music compared to digital is quite different...... and analog (real music) gives a far greater emotional response than digital.

Presumably, another reason why club DJ's still use vinyl.

I've got a couple of record decks from the 80's around the house somewhere but for ease tend to use digital even though it's not the same.

I'm actually also looking for a new deck..... probably something fairly high end which has a bit of a statement from a visual perspective...... so modern design and a cool look to any ideas gratefully received...........
Wow, didn't know that but i was surprised to discover that most of the new vinyl albums were from djs such as David Ghuetta. Thanks for sharing
BTW you can check they have cool modern ones, it's recommended by TRF member Bob (read up in this page)
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Old 16 July 2012, 10:10 PM   #16
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While I don't have tube amps, 4 of my 5 systems at my house have late 70's receivers. My main system is a Yamaha CR-1020 feeding Dahlquist DQ-20 and Pioneer HPM-1100 Speakers. The Turntable is a Technics SL-1200MK2.
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Old 17 July 2012, 12:10 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by padi56 View Post
One of the best sounds I have ever heard was 15 watt valve amp
Perhaps it is this vintage British made Leak TL12.
Still is one of the best tasteful valve amp.
Utilizing only a pair of KT66 output valves and producing only 12 watts of power.
It is this small power that will truly amazed to those who even do not believe.
Back then less is more...
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Old 17 July 2012, 12:12 AM   #18
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We still have and use our fabulous receiver and speakers bought in the mid-1970s.

receiver: Sansui Seven, driving a CD player, tape player, turntable, and two sets of speakers.
speakers: Smaller Advents, Mirage M-290.
turntable: Numark Pro TT-2
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Old 17 July 2012, 01:45 AM   #19
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Before buying, I suggest you go to an audio shops to audition equipment.
Of course being new you may not want to spend tons of money for a format you may or may not like.
Cheap equipment will probably put you off as sounding 'muddy, dirty, etc'.
On the other hand you dont want to spend a ton of money on something your ears cant discern.
There is so much that affects hi-fi/audio sound.. turntable alone: cartridge, tonearm, platter.

good luck to ya.
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Old 17 July 2012, 02:46 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by padi56 View Post
IMHO nothing beats a true good analog sound my own system quite old and most of the best HI-FI units used to be British, or British designed.I have two very old now Mission Cyrus 11 amps,plus two seperate PSX power supplies makeing them into mono amps one for left channel same for right Arcam CD but now very old but still a hard to beat sound even for today's modern upstarts.Now they make now around 200 watts and quite high current both into my 8 ohm British TTL studio 10 speakers,they are only rated at 70w but quite hard to drive. But I never have to put the volume above 3-4,and thats quite loud enough for me.Now if I turned the volume right up ,into distortion then I would expect the high current clip to the speaker to blow or harm the drivers units but a great sound but today get very little use unless in a sentimental mood.I used to have a Pink Triangle Tarantella record deck with a decca LG cartridge that was superb sound.And IMO the LP still has the edge on all digital music its a more warm feeeling sound.My cd player is a Arcam Alpha 8SE,later had new module put in, to upgrade it to Alpha 9 its well past its sell by date, but still a fine sounding player.But not as good as the Pink Triangle record deck,the most important thing with the mission amps, now they have been mono-ed is the high current output, thats what drives the speakers not so much watts.One of the best sounds I have ever heard was 15 watt valve amp, cannot remember the name,linked up to the Pink Triangle and my speakers.But the sound was unbelievable,totally the best sound I have ever heard.Now the sound difference between the transistor,and valve amp well hard to explain, so I will say difference between chalk and a good cheese.
I am with you Peter, Britsh kit has worked for me. I have a Linn Axis with a Goldring cartridge and Naim 92/140 pre-amp and power amp with SNAPS power supplydriving Naim Intro speakers. A great sound. Also have a Nakamichi CR3e and Marantz CD10 which both still sound great.

I listen to everything from '70s studio one Reggae to Hawkwind (Robert Calvert period), Jethro Tull, Gram Parsons, The Clash and The Stooges. Recently I have dipped back into Quadrophenia, which again sound great on vinyl.

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Old 17 July 2012, 02:59 AM   #21
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Pioneer SX 720 receiver
Technics SL-1500 turntable
Sansui SP 5500 speakers
Panasonic 8 track tape player...I still have 22 8 track tapes...Jethto Tull Thick as brick in lime green and Arrowsmith Toys I bought
the rest ive picked up over the years.
Akai CS703d cassette player

Ive never really left the 70's
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