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Old 26 July 2005, 07:03 PM   #1
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ter·ror·ism n.

The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organised group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

Ok, so as many of you know who have been alive for the past 10 years, terrorism is a major world political issue. I would like to have a discussion as to how terrorism should be handled. I'm not asking what any country should or shouldn't do in any particular scenario, rather, I would like to discuss how terrorism--often a subjective term--should be dealt with by a civilised and orderly society.

I often hear people say that violence only spurs them on. Or that a large scale reaction on the part of government, only serves to spur them on. And proves to them that they are having a serious influence on the society they are seeking to influence. Others say that since suicide bombers, and those who kill innocent civilians through acts of terrorism cannot be reasoned with or ignored. We must therefore seek them out and destroy them...kill or be killed. There are many schools of thought in between, but I would be interested in hearing everyone's opinions of the best way to combat or minimise terrorism.
I believe there is an element of Islam that believes the Sharia should be the only law of the land. They will be happy when the laws of the Sharia rule the world. The western world counters this belief. I didn't make this up and wish it wasn't true.

If you were the leader of a country who was attacked in a large scale manner by "terrorists", what would your resolve be?

ICom Pro3

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Old 26 July 2005, 11:06 PM   #2
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This is a very heavy subject, Peter, and one that takes a lot of thought. However, I'll plunge ahead with my initial thinking.

First, it seems we need to determine what it is that the terrorists want. I'm not talking about the front line suicide bombers - they are merely the brainwashed soldiers. But the powers that be -what are their goals? And is there a single group that is behind the power? Is it Bin Laden; or are there other groups or individuals as well?

It seems to me that you cannot effectively fight your "enemy" if you don't know who they are or what they want. The U.S. found out in Vietnam that you can't fight an enemy that can hide among your "friends". So if the terrorists are all Muslim, how do you distinguish between "good" Muslims and "bad" Muslims.

Do the terrorists want world religuious domination? Are they so egotistical to think that theirs is the only true way? Dumb question. Of course they do. Where does this thinking come from. I believe it comes from some fanatic religious leaders in Moslem countries who have spearheaded the extremist movements. The Ayotollah Khomeni in Iran was probably the most visible of these fanatics. The Taliban leaders in Afghanistan were among other visible fanatic religious leaders. Bin Laden is not a religious leader. He is merely a hate filled fanatic. But where did this hate come from? Was it his upbringing in Saudi Arabia?

Can you start a dialog with these fanatics to try to convince them of the "error" of their ways? That would be one possiblly rational solution. Can that happen. I am not naive enough to believe it will ever come to pass.

Until we can come up with some workable solution, I believe we need to remain vigilant. I am a firm believer in profiling. Anyone who thinks otherwise is naive and has their head in the sand. Naturally, you're going to find one or two who don't fit the profile, but on the whole, most will.

I have some other thoughts on how to deal with the problem, but they are not for a public forum.
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Old 26 July 2005, 11:57 PM   #3
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Excellent post Ed

Terrorists are often from so called oppressed minorities within a country or regime which in the terrorists eyes at least, has been occupied and/or governed by those without a right to be there.

In Ireland, it was the British. In the middle east, it is an opposite religion, and so it follows all over the world. In Africa, it is warring tribes-people. In South Africa it was whites against blacks.

We have to bear in mind that parts of the world do not have the information systems in place that we do. We are constantly made aware of the after effects of Terrorism by various media, and so we have a global view that those in other parts of the world have no access to.

As such, we have no ability to see both sides of an argument that others do not. For example, imagine being born a black south African in a ghetto community 30 years ago. Your family, friends, co-workers will have one view of the apartheid system and that is the only view you would ever come into contact with. My point is this.... information breeds intelligence, intelligence breeds understanding, understanding breeds peace.

My solution to terrorism therefore is a global community. One where everyone has equal and fair representation, where there are no borders, there is only one law and where everyone is equal.

OK, that said, it's unlikely to happen. The United Nations strives for a similar philosophy for years with little change being affected.

So what stands in the way of this change? Quite simply, money oil!

Those who hold the purse hold the power.

Oppenheimer believed that by making the atomic bomb he was creating the ultimate weapon, not as a destructive force but as a deterrent. His concept was almost a flawless one. Build a bomb capable of destroying EVERYTHING and nobody will dare risk having it used against them. Unfortunately we are now back to square one, and the time is arriving where everyone has the ultimate deterrent, and the threat becomes universal again.

There really is no solution in sight. Does anyone actually know why terrorists strike? Do terrorists really believe that killing the innocent is a poke in the eye, to those in power is going to ever affect a change I would doubt?

Terrorism is the new world war, fought in back streets and among civilians rather than on a battlefield, where the might of the wealthy renders the David and Goliath story impossible.

My opinion is this:

Counter terrorism is an equal act of terrorism, It's all war and in war there is never a winner in the true sense of the word.But all I wish for, that my Grandchildren to grow up in a world, without fear,and this old world will be at peace.

ICom Pro3

All posts are my own opinion and my opinion only.

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