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Old 26 February 2018, 09:45 AM   #1
George Ab
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Imposter of George Ab; SCAM Alert

There is someone who is attempting to assume my identity. It is not me, but a scam. I have not been selling since 2014. The below email address that is being used is NOT mine.

I know of this as there have been two forum members who have contacted me asking if I am selling a White Daytona. This is the for sale post:

The real George Ab

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Old 28 February 2018, 04:38 AM   #2
George Ab
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FYI: Some additional information I gathered from another forum member:

I would like to kindly ask you to post on my behalf of what I wrote.

Below is my post Im not sure if you can copy it from here. If not please give me your email so I can send you the file. Thank you!

*NOTE: I am from Thailand so pardon my English from here on but PLEASE READ TIL THE END

Here is what I'd like to share.

I'm not a seller, only a collector. I use "watchrecon" app to hunt for my watches. I have 116500 on alert mode. I have been tracking it everyday but suddenly an alert came through on 25/2/18 of this post

However it was dated 23/2/18 which I found a little odd. This I began to contact him.

Here is his reply

I'll put it in text for hyperlink:

I am selling because I want to acquire funds to finance a new project, see link to reference

I have completed a lot of deals and has been a member on NW54 since 2014.

Some more reference,
Please contact:
Kurt Sold a Rolex 116610 to him.


Phillip Rolex 114060, they can attest to successful deals with me.

My wife and I own several beauty suppliers including Vancouver Beauty Supply( and

I am also a competitive powerlifter in the IPF.
So here is pretty much everything about me. I'm am just a guy looking to sell my watch. Let me know."
As you can see the link of reference he gave me is a reference for the REAL George AB from TRF which I did not realize at first but I still have my doubts.

So I looked into the website of his business references and found that it is a badly coded website. If you clink into "ABOUT US" of both sites you can clearly see it is like a cover website just to appear a trustworthy references.

Then I thought I tried asking him that I would pay by PAYPAL to see his reaction.

After that I began contacting one of his references "Phillip MK"

I then began digging into this specific sale and found that FAKE Georgeabrahams sold the 114060 on November 2017.

*Unfortunately I was not able to capture this post at the time as now I think he already deleted the post after sending me pictures of the watch*

However after googling PhillipMK I found that he posted for sale a 114060 via this link

Please pay close attention at the picture of the watch in PhillipMK's post that it is the exact same watch as the one FAKE George Abrahams sold which I will show you next.

I asked Georgeabrahams to send me picture of his 114060 that he sold to PhillipMK at 12:21AM on 26/2/18 to his email: see in attached below.

Turns out it was who sent me the picture instead at 12:25AM on 26/2/18. I guess he forgot to switch email account which blew his cover. Now I realize Phillipmk and FAKE georgeabrahams is the same person.

Few minutes after that he tried to correct his mistake by sending me another picture of the watch. 12:32AM on 26/2/18.

Now that I know he is a complete fraud I told him that I agreed to wire transfer for the watch just to get his real Bank Account number.

Hello there, see account details I use to deal my luxury watches:

Bank Name: Bank of America
Acc Name: Mary Ann Johnson
Acc No: 446038187805
routing number: 026009593
Swift code: BOFAUS6S
Bank: address: 222 Broadway, New York 10038.
Home address: 156 E 3rd st, New York, NY 10038.

Let me know when wire Transfer is complete with your shipping details, I will ship same day payment is received.
After all this I tried to get in contact with the REAL George AB to let him know that he has an impostor.

Thanks for reading and hope that every one will be on alert.

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Old 28 February 2018, 05:08 AM   #3
cpd stick
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Nicely done man..I contacted him as well about a BLNR...asshole scammers
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