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Old 11 February 2006, 04:52 PM   #1
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I enjoy a laugh as much as the next guy.

What I would like to suggest on this forum that the core element of 'funny men' keep their humor and kidding around remarks to either PM or the Jokes or the Open Forum.

I refer to one topic that today has prompted me to finally start this thread. [Yes this has been brewing for a long time]. On the Watch Reviews' topic today and in previous days, there are some very interesting reviews put together with photographs that have required skill and imagination. People who read these gain enjoyment and knowledge about a particular model of watch which they may be considering buying, or just have an interest in. They may even wish to comment on the review, or ask a cogent question. The funny men are putting paid to this by their OFF TOPIC chit chat. Case in point is the excellent review by Roger F of the SD. By the time the comments on it had reached page two, it had drifted well off topic and the funny men had taken over by kidding around among themselves and posting comments with an over-abundance of enlarged font remarks and smilies. By the time I had scrolled to the final page of this diatribe, the original review had been lost. Anyone wanting to offer genuine comment or ask serious questions was wasting their time because it was so off topic. Other Topics on this forum are also losing objectivity because of this reason.

Please, all you funny men, stay in the Open Forum, post Jokes or simply send your insults eachother via Personal Messages because it bores the shXX out of anyone else.

Finally, give some thought as to why this forum is number two on the list and not number one where it should be.

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Old 11 February 2006, 06:03 PM   #2
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First, I think being #2 is a huge accomplishment considering we are still a new player in the community. I think most would agree.

On to your major point ...... I agree we all should try and keep the original thread on topic as much as possable. It can be a distraction. However, the flip side of this is we all are friends here and joking around is what makes this forum fun. Fun is what brings people back time and time again.

Everyone, do you best to stay on topic but by all means let's keep the great personality's we all have shining through. Find the middle ground in other words.
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Old 11 February 2006, 08:50 PM   #3
JJ Irani
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I can understand what you're saying, Steve...and I guess I was one of the guilty ones in that thread...but hey, we are all here to have a good time. While we do appreciate good watches and a good review, we like to have ourselves a ball at the same time.

But I guess you're right in this case. I did go overboard a bit. Sorry!!
Words fail me in expressing my utmost thanks to ALL of you for this wonderful support during my hour of need!!

I firmly believe that my time on planet earth is NOT yet up!! I shall fight this to the very end.......and WIN!!

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Old 11 February 2006, 11:34 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by TARDIS

I enjoy a laugh as much as the next guy.
Yours is a very sobering post and needed some thought before I answered it. I’ve been a member of Internet forums since 1999. They range from the purely professional to hobby and army (Veteran) related sites. The veteran and hobby sites fall roughly in two categories: the more strict – stay on topic, occasional joke allowed – and the likes of TRF. Before I continue I want to ask a very personal question, please don’t answer if you’re not comfortable with this. Is your post the result of an objective observation or was it biased by an occurrence in your personal life? To be more specific, were you perhaps p***ed off by something else and wrote your post soon after?

Contrary to popular belief, a forum is no democracy. If the moderators follow certain rules (which they came up with themselves) the others have to follow suit and will have to abide by these rules. A common rule is not to discuss religion or politics because it can be the start of very emotional and sometimes pointless discussions.

This can work both ways. One of the Veteran forums I’m a member of is ‘ruled’ by elderly veterans who have a very clear understanding of what goes and what not. This influences the type of posts. You either like this or you don’t. In one of my flight jacket forums, some member’s behavior led to people picking fights with each other. Not with words but with fists.

As soon as I joined TRF it became clear to me that it is a different forum. The love for Rolex and watches in general is just a common denominator, it’s the glue that holds us together. At that point in time I had a choice: leave or stay. I stayed.

There is truth in some of your reservations and I tried to look at TRF from a different angle. 'I have or want a Rolex and need advice or the answer to questions'. Most, if not al, real questions receive real answers. Agreed, after the answer is given, 9 out of 10 times the thread gets hijacked. But this is the nature of TRF, no one ever pretended it is otherwise. I have a very responsible job in IT which can put a strain on everyday life. TRF has become an escape valve. And I have a feeling that I’m not alone in this and I don’t view upon this as being something bad. I don’t perceive the remarks you hinted at as insults at all. (I can only speak for myself). And as long as those ‘insults’ are not directed at you I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

Perhaps you voice the opinion of a silent majority and should this be put to the test. If so, I invite those members who feel the same as you to speak out.

To end this potentially boring post: if you speak of feelings, don’t speak for others. The remark about the ranking holds no ground. Rankings are made up by an objective criterion: the number of posts. It says nothing about the quality of those posts, but just about the quantity. Larger forums are able to potentially generate more posts which influences the ranking. In this respect, #2 is an incredible performance al be it quite meaningless.

Thanks for reading.
Member# 127

Last edited by Goodwatch; 12 February 2006 at 02:01 AM..
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Old 12 February 2006, 01:41 AM   #5
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I think the fact that this forum has grown so quickly shows that we are doing something right here. Until May of 2005, this place was basically a dead forum, with very few posts. In less than a year, it has grown to it's present size and rank. In addition, most people who join in and comment on the nature of this place describe it in a positive way.

As Frans has pointed out, questions that are asked are generally answered. The fact that we can let a thread get hijacked and no one gets uptight about it shows that we are all pretty relaxed about how this place works. Many of us have been on other boards where this has not been the case, and quite frankly I enjoy this place more than any other.

We all take our watches seriously (to a degree) and we take our fun seriously. What we don't do is take ourselves too seriously. I visit other watch sites and can say that many offer much more in the way of hard technical information than we do here, but they certainly aren't as fun (in fact one I can think of is almost militant in their way of handling posts - no fun there). I think we strike a good balance here, although at times it can get out of hand. Although I appreciate your comments, in my personal view rather than try to change the nature of this forum (that has made it grow to where it is) maybe you should consider if this is really the right place for you.

I'm not being hostile, but if I found myself not fitting in with the flavour of a forum I was on, I would simply move on rather than try to change the place to suit me. Just a thought.

Oh yes, about being #1 - we are #1 on the European top 100 as I write this.

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Old 12 February 2006, 02:32 AM   #6
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Steve, Frans and Al have both stated the philosophy of TRF very well. It is first and foremost a place where a group of people can come together for fun and friendship, with a common denominator - an enjoyment of fine watches. Few if any of us are fanatics and most of us enjoy the humor that pervades TRF more than anything else.

Yes, we can have serious discussions about watches, but we try never to take ourselves too seriously (except when the occasion warrants, as when someone is experiencing personal or family problems). One of the hallmarks of TRF is our ability and willingness to tolerate thread hijacking. It makes for a much more sociable and family like environment.

This has become a place where friendships have been made. And even if we never meet in person, we know that we have friends out there with whom we can share things.

I have also frequented other fora, but I found that for the most part they are stuffy or too technical. TRF is one place where we can have a focus on fine watches but without the blinders that other places often have.

The bottom line is that TRF will continue to be a place where you can get good techical information but it will be sprinkled with a lot of humor, jesting and plain ol' cameraderie.

We would love to have you stay with us, but remember that these are the guidelines we set early on. If this isn't the kind of place you can enjoy, we will understand, but you have to go where you feel comfortable. You will always be welcome here.
Despite the high cost of living, it's still very popular.

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Old 12 February 2006, 04:29 AM   #7
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Well think all have been said,yes we have a bit of fun but we can be serious But as for myself and the rest of the Mods,we have worked to get TRF the friendly way it is now.We have done this without waving the big stick,and very seldom has any mod had to step in to correct things.I can relate to what you said Steve,but just read what you want to read.I can assure you will not find a more helpful friendly bunch of guys anywhere else on this planet.We do try and keep all members happy,but its very hard to please everybody all of the time,but Steve you will always be welcome on TRF.

ICom Pro3

All posts are my own opinion and my opinion only.

"The clock of life is wound but once, and no man has the power to tell just when the hands will stop. Now is the only time you actually own the time, Place no faith in time, for the clock may soon be still for ever."
Good Judgement comes from experience,experience comes from Bad Judgement,.Buy quality, cry once; buy cheap, cry again and again.

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Old 12 February 2006, 07:01 AM   #8
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I was about five paragraphs into this post when JJ called me. After about an hour of talking with him my terminal logged me off and I lost the entire post , but the talk was great and I wouldn't have missed it for the world. . So this one will be a greatly shortened version.

When I was shopping for my GMT I was searching the Internet for information. It seemed that my search engine always directed me to a forum. I read posts on several of them including this one. I even posted a question on three of them that are mentioned here quite often. I did receive accurate answers. Although they seemed to be full of alot of technical information. It appeared as though those who responded were more concerned with the other members of their forums seeing just how much they knew about watches, rather than what I was getting out of their answers.

When I posted here, not only did I receive a big welcome, but the answers seemed to have alot of thought behind them. Right away I felt comfortable and could see that all made it a point to make me feel that way.

I'm not really a computer person. I've never been involved in a forum before about anything, nor did I ever see myself becoming involved in one. But this place was different, mainly due to the personalities and tempo set by the people here.

I'm an investigative person by nature and not very trusting of other people. Yet the answers my questions receive here are satisfying, I don't feel a need to look into the matter any more. Thats due to the confidence in the members I've gained in my time here. For someone like me to feel that way about a group of people I've never met is saying alot.

I too, have a pretty stressful job. Initially we have to take everything seriously but afterward we make fun of and joke about everything. If we took it all seriously, we'd go crazy. The atmosphere here is much the same. I've never seen a thread about bad times, hardships or misfortune ever have humor made of it. Rather, they always receive sincere condolences and best wishes, not just the usual polite and appropriate sentiments offered in other places that appear so impersonal. The same applies to serious questions posted. They always seem to get an educated, accurate answer long before any humor is brought into the thread.

After my first post here I expected to obtain some information, offer my thanks and forget about this place altogether. Turns out, I really like this place. Not just for the watch talk and the wealth of information that is so freely offered, but more importantly because I enjoy the time I spend with members no matter what the topics may be.

I think it was Frans that first said "our love of watches is the glue that binds us together" that glue seems to have formed a strong seal. I firmly believe that if watches were to become obsolete tomorrow and there wasn't a watch left to speak of TRF members would still come here and laugh out loud to themselves at their computers and enjoy the time spent among friends no matter what the subject matter may be, I know I would. I think that the jovial tempo and relaxed, comfortable atmosphere is what makes this place what it is and why I, and I'm sure some others, now look forward to spending time here each day.

If I were to meet most of the members here face to face it really would feel more like bumping into an old friend and not that formal and sometimes uncomfortable initial meeting that would apply in most other cases. For me to feel that way about a group of people I've never met really says alot about the folks here.

I'm sorry to hear that you feel the way you do Steve. Although the jokes and wisecracks sometimes interfere with the smooth flow of a thread of a thread, I've never once seen them decrease the seriousness of the initial thread or the value of the information offered in the posted replies. If it weren't for the humorous atmosphere established by the people here I for one would have never stayed.
Me? I'm still looking for Kokomo. I just hope that damn golfer isn't there
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Old 12 February 2006, 07:09 AM   #9
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Craig, I feel just the same buddy! We are from all walks of life but here that just doesn't matter. That's so great about this place. Great reply!
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Old 12 February 2006, 07:12 AM   #10
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First I thought I read "I was about five pages into this post". I thought, oh no, he's about to write his memoires
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Old 12 February 2006, 08:19 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by C.J.
I was about five paragraphs into this post when JJ called me. After about an hour of talking with him my terminal logged me off and I lost the entire post , but the talk was great and I wouldn't have missed it for the world. . So this one will be a greatly shortened version.

When I was shopping for my GMT I was searching the Internet for information. It seemed that my search engine always directed me to a forum. I read posts on several of them including this one. I even posted a question on three of them that are mentioned here quite often. I did receive accurate answers. Although they seemed to be full of alot of technical information. It appeared as though those who responded were more concerned with the other members of their forums seeing just how much they knew about watches, rather than what I was getting out of their answers.

When I posted here, not only did I receive a big welcome, but the answers seemed to have alot of thought behind them. Right away I felt comfortable and could see that all made it a point to make me feel that way.

I'm not really a computer person. I've never been involved in a forum before about anything, nor did I ever see myself becoming involved in one. But this place was different, mainly due to the personalities and tempo set by the people here.

I'm an investigative person by nature and not very trusting of other people. Yet the answers my questions receive here are satisfying, I don't feel a need to look into the matter any more. Thats due to the confidence in the members I've gained in my time here. For someone like me to feel that way about a group of people I've never met is saying alot.

I too, have a pretty stressful job. Initially we have to take everything seriously but afterward we make fun of and joke about everything. If we took it all seriously, we'd go crazy. The atmosphere here is much the same. I've never seen a thread about bad times, hardships or misfortune ever have humor made of it. Rather, they always receive sincere condolences and best wishes, not just the usual polite and appropriate sentiments offered in other places that appear so impersonal. The same applies to serious questions posted. They always seem to get an educated, accurate answer long before any humor is brought into the thread.

After my first post here I expected to obtain some information, offer my thanks and forget about this place altogether. Turns out, I really like this place. Not just for the watch talk and the wealth of information that is so freely offered, but more importantly because I enjoy the time I spend with members no matter what the topics may be.

I think it was Frans that first said "our love of watches is the glue that binds us together" that glue seems to have formed a strong seal. I firmly believe that if watches were to become obsolete tomorrow and there wasn't a watch left to speak of TRF members would still come here and laugh out loud to themselves at their computers and enjoy the time spent among friends no matter what the subject matter may be, I know I would. I think that the jovial tempo and relaxed, comfortable atmosphere is what makes this place what it is and why I, and I'm sure some others, now look forward to spending time here each day.

If I were to meet most of the members here face to face it really would feel more like bumping into an old friend and not that formal and sometimes uncomfortable initial meeting that would apply in most other cases. For me to feel that way about a group of people I've never met really says alot about the folks here.

I'm sorry to hear that you feel the way you do Steve. Although the jokes and wisecracks sometimes interfere with the smooth flow of a thread of a thread, I've never once seen them decrease the seriousness of the initial thread or the value of the information offered in the posted replies. If it weren't for the humorous atmosphere established by the people here I for one would have never stayed.
Spot on bruddah
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Old 12 February 2006, 08:26 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by mailman
Spot on bruddah
Your real name is Paul. Oops, no hijacking in this thread, sorry
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Old 12 February 2006, 01:58 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Goodwatch
Your real name is Paul. Oops, no hijacking in this thread, sorry
Went to see Firewall tonight. What did you do?
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Old 12 February 2006, 02:54 PM   #14
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Beautiful and very appropriate post, CJ...thanks!
Words fail me in expressing my utmost thanks to ALL of you for this wonderful support during my hour of need!!

I firmly believe that my time on planet earth is NOT yet up!! I shall fight this to the very end.......and WIN!!
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Old 12 February 2006, 03:27 PM   #15
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Alright you guys, I admit it, I had a tough day when I went into TRF and saw all your happy happy remarks to eachother overcrowding various topics. I shouldn't have even switched on the PC that day.

Boy did I get some feathers ruffled!

One or two of you saw the rationale in what I was saying however, some of the others digressed at length with veiled indignanty. Great writing though!

I meant no malice and I make no apologies, because I believe I have offended no-one. I will not broach this topic again.

I guess I might be the wrong place on this forum because I probably belong to the grumpy old men club. One day you may all reach that time of your life.

On that note, I will leave you to enjoy your discussions and kidding around.

I'll be gone from here for a while because I think I need a break.

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Old 12 February 2006, 04:01 PM   #16
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Steve, I am sorry to see you go if in fact you are, that really is too bad. I will say that in threads like the reviews, I don't even see a need to have responses, let alone banter. Any follow up questions can surely go on the watch boards.

But you also must remember that we are still an infant, growing and improving as a group. I think we all have a basis for what we want, and there will be some growing pains along the way. Like I said, I hope you will reconsider, as I really enjoy your posts. I think threads like this one you have started are what is going to make us better in the long run, so stick around and don't be afraid to suggest ways to help us improve, I know I personally appreciate it.
You either get it or you don't, if you have to ask, YOU DON'T!!

I really hope that midget cop doesn't find me in Kokomo.
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Old 12 February 2006, 06:14 PM   #17
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Frans, Paul and JJ, Thanks for the sentiments and replies to my post but really, none are necessary. It's you guys and all of the members here who should be thanked and congratulated I hate to type, but that post was well earned and very much deserved by you guys. I felt I had to say it. (TWICE )
Me? I'm still looking for Kokomo. I just hope that damn golfer isn't there
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Old 12 February 2006, 06:19 PM   #18
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Daren's right, Steve....stick around and just relax in the fun. You haven't ruffled any feathers. The guys just said what they felt was right. You just go ahead and be your normal self and post as you've done in the past. Hope you can stick around.

Cheers - JJ
Words fail me in expressing my utmost thanks to ALL of you for this wonderful support during my hour of need!!

I firmly believe that my time on planet earth is NOT yet up!! I shall fight this to the very end.......and WIN!!
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Old 12 February 2006, 06:20 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Goodwatch
First I thought I read "I was about five pages into this post". I thought, oh no, he's about to write his memoires
Fransy, if I had have been five pages in and lost the post it would have been impossible to re-type. The computer would have been right out the friggen window
That happened to me once at work, I was several pages in to a long report and lost it. I was flipping out so bad that they sent me home. It took almost a dozen chocolate frosted to settle me down

Did I really say that was a "greatly shortened version" What the hell was I thinking
Me? I'm still looking for Kokomo. I just hope that damn golfer isn't there
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Old 12 February 2006, 06:25 PM   #20
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Steve, I'm sorry to see you you'll be taking some time off. I for one took no offense to your thread and I sincerely hope that you took none from mine. I was just adding my 2cents in more of a complimentary nature that anything else. You are one of the members here I enjoy talking with. I hope to see you back, soon.
Me? I'm still looking for Kokomo. I just hope that damn golfer isn't there
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Old 12 February 2006, 07:43 PM   #21
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Well Steve think all members here will be sorry to see you leave just have a re-think.But if you feel you must go,thats up to you.But you will always be welcome back at any time.

ICom Pro3

All posts are my own opinion and my opinion only.

"The clock of life is wound but once, and no man has the power to tell just when the hands will stop. Now is the only time you actually own the time, Place no faith in time, for the clock may soon be still for ever."
Good Judgement comes from experience,experience comes from Bad Judgement,.Buy quality, cry once; buy cheap, cry again and again.

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Old 12 February 2006, 10:32 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by C.J.
Did I really say that was a "greatly shortened version" What the hell was I thinking
Yes you did and I chose to leave it alone
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Old 13 February 2006, 03:22 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by TARDIS
Alright you guys, I admit it, I had a tough day when I went into TRF and saw all your happy happy remarks to eachother overcrowding various topics. I shouldn't have even switched on the PC that day.

Boy did I get some feathers ruffled!

One or two of you saw the rationale in what I was saying however, some of the others digressed at length with veiled indignanty. Great writing though!

I meant no malice and I make no apologies, because I believe I have offended no-one. I will not broach this topic again.

I guess I might be the wrong place on this forum because I probably belong to the grumpy old men club. One day you may all reach that time of your life.

On that note, I will leave you to enjoy your discussions and kidding around.

I'll be gone from here for a while because I think I need a break.

Steve, I'm sorry you feel a need to take a break from TRF. Please believe it when we say you ruffled no feathers here. Believe me, if you had, the guys would have let you know it in no uncertain terms.

On the contrary, the guys were merely expressing why we are all here and what we feel makes TRF special and different from other watch fora.

We truly would love to have you stick around and participate here. To reiterate what I and others have said, we value your participation and you are always welcome here.
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Old 13 February 2006, 03:24 AM   #24
JJ Irani
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Originally Posted by Rockrolex
Steve, I'm sorry you feel a need to take a break from TRF. Please believe it when we say you ruffled no feathers here. Believe me, if you had, the guys would have let you know it in no uncertain terms.

On the contrary, the guys were merely expressing why we are all here and what we feel makes TRF special and different from other watch fora.

We truly would love to have you stick around and participate here. To reiterate what I and others have said, we value your participation and you are always welcome here.
How come I never hear such sweet nothings in my ear?
Words fail me in expressing my utmost thanks to ALL of you for this wonderful support during my hour of need!!

I firmly believe that my time on planet earth is NOT yet up!! I shall fight this to the very end.......and WIN!!
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Old 13 February 2006, 03:26 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by JJ Irani
How come I never hear such sweet nothings in my ear?
Do you want me to lie and say you are always welcome here?

Who loves you, baby?
Despite the high cost of living, it's still very popular.

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Old 13 February 2006, 03:28 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Rockrolex
Do you want me to lie and say you are always welcome here?

Who loves you, baby?
I love my Monday mornings when I read such posts!!
Words fail me in expressing my utmost thanks to ALL of you for this wonderful support during my hour of need!!

I firmly believe that my time on planet earth is NOT yet up!! I shall fight this to the very end.......and WIN!!
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Old 13 February 2006, 03:29 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by JJ Irani
I love my Monday mornings when I read such posts!!
It's a snowy Sunday afternoon here.
Despite the high cost of living, it's still very popular.

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Old 13 February 2006, 03:33 AM   #28
JJ Irani
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Originally Posted by Rockrolex
It's a snowy Sunday afternoon here.
Whoa! And here I am sitting in my shorts and NOTHING else (even peeled off my singlet) bloody warm.

Nice thought, uh?
Words fail me in expressing my utmost thanks to ALL of you for this wonderful support during my hour of need!!

I firmly believe that my time on planet earth is NOT yet up!! I shall fight this to the very end.......and WIN!!
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Old 13 February 2006, 03:36 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by JJ Irani
Whoa! And here I am sitting in my shorts and NOTHING else (even peeled off my singlet) bloody warm.

Nice thought, uh?
Go ahead, rub it in.

Now you know why I don't whisper sweet nothings in you ear.
Despite the high cost of living, it's still very popular.

Tosser Cabinet Member

Official Member: 'Perpetual 30' Vegas International GTG 2016
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Old 13 February 2006, 03:38 AM   #30
JJ Irani
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Words fail me in expressing my utmost thanks to ALL of you for this wonderful support during my hour of need!!

I firmly believe that my time on planet earth is NOT yet up!! I shall fight this to the very end.......and WIN!!
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